Guess we're all dead in my building in event of a fire then, none of us have name tags XD
I think our building would be a lot smaller and less populated than yours
I want to know how Egg* found your manager given that he didn't know who you were to begin with XD

I think he went bleating to anyone who would listen! 🤣🤣
Really though, hardly anyone signs in or has name tags. I suspect I was the last straw! If they have is back our desire they would know who we all are 😃
Oh my god. I can't either. I was walking and typing!
I can't parse the last sentence ^_^;
Oh my god. I can't either. I was walking and typing!
And when I replied the above I replied to myself. I am on fire today 🤣🤣
Relatable XD
I am laughing so hard right now XD