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RE: First post of 2024 - looking back on the past year

in #life2 months ago

Ghehe @bil.prag glad you saw my one post this year :D Yes, I wanted to go to HiveFest bad but it was again in the middle of my theoretical exam which was the one before my practical one :-( Just couldn't make it work.

Yes yes, the hint is understood, I should post the pictures :P Didn't even have time to edit them haha!

Yes, 65 patients is a lot but I often see them every 4-6 weeks and some who are getting better take 'breaks' and then come back for some additional advise. So it's fine.

The business plan is obligatory nowadays, you have to show you can as a freelancer start your own practice. I'm getting help on that one luckily, shouldn't take more than a day.

What's happening in your life?


i mean maybe it is not that bad to have a business play, i know here they don't ask you about that, but there is some ridiculous time (like 500 hours) of group therapy work for someone to be able to work independent. Sister mentioned she will need few years to finish it all and start working as independent psychologist.

At the moment fighting with government regulations and their idea for everything to be E-something in a country where like 30% are electronically illiterate and a lot skipped the PC era and went strait to the phones. Not really that fun :D
end/start of the year usually sucks for accounting :)

Overall not bad. Went to HiveFest, was fun. Made obligatory one music video a year :) Photography was on and off this year. Not that much interesting projects, blaming myself for that :D

Wow, sounds like a lot for your sister too! Well, each country has their own rules, I won't tell you about all the study work I had to do as it will make you dizzy haha.

Fighting the government for less 'e-something' sounds good too, the world has to be more accessible, not less, not all progress is good if it excludes whole groups of people. At least keep everything hybrid so the less e-literate can still be part of society.

Well - next year find yourself a small cool project that makes you curious/in a learning state, doesn't have to be perfect as long as it's something new and motivating :D Hoping to be more creative myself too this year, it's been a while.