I was in Bend, Oregon over the weekend, paddle boarding the Deschutes River and hiking the geological wonderland of Smith Rock State Park. Sipping the first few mouthfuls of my soul-warming morning coffee, I noticed a recent issue of National Geographic on the airbnb's coffee table. The cover catches my attention (see image below). I open the magazine to a 24 page article titled, "How Humans are Shaping our Evolution". This article had me reading fast, taking in every word and pausing to catch my breath as the enormity of the subject sunk in. The basic idea: Humans have taken evolution into their own hands. Science fiction is the new reality, and we can only imagine where it is taking us.
I thought VR was a trip, but now I learn that cyborgs already exist! Take for instance the 20,000 people who have implants that unlock doors and turn on computers. Or meet Neil Harrison, "who can perceive colors (including ultraviolet) only by transforming them into sounds he can hear through an antenna implanted in his head." Consider CRISPR, "a procedure to snip out a section of DNA sequence from a gene and put a different one in...producing not just a single child with (selected) intelligence and looks, but an endless race of them..."
For me the question is not "Where is all of this taking us?" but rather "Where is all of this coming from?" Here are my thoughts, quick and as simple as I can make them: Science is FINALLY catching on to the fact that we are quantum beings radiating out an holographic electromagnetic field capable of projecting our consciousness not just across the room but across the world and through the far reaches of the universe. Mystics and shamans from across traditions have been teaching for millennia that we actually have access to 360 senses, not just five (did you know that you have iron deposits in your nose that can help you align to the magnetic field of the Earth?). Neuroscience explains that we seriously underutilize the massive complexity of our brains, and that when we make new neural connections and pathways our awareness expands exponentially. The things we are looking to achieve with technology- like telepathy, time travel, miraculous physical healing and infinite abundance- are already built in human capacities that we have yet to access. (Or have forgotten how. Consider the advanced civilizations like pre-ancient Egypt).
So why are trying to turn ourselves into cyborgs when we are already perfectly designed to be quantum magicians?
I think it's because our human BEINGNESS is like a superpower computer, but it needs the right programming. Instead of living in a culture that programs us as the sovereign, powerful magicians that we are, we live in a culture that programs us with viral, fear based codes that have us convinced that we are doomed to suffering. (Thank you paradigm of the patriarchy!) Today's technology is being driven by the fear based need to end suffering. Trouble is, as Einstein (who knew a lot more about all this than me) so aptly put it, we can't solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it.
So I want to ask your brilliant hearts and minds, what do you think? What do you want? To deprogram fear based conditioning that perpetuates suffering and scarcity? To activate and then create from the innate blueprints for our quantum-magician, infinitely generative true nature? Or to continue to create technologies and a world where suffering reigns supreme while we are held prison by the illusion of separateness? To continue to make choices that serve to manipulate and sever us from our selves, each other and the Earth?
Technologies are not bad, just as money isn't bad. What we need to be looking at is the consciousness that is creating these tools. Steemians already know a good deal about this!
National Geographic article "How Humans are Shaping our Evolution" written by T.D. Max.
Brilliant post!
Technological advancement is being fueled by many things but there is without a doubt a lot of fear fueling it. Fear of death, fear of stagnation, resistance to looking inside for the cause of problems, rather than outside. And so this fear is preventing us from making internal advancements and answers to problems that would not create new problems. It's all a learning curve I guess. I do hope more and more people start to see it your way sooner rather than later.
Hi whatamidoing! Thank you for your response. I couldn't have said it better myself. I am going to follow you. It is fun and exciting for me to meet people like you who are open and eager to engage in these evolving conversations. More content from both of us for sure!
and OMG, I tripped when I saw that National Geographic cover again... lol. inside story.
funny, us ending up sending links back and forth, as your comment is how I ended up here - though these are a couple recent posts that speak into this conversation from a slightly different angle:
If We Are Living In A Simulation, Now What...? (The Mindfuck Of Genetic Dynamics)
The Fine Line Between Genius & Insanity: Dancing Through Genetic Dimensions Of Hyperspace... PART ONE (of three)
The Hidden Roots: What No One Has Told You About Why We Become Diseased And Die (And What May Be Limiting The Development Of "Superhuman" Potentials)...
indeed, we in a very interesting evolutionary transition. some of the most interesting developments are likely to come as we realize the inherent capacities of our bodies themselves as the technology. much of what people are trying to achieve with brain implants and stuff like that, no physical hardware of any sort may actually be required down the line - the biggest leaps in the domain of "quantum computing" may come as we access our inherent capabilities of interacting with the fabric of reality itself, leveraging that interconnected systemas "the computer" - coding not into computers, but directly into the quantum field itself.
so much awesome stuff in the works and ahead... :-)
Thank you for these links! I knew you would have something interesting to say in response! I love "coding not into computers, but directly into the quantum field itself". I believe that is indeed the true design. Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I send some things your way once in a while. I am figuring out how to get a foothold in the community, and I find myself really resonating with your presence here!
So. Much. Yes. Very enlightening! I love your analogy about beingness. I agree, with the right "programming" we can really change the direction of humanity. Love & light ✨