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RE: Death Kill

in #life10 months ago

Lady. I do not pay someone to come in and wipe my arse so I am not going to pay some random man to come in and murder a fucking tree for me.

Too right dude, I also have one of these menacing devices for those lanky trees. I didn't get the the cheap arse one and am glad of it. The saw is a little bendy and it takes some fucking effort to use these monsters at high level.


Yeah, sometimes the saw is a bit wobbly wobbly bendy but it is good stuff! The amount of offending branches I gave been able to reach these days is superb!!

I wouldn't be without mine, they are the closest ting to owning a Halbard (without the axe). My dog is terrified of it, and stares warily at the long end 😀

I can see animals being terrified of such a thing. I was getting the same reaction from the missus and the kids!!
