Part 1
Are you having fun? If not, what should change?
Yes, but I need more hours in the day to juggle work and family, so I have more time...
2.Do you feel like you're getting what you want out of this?
Yes, I wasn't naive in that I knew I needed to get a grip with Steemit in a way that would work for me. I didn't expect this level of detail. I feel like I'm learning a lot.
3.What will you do today to engage your audience?
Spend an hour commenting, something I don't really spend much time doing (due to time)
4.List your stats. Are you seeing growth?
Growth in Followers
5.How many average comments would you like to see on your posts?
Part 2
One of my favourite bloggers is @meesterboom. He is hilarious, and in terms of engagement there are a few things that I feel he does that is very 'engaging' The following are things I would like to do, or do better.
- Create a better format, his posts are very clear and structured, creating better engagement. His own pictures also tell another part of his blog story, something I have tried to enhance.
- His regular posting shows a level of commitment, I aim to create more focused time (Difficult when you manage a flexible working day!)
- Comment on every post made, and engage on others more.
Part 3
Even before clicking your post, am already engaged by thinking of 'topic 7', great title really eye-catching.