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RE: Why I'm afraid of becoming a refugee

in #life9 years ago (edited)

It will sort itself out. The world is currently only afraid of muslims because of recent muslim terrorism. 30 years ago, no-one was scared of muslims.

Muslim terrorism is a function of Saudi exporting their zealotry, and trying to "arabize" other muslims who have very different traditions. Saudi has only been able to do this in the last decade or so because the oil price was so high and they had a lot of money to spend on supporting terrorists etc.

But take heart - the oil price is now about $46, and it has been down since the end of 2014. If the world can just keep the price low for another three years, that should smash Saudi's ability to spend money on terrorism, they'll have to cut the financing because they'll have more pressing things to spend on at home.

Once the money for terrorism is gone, the terrorism itself will dissapear, fear will dissapear and life will return to normal for everyone.

Irish terrorism is a great example of this. It was being financed by American citizens who thought it was fun to blow up innocent people in England. Then Bill Clinton banned the IRA from travelling to the US for fund-raising purposes. The IRA had to go to the negotiating table because the money to continue terrorism just wasn't there. The Good-Friday agreement was signed in 1999 and ratified by referendums. But in 2003, the IRA once again flounced out and threatened to start killing again. George Dubya Bush listed them as a banned terrorist org which meant that any American financing them would go to jail - and the IRA stopped and went back to the negotiating table.

It's nearly twenty years later - and things have normalised. True some splinter Irish terrorist groups still manage to get a small amount of funding from Americans and they try to set off bombs in schools elc, but most of the time they have been thwarted. As a result of the peace, people don't look at the Irish as deviant terrorists anymore.

The rule is that prejudice is always motivated by fear and that a few people can cause the majority to fear an entire group and label them all as killers. But once the money is cut off from the terrorists, they are unable to operate, and the majority realize that the bulk of the minority were not bad people, and things normalise.

Just pray that the oil price stays low for the next five years, and everything will improve.


I have never heard this perspective before. It's fascinating!

"I am also not Christian, not male and am bisexual..."
It's just a real silly nonsense!
Come to us at Donbass (Ukraine)
I'll show you a real problem!