I do get it. However, I don't think that's the end game. I think Agendae 21 and 30, with genocide of ~6.5 Billion people and a deified investor class that alone are capable of producing sperm, and own everything on Earth, is the end game.
Medical martial law is just the beginning.
of course this is just part two one being the fake war on terror
edit: wait maybe its part three or four, one being the war on real money, then the war on drugs then the war on terror, and now the war on infected/or uninfected citizens.
Well, the important thing to me is to make sure I am not sterilized or killed for as long as possible, and that includes starving to death.
I consider the extant circumstances very unstable, extremely dangerous, and am undertaking to ensure that no matter what happens, before I starve to death I will gain access to food that can prevent my death.
History provides examples of starvation events that reveal visible sources of food have been seized and destroyed by government, and my plantings acknowledge that history. I do not count on electricity, my present abode, stores, jobs, or society to remain useful to me in my planning at the most basic level. I do try to reasonably assess likelihoods of total loss of these various resources, but know I cannot be sure of anything, and therefore plan on being wrong about everything as much as possible.