First post of 2024 - looking back on the past year

in #life3 months ago

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Well hello. My last post was written in december of 2023, and I can't let a full year go by without writing something on this beautiful platform, can't I?

I've had quite a year. Ups and downs. As life is, I guess.

A passing

It started in the beginning of the year. A 5 week planned adventure through Vietnam. We lasted until day 8 before we heard my father in law suddenly was in serious condition in the hospital. Day 10 we made the full 16 hours journey back home. Only to arrive a few hours late - he'd passed away about 2 hours before our plane touched the ground.

Still, we were the last to speak to him: via video call we talked to him in the hospital, a good 11 minutes before the nurses took him away for another brain scan. We hun up, even my mother in law sitting next to hem didn't talk to him, he went for the scan, fell asleep during, and never woke up.


A nice trip to celebrate our relationship anniversary - loads of fun memories, food, a class Phantom of the Opera viewing which was on my wishlist for so long (and didn't disappoint), a culinary experience in one of Ottolenghi's restaurants... I love London, and each stay is different as there's so many parts to it. Just pick a different neighbourhood/hotel each time you visit and you'll get to know a new kind of London.

Becoming a therapist

This year was the year I started treating patients on my own. The end of last year I was still begin trained by an experienced therapist, now I got my own patients. A fun and demanding experience, learning how to actually make practical all the knowledge I had collected over my years of studying. I've had some 65 patients this year alone by working 2 days a week. I'm getting in the flow of it and am glad I took on this journey 4 years ago. I still have loads to learn, but the patients are happy, and so am I :-)

The Exam

Wrong order? No, I already started treating patients before I finally had to do the big Exam at the end of November. I had to treat a patient in front of an experienced therapist / examiner, which made my belly turn from anxiety weeks before the actual date. You can treat patients in the safety of your own practice, it's really something else to have some watch you do it. It's like getting your drivers licence: you know you can steer a car, but that one hour in the car with an examiner it's all going to be a mix of the mood of that person, your nerves, some skill, but also a good amount of luck - some random wrong turn or surprise move by a different car on the road can decide you getting a 'succeed' or 'fail'. The same with an unknown patient on that exam. But all went well! I made it! I did it! Which also almost completes my 4 years study, 'just' have to hand in a thesis and business plan, but hey, I will manage that too.

Lovely trip to the North of Spain

This was in October, and honestly such a great experience! I love that part of Spain, the food is the best, the people are nice, the nature is green (thanks to more rain than other parts of Spain), and we had great views, walks and other experiences for a few weeks, which was necessary after my year of working and not having the break in the beginning of the year because of the earlier mentioned circumstances. Will definitely be back to this great part of Spain when time is right, 3 weeks weren't nearly enough to do it justice.

Well, I could've posted more?!

Why? You now know all you needed to know and I didn't take too much of the reward pool last year, you could all learn from me :P
No, I'm joking ofcourse, something I scroll around a bit and am always happy to see the usual suspects still posting. It's a true treasure to see this platform being so exceptionally stable and the community still alive.

I'm truly hoping now the studies are behind and I'm getting in the flow of things 2025 will be a year where I can be a bit more than just 'trying to keep up' with things. Looking ahead, planning for the future, reflecting on life a bit more... I haven't had the time, but am planning to do much more of that. The harder I work the more (quality) free time I need - at least, that's how I feel and how I want to live my life.

Work hard, play hard.

We'll see what 2025 brings.
How has your year been? Any updates I surely missed but you want to share anyway?

Hope to see you a bit sooner than December 2025.


Hey! Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope your therapy work goes well and that we will see you on Hive a little more often this year ;)

All the best.


I hope I'll be here a bit more too @steevc! All the best to you too :D

Thx for the post. Great to see your post again.

Thanks @rival! Good to see you here too!

Ej gij!!

Good to see some ravens coming from your side.
My deep condoleances for the passing of your father, that sounds like a rought story wow :(

En natuurlijk dat jij het aan het rocken bent als therapeut! Ik had niet anders verwacht!!

Eyyy Karinneke! Thanks for the condoleanced, it was my father in law, and another uncle from that side as well actually a few months later. Part of life unfortunately.
En ja, ben lekker aan het rocken haha! :D Thanks lady! Hoop dat alles ook goed gaat aan jouw kant!

Alles goed hier vrouwke :)
Iets meer geshift van op de vloer werken naar begeleiden/coachen dus dat is leuk en hier ook mooi trippies gemaakt. 0 klachten! <3

Goed om je weer iets van je te zien!

Ohhhhhh wat leuk dat je meer in een coachende rol zit nu! Dat is mooi, beetje andere energie :D

Zag ik net een post over Vietnam? Ik moet effe door je blog scrollen voordat ik vertrek in Februari :D

Een beetje technische energie en wat meer sociaal omdat technisch volk als ik ook meer aandacht moet besteden aan at er op de achtergrond plaatsvind. Niks mis mss!

Yes, Vietnam was afgelopen tijd ja. Zijn alleen in het zuiden geweest deze keer. Meer strandvibes. Voor natuurgeweld beter wat noordelijker gaan.

Maar terug die kant op dus? Al ideeen?

Wij doen nu Angkor Wat, dan Hoi An en vanaf daar langzaam richting het Noorden ja :D De 'afgebroken' reis was vooral 'Zuid', dus dat kunnen we nu overslaan. Vooral DaLat was leuk maar ook omdat we er rondom Têt waren en dat meekregen.
In ieder geval zin in deze reis! 4,5 week totaal dit keer, hopelijk zonder teruggeroepen te worden, fingers crossed :D

How has your year been?

Great. I reached my goals of 10k HP(now less because I turned some of them to HBD) and 1k HBD in savings. My favorite basketball team is having a promising season as well. Happy 2025.

Congratz @fieryfootprints on making your goals!

Welcome back! My condolonces...

It seems you have many things to share on HIVE if possible.

My 2024 on HIVE has beeb almost the same with 2023.

Thanks @videoaddiction! Yes, I have many things to share, and should make more time for it :D Glad I did this one post in 2024 though! Haha.

So life on HIVE was the same, but life off-HIVE? :D

Also the same, haha

Good to see you again!

Thanks @acidyo! So happy you're the reliable one holding down the fort! \0/

well one post is still better than no posts. Was hoping to see the Netherlands crew at HiveFest.

Would be fun to see some photos from these trips, now i have to imagine it :D

65 patients sounds a lot. and you need to have a business plan as a therapist?

Ghehe @bil.prag glad you saw my one post this year :D Yes, I wanted to go to HiveFest bad but it was again in the middle of my theoretical exam which was the one before my practical one :-( Just couldn't make it work.

Yes yes, the hint is understood, I should post the pictures :P Didn't even have time to edit them haha!

Yes, 65 patients is a lot but I often see them every 4-6 weeks and some who are getting better take 'breaks' and then come back for some additional advise. So it's fine.

The business plan is obligatory nowadays, you have to show you can as a freelancer start your own practice. I'm getting help on that one luckily, shouldn't take more than a day.

What's happening in your life?

i mean maybe it is not that bad to have a business play, i know here they don't ask you about that, but there is some ridiculous time (like 500 hours) of group therapy work for someone to be able to work independent. Sister mentioned she will need few years to finish it all and start working as independent psychologist.

At the moment fighting with government regulations and their idea for everything to be E-something in a country where like 30% are electronically illiterate and a lot skipped the PC era and went strait to the phones. Not really that fun :D
end/start of the year usually sucks for accounting :)

Overall not bad. Went to HiveFest, was fun. Made obligatory one music video a year :) Photography was on and off this year. Not that much interesting projects, blaming myself for that :D

Wow, sounds like a lot for your sister too! Well, each country has their own rules, I won't tell you about all the study work I had to do as it will make you dizzy haha.

Fighting the government for less 'e-something' sounds good too, the world has to be more accessible, not less, not all progress is good if it excludes whole groups of people. At least keep everything hybrid so the less e-literate can still be part of society.

Well - next year find yourself a small cool project that makes you curious/in a learning state, doesn't have to be perfect as long as it's something new and motivating :D Hoping to be more creative myself too this year, it's been a while.

BEERHey @soyrosa, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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This is a beautiful journey filled with both joy and sorrow. Hope, the next year brings in more joy and beautiful memories to remember and learn from...😊😚😊

Thanks @weone! I hope so too and I expect it will :-) Will work on it for sure :-)