There are a lot of ways, methods and techniques, which you can use to make any dream comes true. Tenacity, sense of purpose, strength of will, self-discipline, indefatigable industry, at least, - are these methods! You can make a wish looking at the falling star or at the growing moon, you can desire at the noon of New Year. There are also meditative practices, affirmations, magic ceremonies and conspiracies…Get away! There are so many methods, but dreams don’t come true for so many people! Meanwhile, there are, at least, three reasons for such a behavior of dreams.
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The first reason is. This is not YOUR dream. What are you talking about will you ask me? It’s clear. This dream can be a dream of your parents. For example, they had been dreaming all their life of your musical career. Or maybe they wanted you to become a doctor and had inspired that idea to you.
You can follow to the social stereotypes. For example, you have decided that your top dream (aim) is to have a rest on Canary Islands and you will do everything to get it, only because there is such a belief in society. You have been impressed by the advertisement and you have been carried away by the dream to get a luxurious car (or TV, refrigerator, computer, renovation of house).
But to tell the truth that is not a question. You can give a birth to your dream by yourself, without influence from abroad, but all the same there are a few chances it will come true. It will be always something that will interfere with it. But you should know, that there are some measures that can help you to check is it your dream or not?!
YOUR dream is connected only with you. “I have a strong wish my son will get married to a good girl!”, “If only a can live in a huge house”, “I wish only my relatives were healthy”. That is not YOUR dream.
YOUR dream doesn’t go against your values. I mean against those things which have a value for you, which are significant for you.
YOUR dream is never acts out of spite. To have a dream of visiting Paris in colleague’s despite? Aspire to the marriage to spite ex-boyfriend? Live with a dream to buy a cool car as a counter to your boss car? Do you really think that this is YOUR DREAM?!
You can continue to test your dream to understand is it YOUR dream or not. If you achieve not your dream, you will not make your life happier and vice versa.
The second reason is nonconformity of energetic level to your dream. You have no resources to make it comes true. More over you don’t see nor opportunities, nor preconditions. Today it’s written a lot about different ways of thoughts, especially about the difference between thought of reach and poor people. Due to this difference the first can find an opportunity to get richer easily even in a period of crisis. And the second can only loose the opportunity and become poorer at the very period. But this is a fact that the way of our thoughts is a result of our energy functioning. Let us say that if you have become ill the way of your thoughts changes sharply, it takes down-to earth approaches (“I have to find some money for a medicine, to go to the pharmacy”) or pessimistic features (“oh, everything is awful! May be it’s a serious disease?!”) But it appears that you have had a good sleep, get up in a good mood in the morning, and decisions become to appear by themselves, variants that haven’t visited your mind till now, line up. It remains only to grow up your energy the opportunities and conditions have appeared mentally for your dreams come true. That is how it’s work.
How to control your energetic level and what does it depend on? This is an object of another discussion, and not very short discussion I should say. In the meantime turn attention to the way of your thoughts and try to move on another energetic level, where dreams come true.
The third reason is that you do nothing to make your dreams come true. Are you dreaming of the Mercedes, but have a nine-to-five rat race? Do you want to have a family and children, but spend all your evenings with TV and interesting book? Dream of separate apartment, but don’t hear about a credit or a flat lease? You can dream of everything during a long period of time and bewail about your bad luck.
Do you remember such a funny story: a man dreamt of the lottery loan and God said him: “I will make your dream comes true and you will win”. Since that very moment the man had begun to wait. But he couldn’t wait for his win. “You have cheated me”, - he told to the God. “No, I was honest with you”. – Said God. – “But you hadn’t do just a midget effort to stand up and buy a lottery ticket”.
That is all.
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Steem On!
Affirmation do not work! :-)
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