Chiller's Journey ~ Removing drugs from my life

in #life6 years ago

A few weeks ago I started an experiment. I stopped drinking coffee, because of the negative effects that caffeine has on the pineal gland, and I'm beginning to realize that it is a much stronger drug than I was aware of.

There seems to be no regular sleep for me anymore. Now I sometimes sleep three times a day. Of course, not as long as I would do in one set. Sometimes I wake up after one or two hours sleep, fully awake and ready to work. Time becomes completely irrelevant for me and there are days where I stand up at midnight or even later. That might not only come from avoiding coffee, but I never experienced something like this in my life for such a long period.

In the first week I had heavy headaches, maybe my body needed to adapt to the changes. They are now gone and I didn't change anything regarding to my daily intakes. Even if I don't sleep as long as before, I'm dreaming much more now and I'm really enjoying this.

Since healing my pineal gland is more important for me than any drug on earth, I will continue my caffeine-free journey. It became clear to me why many people can't think for themselves and why they aren't as creative as they could be. The daily drugs, which we don't name as such, are one of the major factors for that. Taking medicine on a daily basis without being sick is not the way to go.

There are a few other things, which have a major negative effect on the pineal gland, and some of the most popular ones are: Garlic, onions, alcohol and tobacco. Of course, they can also have a few benefits for the body, but they are all toxic and should not be used on a daily basis as long as not needed.

If I should become ill (which I wasn't for many years), maybe I will take some garlic and onions for curing myself, but I will no longer calcify my pineal gland just for fun or because of the good taste of food. There is a reason why animals don't eat them. The question always is if a food's downsides are outweighed by its potential for good.

We are not here to detox ourselves in full-time. We are here to enjoy life and create a better world for future generations. Truth hurts, but we need to start somewhere.

Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,


Super Bericht! Das Thema ist wirklich wichtig. Für jeden von uns.
Habe selbst auch von der 7. bis zur 9. Klasse viel zu viel Kaffe getrunken. Vor allem jeden Tag vor der Schule.
Irgendwann kam ich auf die Idee Kaffe einfach über die Sommerferien abzusetzen.
Mit der Hoffnung wieder aktiver, leistungsfähiger und weniger oft müde zu sein.
Und es hat funktioniert! Habe bestimmt ein ganzes Jahr keinen Kaffe getrunken.
Mittlerweile trinke ich alle paar Wochen mal einen. (hatte halt auch das Pech, dass mein Dad ziemlich starken - mit italienischer alter Kaffeemaschine - macht)

Habe mich in meiner Jugend auch viel bezüglich anderer psychoaktiver Stoffe beschäftigt. (Egal ob legal oder illegal) Und auch mit anderen Stoffen wie Nahrung (welche nicht psychoaktiv ist, trotzdem extrem wichtig) oder Ergänzung von Vitaminen etc pp.

Die richtige Aufklärung, bzw das richtige Wissen ist bei dem allen da A und O.
Es wird in unserer Gesellschaft leider zu oft Verallgemeinert, Verteufelt oder auch Verharmlost.

Wünsche dir weiterhin viel Kraft und lass dich nicht von deinem Weg abbringen!
Greets :)

Vielen Dank für deine Gedanken zu dem Thema! Das wichtigste ist, dass man bereit ist Dinge zu hinterfragen, die von den Menschen um einen herum (auch Medien) als normal betrachtet werden. Sonst lebt man im Prinzip im Autopilot-Modus und denkt eine Entschuldigung für sein eigenes Verhalten im Massenverhalten gefunden zu haben. Nach dem Motto: 'Die meisten machen das, also ist das gut und kann gar nicht so schlimm sein'.

Das schwierige ist, dass man, um den Autopiloten zu deaktivieren, eine funktionierende Zirbeldrüse (Pineal Gland) braucht, da man sonst nicht mal daran denken würde, dass es Sinn machen könnte, es einfach mal auszuprobieren. Schön zu hören auf jeden Fall, dass du es auch so geschafft hast und die Dinge dadurch wahrscheinlich aus einem anderen Blickwinkel betrachten kannst.

Super ausgedrückt!
Ich gehe diesen eigenen Weg schon seit ich denken kann und wurde viel zu oft ungerechtfertigt kritisiert..
Nur weil ich es eben anders angehe..

Aber was soll's.. Seitdem ich mich in Psychologie eingelesen habe, kann ich die Gegenseite ja nur noch umso besser verstehen (hatte schon immer riesige Empathie).
Und trotzdem möchte ich auch verstanden werden.

Im echten Leben ein einzelner Wolf, im Internet immer auf der Suche nach ähnlich anders Denkenden. :)

I like coffee, and I thought about stopping consuming coffee, after reading this article, it would certainly give me new insights and a new perspective on coffee consumption.

Coffee should be taken when needed, not a daily dose that must be met even if the body is not needed. Thank you for this information and new insights.

I hope I can follow your steps.

An excellent decision, congratulations.

Yes, caffeine blocks the melatonin production for at least ten hours after the coffee intake.

I am aware of this too. I don't sleep enough. I should change this for the better. It just might be that your example will push me in the right direction.


I thought it was a job requirement for developers to drink ridiculous amounts of coffee :-) !
Are you still going to be able to update SteemWorld??

I thought the same, but I also never thought much about why it's a common thing to drink coffee. We seem to ignore imbalances in the human body/mind and instead of finding a better solution we just turn humans into non-questioning robots.

Of course, the next update for SteemWorld will come as always ;)

Lieber Steemchiller,

ich habe die vergangenen Wochen gefastet, darunter auch Koffein. Ich war nie die große Kaffeetrinkerin, morgens eine Tasse mit viel Milch und vielleicht nachmittags noch mal eine. Dennoch scheint diese - meiner Meinung nach - doch eher begrenzte Dosis gereicht zu haben, um mir gewissermaßen das Hirn zu vernebeln und das in einer besonders miesen Art: Seitdem ich kein Koffein mehr zu mir nehme, haben meine Migräneattacken aufgehört. Ein deutlicheres Zeichen braucht es wohl nicht. Daher bin ich ganz bei dir und deiner Entscheidung! Hat es einen konkreten Grund, dass du deine Zirbeldrüse heilen lässt oder "nur so"?

Falls dir in der kalten Jahreszeit mal irgendwann die Lust auf Tee ausgeht, kann ich dir wärmstens Getreidekaffee empfehlen. Den von Bambu trinke ich am liebsten, es gibt aber natürlich auch günstigeren, der ist dann jedoch leider von Nestlé.

Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag und einen erholten Start in die neue Woche!

It is good time to return into the mother nature to heal ourselves and indeed the nature has provided us with natural remedies. I had this kind of this a few weeks ago. My sleeping time is change dramatically, and of course I became not really productive. The natural remedies I took is making the tea from these ingredients:

2 cm of ginger
2 cm of cinnamon
1 spoon of coriander
1 pc star seed

I boiled all those ingredient with 1,5 glass of water, and wait until the water remain 1 glass. and add some honey when I want to drink it. I hope it will help you too @steemchiller. and if you have time, it is good to visit @naturalmedicine steemit account to see more about natural remedies, so many friends there who are posting many kind of natural medicine. Wish you all the best

Coffee is also a natural medicine. That it's natural does not mean it's harmless. I don't think @steemchiller is looking for a new medicine to substitute the old one that he's trying to quit.

It depends what kind of Coffee! Don't spread misinformation 😁

If we are speaking about processed Coffee from mainstream industry, it is not healthy at all.

Actually, it significantly increases chances of getting a heartattack.

Organic, non-treated Coffee is the only way to go and sadly majority of population can't understand that.

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... and vodka made from organic rye, triply-distilled in hand-made machinery by highly skilled hobbyists is probably more healthy than main-stream industrial vodka?

Depends how you consume it.

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Coffee is actually healthy drink, but one thing need to be remembered, only the pure roasted bean serve as espresso will be able to reduce bad cholesterol. I love the coffee very much and I am selling the pure coffee bean (Arabica Specialty, Arabica Pie Berry, Arabica Long Berry, Robusta Special) from those 3 kinds of coffee will process differently there are some famous here are; Honey Coffee, wine coffee and Wine Strawberry, all those coffee bean I got from Gayo High Land Aceh Indonesia, I am living in Aceh where coffee is something everybody drinks every day, 3-4 cups a day is really normal for us. If you have ever heard "Luwak Coffee bean" that is the most expensive coffee we have. In the local market it will cost about $75 USD where the finest Arabica Specialty in the local market is only $10 USD. The Arabica Specialty in my place (Aceh Indonesia) is grown at 1300 - 1500 M Above Sea Level.

Excellent article!
I will just add that when I was doing research about fluoride earlier in the year, I discovered that it, too, calcifies the pineal gland. (I already avoid it because it competes with iodine in the thyroid - causing it to struggle to do its job in regulating metabolism.)

Oh, and keep up the awesome work on SteemWorld. I use it all the time.

Super Idee. Vielleicht sollte ich mir auch ein Beispiel nehmen und die 3-4 Tassen Kaffee (täglich 😐), die ich in mich hineinschütte,mal zur Gänze abstellen. Seit meinem Einstieg ins Berufsleben ist Kaffee mein täglicher Begleiter. Danke, dass du mich auf das aufmerksam gem8 hast.

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Wow - good for you! It's super rewarding to sometimes experiment with our diet and see what results it gathers. Sometimes quitting isn't even what is making us 'realize', but the 'starting again' (eating the food after 4 months of not eating it) that makes you realize what the food did to the body. For me it was grains: I felt fine not eating it, but when I started to eat it again my stomach was... not happy at all.

Could you point me to an article maybe that explains the influence of coffee on the gland? I could search myself, but sometimes asking for a reference article is really needed to get to the article. If it was a gradual insight that's okay, then I'll start googling myself :-)


Very interesting that you bring attention to lack of dreams in relation to caffeine consumption.

I am a life long coffee addict, addict in general. I understand addiction. Substances like alcohol and coffee are pushed on society because they have a negative impact and a stunting effect on the subconscious and over soul. Sure, coffee does the job. It wakes us when we need a boost.

Have you ever smoked DMT?

I strive for and mostly fruit, but all herb diet, mostly vines and plant medicines.

Nevertheless, I've noticed a substantial difference in consciousness during offset lapses of coffee, mostly in the dream world.

Chill on...

I just quit smoking after 25 years. I feel sooooo much better. What the hell was I doing all that time?

Coole Sache die legalen Drogen mal als das zu betrachten, was sie sind.
Die Freundin eines Bekannten hat sich jahrelang mit Kopfschmerzen am Wochenende gequält, bis die mal dahinter gekommen sind, dass es am fehlenden Kaffee lag. WE war Teatime, weil der Freund keinen Kaffee getrunken hat und unter der Woche hat sie sich Dank eines kostenlosen Kaffeeautomaten auf der Arbeit mindestens 10 Tassen am Tag in den Kopf geschüttet.
Wie du in einem Kommentar erwähnt hast - nur weil irgendwer einen Trennung zwischen legal und illegal zieht, heisst das noch lange nicht, dass das Legale gut ist. Schon gar nicht mit der Begründung: "Machen doch alle" ;)

Halte durch. Das "Äffchen" nervt nur in der Anfangszeit. Danach geht es :)

I´m about a 1 or 2 cup of coffee a day person. Sometimes I skip it. I use kratom in place of coffee sometimes. This stuff has brought me back to myself, and took all of the inflammatory illness, crippling pain out of my life so I can plan and see possibility in life again.
But the headaches are the classic withdrawal symptom for coffee. Glad to hear you are past that. I never heard that coffee or caffeine negatively affected the pineal gland. Fluoride in municipal water- yes. That´s why I buy bottled water with plastic fragments floating throughout (I heard that municipal tap water is just as polluted with plastics but municipal tap is far nastier even by just the smell of it.)

Might wanna watch out for that though, at least a few brands just sell tap water bottled up, as tap water has more regulation (other than the fluoride, but there's no regulation there really), so they can guarantee passing regulation for the cheap price of municipal water.

Thanks. Some use combined sources too. Not sure how informative the labeling of those are. I stick with two that have withstood scrutiny for a long time and have facilities at natural springs for sourcing.

Good for you! I did the same many years ago, and felt horrible for a week or so, but then it was over for good. I had no idea about the onions and garlic though! Thanks for the info and good luck on this journey of yours.

As always, thank you for all you do here @steemchiller :)

I was caffeine-free for several months, but eventually I had a relapse and now I'm at it again :-( Tea for breakfast, coffee after lunch.

Quitting wasn't that hard for me actually - it took me less than a week to get back on track. I have three children and a day job, so I pretty much have to get up early every day and stay awake.

As a caffeine addict, I do have problems with headaches ... I get head aches if I drink too much coffee/tea and I get head aches if I drink too little. I can't remember to have had a single head ache in the period I was without caffeine. I've had some few headaches again during the last few weeks, so I should probably stop again.


I should go on a coffee detox again myself... I'd have a hard time giving it up completely. But I couldn't agree more, it's a very underestimated and in fact quite powerful (and very addictive) drug!

Every time I take a coffe-break (as in a break from coffee) its a tough week before my body stops showing withdrawal.

I don't know why I always come back to it though... I'm just a crackhead I guess.

Well, that was a rant. I really just wanted to say I applaud your decision and more power to you!

Chiller, good luck in that journey!
I had to read cause I thought it was something else lol
if you won't mind me saying this worn out saying for whoever said this said this -

Balance is the key. Everything should be in moderation. Too much of something is no longer good.

As for the disruptive sleep pattern please don't get me wrong am not meddling but I have learned from many health seminars that I have attended that people with more alkaline that acid in their system gets to sleep easily whenever they have scheduled it or just a few seconds after hitting the bed. Unfortunately, it's not just food that causes acidity but also stress. Once again, finding balance is the really the key but it won't be easy. As to coffee, I had five cups last Sunday, I was up till 7 am - I had to take much water the next day .. again, too much is NEVER good.

I hope you find enjoyment along the way at least you're being conscious of your health .. it's the holiday .. more temptation to come .. I hope you find enough courage to resist red meat which is also one factor that causes our system to be acidic. Happy Holidays anyway!

Thank you for sharing this with us @steemchiller.

"I stopped drinking coffee, because of the negative effects that caffeine has on the pineal gland, and I'm beginning to realize that it is a much stronger drug than I was aware of."

I personally have a "love-hate" relationship with coffee. I think I could do without it, but it is part of my beloved lifemate's DNA (okay, maybe slightly exaggerated, but not by much ... 😉).

She was raised on a farm and her earliest memories were of her father quietly drinking his coffee, as he looked out over their fields in preparation for a new day. She always has coffee prepared first thing every morning of our long life together ...

What I know is I get a lot more "mileage" out of it than she does, as she can drink it at night and sleep like a baby shortly after. Not me ...

Well, you've provided me some inspiration to once again consider quitting. Been here before ... We'll see if it holds up this time ... 😊

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It's pretty hard to quit drugs or doing other lifestyle changes as long as the partner isn't in on it.

What I know is I get a lot more "mileage" out of it than she does, as she can drink it at night and sleep like a baby shortly after. Not me ...

I will typically have problems getting to bed if I drink coffee or tea after 15:00, while my mother always have coffee also in the evening.

I remember very well I had some Germans visiting some years ago, and they were pretty hard coffee drinkers. They also would brew some espresso and drink it right before going to bed. Perhaps it makes it easier to get up in the morning?

Thank you for a very informative article, @SteemChiller.

Hey @steemchiller, very interesting topic. I am wondering where did you hear garlic and onion was bad for calcification of the Pineal Gland? Thanks

I've experienced the effects on my brain myself and after that I began to research it further. There are many articles and videos on the internet, which tell the exact opposite story, many of them are especially promoted by modern science.

A good point to start is researching older studies, for example Dr. Robert C. Beck or the ancient Indian knowledge in general.

Thanks for that. Will read it. I had the idea the garlic was much more beneficial... than the downsides of it. Assuming people are normal health and do not have any problems against usual diverse food sources.

By the way... now may be the best time to express my appreciation for your work! I deeply thank you for that. Been amazing and I have been trying to promote you, every time I speak or induct someone into STEEM. Well done!

Great job with the caffeine! I was wondering about the garlic/onion, since I had read elsewhere that since they were alkaline forming, they actually helped with de-calcification. Was also wondering how you deal with EM radiation.

Was also wondering how you deal with EM radiation.

I try to avoid it as much as I can, therefore I removed nearly all wireless devices/phones from my home. My mobile phone is off as long as I don't need it.

I drink tea now

Open your 3rd eye!

Look into ketosis and carb restriction. Changed my life!

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For the last year I've been drinking coffee almost daily, it's not a lot but after reading this maybe I should stop drinking. I also need to change my toothpaste and avoid all the foods that have negative effects.

Thank you for reminding me of this important things.

Come on... I just sat down in front of my computer to write and work with a glass of diet coke and some snickers, and then this post shows up... that's not nice!! :) Keep 'em coming, need some constant reminders about the importance of eating and drinking healthy stuff!

This is great! Very interesting! I shall have an experiment too! I am pretty psychic at times, this will boost it further! Haha.

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Lol don't get rid of garlic, it's super beneficial for the digestive system

I didn't eat garlic for months and my digestive system works way better than before. It's hard not to take garlic, because it is (same as onions) mixed in nearly everywhere (sauces, ketchup, mustard, snacks, meat). Sometimes it's not even mentioned on the ingredients or just as 'herbs'. But I found a way that works for me and I'm feeling much better today.

I do not eat any factory produced foods - mainly only what I cook...maybe three to four meals a year at a restaurant. Never from a take-away. If I want a sauce, I make it myself.

More important that not eating garlic and onions, is that you stop eating factory and or restaurant made foods. I'm not saying you must go to extremes, our bodies can easily handle the rare ham, bacon, jam and so on.

Watch out for spices and herbs (and honey of course) which have been radurised. They not only have no nutrition, they can harm you.

Interesting. But it seems to be merely anecdotal evidence backed. I guess it'd be good to run some control experiments. You don't have a bunch of homozygotic siblings (identical twin / triplets etc), do you, by any chance? Surely, the health benefits could have been from a range of changes in your lifestyle, assuming you don't restrict your diet / lifestyle which would make your claim somewhat more meaningful? Congrats on your improved health, of course, all the same. Long may it last. :)

Uhm ok.
Sounds to me like you're doing the right things for the wrong reason.
But it's not up to me to judge.

I don't think so.

Just in case you should really be interested in the topic, you could start here:
Autism Viewed as a Consequence of Pineal Gland Malfunction

Nice hit. :)
It's good that each of us is free to choose which truth he or she turns to, right? ;)

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So, garlic and onion are not drugs, but healthy medicine herbs in normal dose.

And good luck, i wish to you strong to reach your goals!

I've read claims that garlic is one of the most healthy vegetables out there. I don't know ... but I do know that my stomach does get pretty upset if I eat raw garlic or too much garlic, so I generally try to avoid that nowadays (which is pretty hard, as I love garlic).

In my point of view, "medicine" is by definition not something healthy, but most often something one can take to reduce some symptoms and sometimes something one can take to combat some disease or disorder - but as @steemchiller says, it's wrong to take medicine when not being sick!

Garlic is mildly antibiotic and can help against bacterial infections - but as anyone ought to know, eating antibiotics is not good, it should only be done if it's strictly needed, and never to fight viral diseases!

you got your first chip?

Hey @steemchiller,
It’s almost 3 am... are you awake or are you dreaming, now? 🤔

Of course, I’m joking! 😂

Congratulations for your healthy choice: I’d like to be strongly determined as you are, because I’m coffee addicted! 😭

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Ich bin beim Thema Kaffee zwiegespalten.
Er fehlt mir nicht wirklich und es ist nicht schlimm, wenn ich keinen trinke.

Mir schmeckt aber Kaffee und ich trinke gern mal einen am Nachmittag oder eben am Morgen.

OHNE Kaffee gehts auch gut bei mir. :-)

Weiterhin viel Erfolg!

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Interessanter Selbstversuch! Ich bin ein Genuss-Kaffeetrinker. Einmal am Tag bewusst einen Becher - und das auch nur, wenn ich etwas Süßes dazu habe ;-) Vielleicht sollte ich jetzt einen Selbstversuch mit Süßem machen????
Die Zirbeldrüse hat es grundsätzlich nicht leicht bei unseren Lebensstil und unserem Umfeld...
Lieben Gruß und viel Erfolg weiterhin

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Mmm... had not idea of these negative effects. Thanks for sharing your experiance.

I have always beleived in allowing myself everything in moderation. However, I had no arguments ready for speaking in favour of some coffee - apart from the fact that I love the smell and the drinking of it. I am careful to only drink coffee without any chemicals in the ingredient list (not that we can really believe anything the corporations tell us).

Then I came across this report and I felt it may argue the case for me.

Two compounds in coffee may team up to fight Parkinson's

Especially for anyone over 60 years old, this could be a valuable report.

I "spontaneously" gave up coffee for two years - my body just started losing interest in it, which was weird, as I was a coffee addict! Now I'm back to being a coffee addict, but as long as I restrict myself to one strong coffee each morning, I generally sleep well.