The missconceptions I had about adults.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I was a little child,

I thought adults can do no wrong.
I thoughts adults never lie.
I thoughts adults always set
the example for how children in the future are
supposed to be.

Even though I knew I should not talk to strangers,
and I knew wars where being waged over the world,
I still thought that adults where what you could say
moraly superior to children.

Now I'm 29 years old, And ooh was I wrong.
This perception was put to the test when I was very young.
Even though I had a teacher that as an authority figure provoked
other children into bullying one of their classmates.
I still had that thought.

But when I was around 9 years old,
I got into a fight with one of my friends and
caught my friends mom, lying to my mom,
right in front of my face. She told my mom
that I called her names, and was swearing at her.

And while she told her that, she even came off as a lying 8 year old.
Ofcourse I never did swear at her, because my parents had taught me otherwise.
My real swearing days came later If I recall, and the worst of it was shortlived.
But it was at that point, that I remember to be concious of the fact
that adults are not these moraly superior beings. They can lie too.

And not just lie in order to protect themselves,
No no no, really lie in order to hurt you,
a 9 year old ignorant kid.

Ofcourse to me that does not mean all
people that lie are bad.
We all lie sometimes.
Many of us have something to hide,
or something that we are ashamed of.

Now years later,
I was watching the news.
And they where talking about bullying.
Not kids bullying at school.
But adults bullying their co-workers on the workplace.
Hearing this still somehow amazes me.
If you are an middle aged adult,
whats gotten into you that you need to make
someones life miserable by bullying and belitteling them?

I think humanity has some problems to solve on this one.
Not sure if it is possible though


Hey man, it's decent subject matter, but horribly written. Proof-read it and check out Grammar girl or something similar to learn about comma usage and the correct form of "where vs were" and little things like that.

Yea!!! Get’em... terrible writing and grammar! This is theeee “Bully the writer” thread right?!?! Oh shit... hope you are ok w my punctuation.

yeah sorry about that, I used to have a grammar plugin before, but have not been able to use it since my
computer broke down.