and OMG, I tripped when I saw that National Geographic cover again... lol. inside story.
funny, us ending up sending links back and forth, as your comment is how I ended up here - though these are a couple recent posts that speak into this conversation from a slightly different angle:
If We Are Living In A Simulation, Now What...? (The Mindfuck Of Genetic Dynamics)
indeed, we in a very interesting evolutionary transition. some of the most interesting developments are likely to come as we realize the inherent capacities of our bodies themselves as the technology. much of what people are trying to achieve with brain implants and stuff like that, no physical hardware of any sort may actually be required down the line - the biggest leaps in the domain of "quantum computing" may come as we access our inherent capabilities of interacting with the fabric of reality itself, leveraging that interconnected systemas "the computer" - coding not into computers, but directly into the quantum field itself.
so much awesome stuff in the works and ahead... :-)
Thank you for these links! I knew you would have something interesting to say in response! I love "coding not into computers, but directly into the quantum field itself". I believe that is indeed the true design. Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I send some things your way once in a while. I am figuring out how to get a foothold in the community, and I find myself really resonating with your presence here!