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RE: A Post I Tried to Put Off but Our Family Needs Serious Help For my Father and His Health

in #life8 years ago

Thank you so much @theprophet0 for that huge boost on this. Really means a lot. I try to usually just post crypto, news, anarchy stuff but seeing the stress lately on my parents made me feel its time I opened up to this great community I been backing a lot lately. You really did us a huge golden and I can not thank you enough. I been following you by the way for a few weeks lol...just been so busy with my Steemit Blogger Central thing for the community that I haven't had much time to comment on everyone's posts. At the least this will at least help my dad to tackle the bills getting in the way so he can take care of the health issues, I will keep everyone posted on this. Thank you again so much, starting to feel a little like I can maybe help them a bit more than my own personal situation was able to manage


No worries! I wish you the best.. I don't like to see people struggling.

I am the same very way. It just hits at the worst moments, me and my fiance are just about to get ahead of the curve so our hands are so tied past a couple hundred we have to spare to help...on our side things are looking up but my parents just seem to keep hitting life roadblocks. A lot of it though is the raising of the interest rates on their home, government has them pretty enslaved as home owners which started this trigger effect when we look back. Very appreciated and its going straight to him come pay out. He is going to be so pissed I did this here but hey when you need help you ask and he is stubborn about that so had no choice lol. Thanks again, good spirit about you which is refreshing