Feelings - HTHT | Emotional Chaos

in #life8 years ago
"It´s not always the heart. Sometimes your mind breaks as well." - r.h. Sin

Have you ever felt an emotional chaos before? Not knowing how to feel because so many things are going on in your life? It doesnt matter what -  it could be about your life partner, business, family, exiting news or anything different. I tend to overthinking which is so annoying. I could sit on a bench for hours just thinking about stuff until my brain hurts. This is actually a bad feature of myself which I am trying to get away from and I believe many others tend to overthinking as well. I have read so many quotes, books and articles about overthinking and everyone says that you need to stop overthinking because you are going to create problems that arent there! Which is true, I often had moments where I used to think for hours about situations that didnt happen at the end. I could have spend this time in a much better way but I didnt. I chose the hard and useless way which I regret. 

Sometimes you will experience stages in life where a lot is going to happen. As you might know, I am not the oldest and if you switch from a teenager to a woman, you have to be focused especially when you aspire a successful carrier like I do. So you have to deal with personal stuff like emotions, family (especially if you have a big family like me. 5 siblings, their children etc.) business projects, paperwork, setting new goals for the future, friends, personal interests and so on. 

I couldnt agree more with this quote. Do you also create problems with your own thoughts? This could actually end things before they ever get the chance to develop. 

Is overthinking something like a fear? Yes it is. It truly is. 

If you would feel comfortable in a certain situation, you wouldnt think about how it might go wrong. If you put imagination, memories, emotions and imagination into these thoughts, the fear just becomes worse.

Overthinking leads to negative thoughts. Its not good for your mind, neither for your health. 

That´s a reason why I write this post today. I have found some great ways to clear your mind at least for a moment to reconnect with your soul and to maybe just breathe for a second or two...

1. Run / Workout 

Well, this sounds maybe a little bit too easy but working out really helps me to refocus and to clear my mind. I always do workouts, it´s in my daily schedule but whenever I want to relax my brain, I go all out! I push weights until I reached my maximum, I run until I am craving for water, I let out all my energy, this makes it easy to get rid of your negative energy as well. After these powerful exercises I´d like to drink a lot of water, sit down and take a rest for at least 30 minutes. 

2. Mediation

I am definitely not a specialist when it comes to meditation but I trying as good as I can. I can not give you any informative advices because I am also at the beginning like everyone who started with mediation. I really think its helpful to me to find a comfortable position that I wont change during the mediation, I´d like to wear a sleep mask to make sure the light isnt bothering me, I put on my mediation playlist on Spotify (no advertisement) and start to count my breathing. If I start to concentrate on my breathing, I also stop overthinking because I´m focused on the breathing technique. 

3. Read a book

Once I started to use a book as a deflection against overthinking, I was struggling. My brain just couldnt stop and I read the lines but couldnt realize what was happening in the book that I was reading. But after some tries I managed to put away this emotional chaos and to focus on the story that the author was trying to tell me! It has so many benefits - you give your mind a huge portion of brain food, concentrate on more important things and forget about negativity as well!

4. Take a walk 

Yes, as easy as it sounds, take a walk. I wrote a lot about nature in the past couple of days and my opinion is still the same. I feel a connection between me and mothers nature! Taking a walk helps you to reconnect with your soul, you will smell the fresh air and feel the love of the flowers and trees as well. 

5. Write down positive thoughts

Emotional chaos sometimes means that you need a new structure in your life. There is just too much to think about. Help your memory a little bit in writing down your thoughts but only the positive ones. And you dont use any electronics for it, use a paper and pencil to make sure you wont forget any of these listings!

6. Take a bath

No, I dont mean a regular bath! As you might know, taking a bath is great for your muscles, your spirit will calm down and you will feel relaxed after a while. If you add some etherial oils into the bath tube, you will notice a big difference. These oils will strengthen your relaxation. 


These were some of my rituals that I do when I have to go through an emotional chaos. Refocusing and setting new goals is very important to me.

"Action prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be! " 

I hope you will add some of those tips into your schedule and I would love to hear how you feel about it after tying it!

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 

*Image source - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 7 |

There are 2 pages

Maybe i am what you can call an overly optimistic person. I just enjoy what life has to offer and take on challenges. Because there is no such thing as a "problem." :)

Bathing really do calms me up, not only physically but also psychologically. **
It's soothes our muscles and calms the soul.**

(thumbs up for the anime lady in the tub, i automatically like when i see anime. XD)

click here!This post received a 3.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @yukimaru! For more information,

haha me too, I am obsessed with anime! Thank you for your thoughts and advices about being optimistic. It really leads you through difficult stages in life with having much pain!

Feelings are wonderful to express and learn from them. But I think the most important is to make a difference when we have to make a decision: feelings cannot be the lider. We have to use the reason even if we are talking about people we love, because sometimes, we hurt our close people because of making a emotional decision instead of rational decision.

Hi @soldier,

nice post, thank you very much for sharing. If you like to have some ideas for meditation books/retreats that could help you further, just let me know! Greetings @travellove

Great! I always love to learn more, especially about meditation, if you could recommend any books,that would be amazing !

I can highly recommend the book "Power of now" of Eckhard Tolle! And on YouTube there is a great teacher you can listen to "Little Insight Episodes" of the Phuket Meditation Centre. Have fun!

Sometimes, in some situations, you MUST overthinking!

I dont agree with that. Thinking about stuff is good before you need to think about it before deciding! But overthinking means to worrying which is bad for your mental health.

I agree with you . Staying positive is so very important. Staying positive can get you through any rough times.

Especially love the quotes you pick in each post!
The one posts with sincere heart is worthy of highly esteemed!👍

plus: I love to take a walk especially when my mind is in chaos. It does not only help to calm down but to purify the spirit, and I'm wondering if that's the magic of getting along with no one but ourselves!

Well said! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Glad you enjoy my quotes

I love to read and play my favorite songs on the keyboard. You missed this important point, playing any musical instrument also kills the overthinking and we feel much relaxed. Can you share your meditation playlist here? I really need some good tracks to meditate.

I will do a spotify playlist and share it here with you, for sure !!!!
I dont play any musical instruments so I can not recommend it, because I havent tried it on my own! But I heard so much good stuff about it!

Yes dear I will wait for it. There are a lot of things which I have to learn from you. I am happy to find you here. I also made a post of water splash light bulb photo manipulation effect, check it now. You will really love it.

Great tips as usual! Funny you actually included going on walk, because that connects to blogpost I just posted "5 benefits of walking"

I saw your post and was thinking the same.

We didnt talk to each other for a few days cause we´re both so busy! So crazy that we used to choose similar themes

You both are the stemmit girls forever team.

You and @soldier made me get back on track about my fitness now 😎🙌🏼

Nice! Love to hear this

I always feel we both are somewhere connected to each other. Love this post about walking. This really reminds me to take a break, just jump into the nature and refocus your mind.

Very Beautiful Post @soldier . Every can relate this to their life , we all have been in same situation in our life. Nice points you covered and I sure it will help many of us. I liked 'Take a Bath' I will try this next time. Thanks for bringing wonderful life concepts . I love your posts , it's a delight reading them . Most of time I can relate them with my life. Thanks for being so positive and a hopeful view of life. Have a great day dear ☺

I am sure you will like a bath with etherial oils! Glad I you like it.

Its been a busy week for me . Didnt read many of your posts.. just catching up. You have great suggestions and if only we have the ability to do it consistsntly . I tried to workout,run and walk and i like to do it alone. That helps me think abt problems and solve it.. always great content from you and mrs steemit

Thank you! Physical activities are amazing to think about problems and solve them! Glad you are catching up right now!

I'll definitely try your all tips but firstly I'll write all my positive thoughts in mind thanx for sharing......

Great! First write down positive thoughts and after that start doing it

Although I am still a newbie around here, I'm reading and learning as much as I can about the crytocurrency world. Your posts have helped me also. May not understand all of them all the way yet but I'm still working on that. Sorry don't have anything to add to your poll.

Learning new things is always great and learning about Crypto Currency is much greater! You chose the right path, if you have any further questions just let me know

you are so kind and beautiful

hahaha not both but some time i m cryiing maybe its not my good behaviour with myself but i dont control myself when some worries come on me

Crying isnt the best way but I got you, sometimes you just let out the emotions. I recommend to rather calm down and trying out some of my listings above. Crying will cost you a lot of energy!

@soldier I love your mentality to health, fitness, and wellness. Keep being a shining beacon of light and love :) Namaste

Thanks a lot, appreciate your kind words

I think meditation while cutting yourself off from the real world helps when you are emotionally stressed out.

so true ! Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Nice article @soldier, full of knowledge, it's right by directing our attention elsewhere will help us to figure out overthinking problems.

Glad you like it! Thanks for your thoughts !

hahaha i nice i dont take bath but i really release it to go and outing and a walk and eat some food from an resturents soldier and also thaxn to share a good and great post and new ideas are many helpfull us and all others who read and follow its

Glad I could inspire you to try out new things!

Great info and certainly a useful guide on our journey through the ups and downs of life

Glad I could help you in some ways :)

great job @soldier i really like ur all posts and also this u give many great ideas and advises in ur post and really i like ur work to give some good and new us and also these points are good work to release worries ideas

Thank you so much! Appreciate it

  1. dance ;)

Always !

amaizing and many helpfull tips soldier u come with this interested post

Thank you so much! Glad you like it

soldier, thank you for sharing this article with us, I am a graphic designer and I expertise on branding and identity design, please check my portfolio here .designed for a contest that , please I need this one, contact me and I'll spend my most inspirable and valuable time on creating design you'll love, I'm a freelancer too but for me is more important designing things I like and love and everything on steemit is lovable and fun, so please just contact me assign me with your task and wait for the results, I'll make everything I can to please you :)

I will have a look :)

hhiii soldier how are you mm

I´m good and you

"If you learn how to make money FOR your self, BY yourself only then will you be truly free"--truer words have never been spoken. I worked very hard when I was in my 20's to get an engineering degree. I worked full time while I was in college.

I've now worked in corporate America for 8 years and I hate it. Every day I go into work I feel like I die a little bit inside. There's no windows and only fluorescent lights and computer screens that strain my eyes on a daily basis. The facility I work in is dusty and dirty. The management has only their self-interest in mind...I could go on and on but it would take several pages of text to fully describe all the things I hate about it. I've thought about going to another job but it's like trading the devil I know for the devil I don't know which is not a very smart thing to do. It's a gamble at best.

It's a paycheck and a pretty good one at that but the amount of time I spend there being miserable and feeling trapped on a daily basis has crushed me the past year or so. I've been working really hard to get a few different businesses of my own off the ground but it's very slow because I spend so much time at my regular job.

I think all of us here have the thought in the back of our minds that in several years steemit could be huge and be our ticket to financial independence. I'm not counting on it and I'm working on other things outside my normal job as well. But that's the dream for those of us who missed out on the early days of bitcoin.

Best of luck to you in whatever your own businesses are. I wouldn't wish a life of corporate slavery on my worst enemy. This was an excellent post and you deserve every bit of rewards you get for it. You've got my upvote, for what it's worth.

Thank you a lot for your thought and experiences!
I luckily caught the train to create a business on my own, never worked for someone else and also been able to chose the place where I want to work. But all of my family member are having a regular job which is pretty normal these days. Its still better to be homeless but for sure, there are several ways to get out of that evil circle. Steem will have a bright future and I am glad you have found your way to it!

I just can tell to, dont give up on your businesses! If you keep going, believe in it and you love what you do? Thats the recipe to success

yes i want to go out an a walk for some time and spent time with my friends in this conditions to forget some wrong with me and also thanx to make a good article everyday on different points

Glad you enjoy my content! Taking a walk has so many benefits!

Nice tips I am a person who overthink a lot hope these tips help me.

Glad I could help you

I would also like to add one thing.
Travel whenever feeling down
It pours our soul with fun and love

Thats true! I am a big travel lover but not everybody has the money or time to just take time off. But I love traveling so much

Nice hearing this.
Appreciate you liked my advice.

nice post @soldier. Those activities can let our negative side go away, and you are doing great work to share it to us. Thanks!

True! Great thoughts thanks

Thats a great article i will try your all tips

Great! Let me know how you felt about it

Great tips and suggestion to reduce overthinking problems @soldier, i will believe that there is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your thoughts. thanks for sharing

Bad thoughts are able to ruin your life. We need to handle them and spread positivity

Great post and nice word you arrange

Thanks !

Staying positive will help you to stay calm during hard time of your life and help out to make good decision in bad situation. Thanks for sharing very nice post

Major key! Positivity will lead you through difficult paths without that much pain

Positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.

To be positive is must in life ... I really enjoyed your post.

True and thanks so much

I really enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy the vote!

Thank you!

Excellent post, as always, you are a big, I am your follower greetings from venezuela

Thanks so much, appreciate it !

All the points are really helpful.....thanks for sharing your own experience

Glad I could help you

These are some good tips for temporary relief from overthinking. Temporary relief is necessary when you get caught up in the mind and are unable to detach from it. The root cause of overthinking is over-identification with the mind and the thoughts it produces such as fear. Fear causes us to try to control situations and outcomes which is impossible. This mind momentum accumulates over time and becomes habitual, from there we get pulled in over and over feeding the cycle. True freedom from the mind can only come when this momentum is released.

amazing read, thanks for your thoughts! Totally agree

I am a big time over thinker. To the point where, when I was young, I actually scripted out entire conversations. Not just my part, but the other person's responses as well. I basically froze myself out of engaging with people because I already knew the whole conversation, and it never ended well for me.

At 43, I still overthink a lot, though not to that level. But the mind fills with what if questions, and you start wandering paths you have no need to concern yourself with. But the mind doesn't care, it just keeps going.

These are some really great pointers in getting out of your own head. Although what works for one person rarely works for all people. But it is a great place to start.

Great post @soldier, thanks for sharing!!

I know, these listings wont help everybody which is actually really sad. I would love to have a solution for everyone out there but I dont! I believe unplugging yourself from technology and just take a few moments to focus on your breathing will help you a lot with overthinking

It's somewhat sad I suppose. But it is not your job to fix the whole world. Certainly not to do it in a few posts on Steem.

What you offer is helpful and encouraging, which is well received and needed in an environment that can be as cruel and uncaring as the internet.

I apologise if my remark came across as blameful of you for not having all of the answers. That was not at all the intent.

Everyone has to find their own way out of their own minds. We can offer each other tools, but it is up to the individual to find the tool that works best for them.

And yes, breathing is immensely important. Taking ten seconds to just focus on the in and out can help find a calm place before one gets too worked up.

Thanks, as always, for your thoughtful posts!

I think that something that a lot of people need to do nowadays is just unplug themselves from technology for an hour or two. Turn the cell phone and computer off and just relax. While technology has improved our lives, it has also crammed so much information into our heads that sometimes we just need to walk away for a second and take a deep breath.

Thanks for the post! Upvoted and followed!

Great advice! Unplug yourself from technology would be a major key to not only mental freedom but also a great opportunity to rest for a bit

I will sit in hot tub reading a book.

I would love to do that!

"It´s not always the heart. Sometimes your mind breaks as well."-- well said

I agree... Love this quote

Taking a walk is what helps me the most , especially when I'm down or need to clear my mind , it's just something about nature that calms me down . Sometimes we know that we can not do something about a situation but still try to fix it , we put so much stress on ourselves , but is it really worth it ?

You have some really great tips and I feel like we sometimes just need to take a step back and take a deep breath

Thanks for adding! Taking a deep breath is SO important !
Thanks for your support ♥!

You'd always have it ❤️

mostly i try to read book or watch the tv and its my own exprience i release its all

I wouldnt recommend watching tv. There is so much bad information and nothing profitable for your brain! Just fake news, useless information and also terrible for the eyes. Otherwise reading a book is one of my listings which is amazing to calm down and stop thinking for a bid!

I will cook.

Thats also a great way. Love to hear more about my readers!

I will sit on the edge of the hot tub while reading a book

Sounds great!

Twinkle, Twinkle little Stars, How I wonder what you are.

Congratulations! You got a o (★) Star/s Rating from Steem-stars and your post has been upvoted by @steem-stars, This was base on the content you have been shared to me and to all the people in this Universe.

If you want to know more about me feel free to ask and explore in Universe. Spread me to others and build me a new Galaxy.Twinkle, Twinkle little Stars, How I wonder what you are.

Congratulations! You got a two (★) Star/s Rating from Steem-stars and your post has been upvoted by @steem-stars, This was base on the content you have been shared to me and to all the people in this Universe.

If you want to know more about me feel free to ask and explore in Universe. Spread me to others and build me a new Galaxy.

Cute idea

In all the craziness of life, it's sometimes best to just step away from the work we do and relax. Exercise in any form is my recommendation. It's such a great way to let out aggression and frustration in a passive way. Clears your mind while improving your health :P


Thats true. Doing some kind of boxing would let out all the aggression for sure !

I practice meditation and yoga which helps to relieve stress. Thanks for the tips.

To be honest, I am a dancer, did jazz, contemporary but I have never visited a yoga class. I should now !

Wow I'm over thinking my life right now, which sometimes makes me procrastinat and do nothing. I know I need to go for a run to help myself relax. I loved reading this and the fact that is was your first suggestion. Thank you for the positive vibes ♥

Always ♥
I am so glad that you enjoy my content! Thanks for supporting me and I feel so happy to inspire you

I just love the way you put this write up....so real... feels like you wrote this from your experience.

Oh I did. I would never recommend you anything that I havent tried out !

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