How do you find using tarot with your current level of awareness/awakening compared to many years ago?
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How do you find using tarot with your current level of awareness/awakening compared to many years ago?
My relationship with Tarot actually didn't start until I increased in my awareness. I was afraid of them and didn't trust it, much like many of the healing modalities out there. I was so afraid of anything that seemed outside of myself. I have had intuitive knowings my whole life, but I thought something was wrong with me. Now I innerstand the gift. I have met some beautiful aware people that still use Tarot for themselves and others. It is a connection that is personal for some. Even things such as dowsing seemed strange to me. But, I have a great friend that is very much aware and can dowse at such an amazing level. She uses it as confirmation with what she is feeling within. For me personally I have been shown and given tools that allow me to connect directly with my Greater Being without a need for Tarot or anything else really. I work from a heart centered space more than a headspace. But, I know Tarot still speak and carry wisdom when working with one's pure intentions. I know that many are net yet ready for what I would have to say on that. So, I use things like Tarot to share information that can be beneficial to those who accept Tarot, but are not yet ready to accept that I can connect with a greater aspect of myself knowing I am a creator and not created. It is part of sharing information and meeting people where they are.