I know this is going to be a minefield but here goes!
Wanted to start by saying I am not racist (in my opinion, call me what you will). I have Kenyan girlfriend who is 'Coloured, black' and I am 'white,' even so you still may have a different opinion.
I was always taught when younger the rhyme........ Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
I have discovered who I am by asking why, why, why all the time. Not through God or some spiritual means. I am an anarchist and not patriotic. I follow no traditions. This is MY life and I respect that it is YOUR life.
I know who I am and what I am searching for and why.
I have experienced racism from the 'black' community and see it from the 'white'. Personally I think its hilarious that people are upset/angry and someone because their ancestors had different weather conditions.
I understand we do not chose where we are born or the colour of our skin etc etc.
I think we have all become too politically correct.
So I want to explore why I am apparently not allowed to say the word nigger! (my girlfriend does not mind)
So here is my debate!
R and B, pop culture and especially rap and have no issue putting the word nigger into their songs.
My younger children hear music on the radio and sing along saying the word nigger and I am supposed to reprimand them?
I mean if the word is not supposed to be used then stop using it?
Or allow everyone to say what they want as after all it is just a word!
Is this not racism? One collective/group (call it what you will) can do a certain thing you cannot?
Calling someone names makes them feel hurt and upset. I understand this but wouldnt it be better to help that person love themselves for who they are rather than trying to change 8 billion people to change every week to suit someone elses wants and needs?
Soon we will just stop talking to each other because we are going to be afraid to speak for fear of upsetting people.
Maybe its me and I just dont get society!
Please send me you thoughts on this subject but please try to be rational and logical
Make love not war....Trust me its much more fun :)
Dont forget to upvote and post a comment if you have something to add!
If I were offended... would it affect your opinion or would me expressing it's offensiveness be a waste of words?
I posted this to listen to other people opinions.
If I were offended... would it affect your opinion?
Depends on your reasons. If your logic and understanding that it would be equal and fair then yes.
I would say because when it's used in R&B songs and general pop culture, the connotations associated with it are positive. It's more about friendship and brotherhood.
On the other hand, there are negative connotations associated with it when people outside of groups use it due to slavery and past racism.
It's not the word that's the problem. It's the connotations.
It seems to me that based on your post, I can positively say that if you were to say that word around melanated individuals, it would be taken as derogatory and disrespectful.
Example ... people that DO use that word when amongst themselves or acquaintances DO NOT or HAVE NOT ever needed permission to use that word.
The fact that you are wondering if you yourself are allowed to say it, most likely means that you should not be saying it.
There is not much positivity that can or will come from unmelanated individuals using such a word.
The fact that your Kenyan girlfriend is melanated changes nothing about the word. African-Americans in the America's are often identified as black, however even though she may be dark-skinned, she has a Nationality and culture that is very different from that of the American so called 'Black' man.
In some circles, it would even be wise for her to avoid the use of the word.
Please do not feel the need to use that word. InshaAllah
I think you are missing the point here. Or maybe I am explaining it wrong.
To me its just a word it means nothing. Any name you could call me would mean nothing. It obviously means something to you because you refrain from using it.
The point here is its UNFAIR. I am not wondering if i should say it. I will say what I want when I want. I however do respect peoples feelings. I am simply having a debate. I see you want different rules for different people. To me thats NOT fair. How can the world strive for equality when everyone thinks they are special and deserve to be treated differently?
If we want to be equal and fair if one is allowed to do it we should all be allowed.
My Kenyan girlfriend was an example that I am not racist and when people have said nigger to her they have no idea where she comes from.
Just like you are rude to post my story on your channel trying to say I am ignorant! LMFAO
Please stop trying to play you have the moral high ground because you do not!
This is nothing to do with ignorance!