Reasons For Your Headache You Didn't Know

in #life6 years ago

Headaches have been around since the start of the time. The problem of headaches is known to human beings since ancient civilizations. Historically it has been recognized as one of the most studied problems of the human body, and some ancient medicines were also intended to treat headaches. Headaches can occur due to several reasons, and due to different responses in different people. In fact, there are hundreds of different reasons for a headache. You might get a headache because of missing your morning coffee if you’re used to it, or due to sniffing a perfume you’re sensitive to.

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A headache is not a disease itself, in fact, it’s a symptom of several diseases, and a sign to alert us that there is something wrong with our body. Our body is probably asking for a good, restful sleep, or it may be just telling you that your tummy is not okay. We can point out the triggers that cause us headaches due to our sensitivities in order to avoid them. We normally tend to ignore headaches or take an analgesic. However, in some cases, it can get worse over time and cause other pathological conditions too. If it becomes a chronic problem, it’s recommended that you see your doctor about it.

It’s important to know what causes us a headache if we want to effectively treat the problem. Here are some surprising reasons for getting a headache that you probably didn’t know before. You can identify these factors and do something to control a headache :

  • Skipping Meals
    We usually don’t notice, but skipping a meal, especially the first meal of the day will be a terrible way to start our day. Some people are in a habit of skipping breakfast and eating later during the day, and to some extent, they get used to it. However, they can still suffer a chronic problem of a headache. This is because we don’t eat anything during the time we’re sleeping, and when we wake up our brain instantly needs the energy to start all its functions. When our sugar levels are low, the brain wouldn’t get enough energy and we can get headaches.
  • Dehydration
    One terrible thing most of us do to ourselves through a busy day is not drinking enough water. Surprisingly, when we’re too busy we also don’t feel very thirsty. However, we should still be alert about monitoring our water intake, and once the clock shows its time, we should go ahead and drink water even if we aren’t feeling thirsty. By not doing so, we can get bad headaches due to dehydration within our body cells and brain. By keeping ourselves hydrated, we will help our brain to remain relaxed and active, and avoid any headaches.
  • Improper medication
    Sometimes we don’t realize when we start over consuming our analgesics almost like we’re abusing them. Pills that are used to relieve headaches do not actually treat the cause, and that’s why some people get dependent on them. Taking too much of painkiller can have side effects on us. It can also make us resistant to the effect of those pills. It means that if we take too much of them, they will simply stop working. Some people would double their dose in such a condition, which is even worse. Our focus should be to treat our headache as naturally as possible.
  • Disturbed sleep
    Your headaches may be because you’ve messed up with your sleep pattern. We need to maintain some discipline when it comes to sleep, by going to bed and getting up and the morning at the same time every day. When we sleep early one day, and later we stay up very late, it can disturb our sleep pattern and also give us headaches. Staying up too late during the night will also cause headaches. Nature has given us nighttime to sleep and rest, and our biological clock follows it strictly with the exception of a few people. So, if you’re a night owl, you better change your routine and start sleeping early.
  • Genetic
    Speaking specifically about migraines, you might have gotten it from your parents. It can run in families, and if one or both of your parents are migraine patients, that’s most probably the reason you get migraines too. This doesn’t apply to other types of headaches we usually get.
  • Changed Climate
    If you get migraines or headaches during the traveling, there is a big chance that it might be due to a change in the weather. The temperature and climate fluctuations between hot and cold can make us sick and even give us bad headaches. Some people have more tolerance to weather change than others, and it also depends on how much you’re used to it and how much you’re taking care of yourself.
  • Wrong Diet
    You might be complaining about your chronic headaches and how ineffective the medications are for treating your headache, but maybe it’s just your meals that are to blame. It’s important to ask yourself, are you eating the foods that can induce headaches? These foods include a lot of processed foods, things that have additives added to them, and those who have tyramine in them, such as wine and cheese. Some people can also be sensitive to certain foods, so it’s important to monitor what doesn’t suit you.
  • Anxiety
    Things like anxiety, stress, overworking, depression and work pressure can also be a reason why you’re getting headaches. Try to remain as much stress-free and mentally relaxed as you can. Stop overthinking and worrying too much about different things.
  • Hypertension
    Some people have a blood pressure problem. However, some of us to get high blood pressure sometimes but we don’t notice them. High blood pressure or hypertension can also cause a very bad headache, and pain in the neck, ear, and jaw area as well. So, it can also be a secret cause of it. To help yourself in staying out of this terrible disease, try to avoid processed foods with additives and salty foods, and go with more healthy things to eat. Also remain stress-free and happy.

Headaches are not just associated with our brain and skull, it’s linked to our entire body. We can get headaches due to a gut problem too. Look out for the causes of your migraines and headaches and try to treat them. In the end, try to keep a balance in all the aspects of your life, from your meals to your work. Try to understand your body and how it reacts. Once you start interacting with your body, you’ll know what it needs to be alright.

Please note that individual results will vary from person to person. All and any information and statements contained in this article are not intended to replace your doctor’s advice or treatment. We do not provide medical advice, prescription, or diagnose illness. Therefore, our views and nutritional statements are not intended to replace your doctor’s medical advice. If you have a health concern or condition, see your doctor before starting anything on your own.


Thanks for all this great information about headaches. I use cannabis to treat my headaches and it's usually quite effective. Reading your post has made me aware of some terrible habits I have. I will try to eat breakfast daily as well as sleep better and drink more water. Thanks again for sharing this.

I've had massive headaches for years. I truly appreciate any information people put out that could lead to less pain. Thanks.

While losing weight, I started drinking more water. I mean a lot more water. I now down at least a gallon a day. I’m sure my blood pressure isn’t decreasing as I’m losing fat, but I think I was dehydrated most of the time too. I’ve had one headache in 4 months. I never knew how important plain H2O was!

Very interesting post really is very interesting to catch things that happen to us and we do not know why or what to expect. good to whom in my country Venezuela the headaches are increasing lamentably mind by not being able to eat at the time a rich food in calories and varied eat what it can or even where it reaches the budget.

I lived with migraines for many years. But with research and the aid of naturopathic doctors, I began to change eating habits. Especially eliminating all types of toxic foods. Moving toward more pure, organic, natural foods. It has been a long process, but a process from which I never varied.

I discovered that the more healthy my diet became, the less I craved, or even desired junk food. It's been a glorious transformation. Not only are the headaches gone, but I have more energy and a greater sense of well being!

Thanks @steemhealthcare!

excellent information, very useful for society in general, I support you with my vote. Greetings and success with this post.