''The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion.
The tunnel is. ''
Our mind possesses shortcomings, and magicians are very much aware of that.
As I was looking up quotes on google that use the metaphor of life as an illusion, my heart broke when I stumbled upon this one…
''If life is an illusion it’s a pretty painful one. '' -Michel Houellebecq
Maybe he’s right.
What if we’re currently in hell, and when we wake up, we’ll be in heaven?
I mean for me, it only takes watching 2 videos of Alan Watts in a row to start having an existential crisis.
I start to question everything.
It’s funny to think that none of us signed up to be on here.
We did not ask to be born.
But magically, we were.
We’re on here for a very specific reason, and we have a lifetime to find out why.
Maybe life is an illusion, and enlightenment is the only path to escape from it.
Because it’s in the inside world where all the secrets are hidden, that being – inside ourselves. 💖 💫
Gosh am I thankful that there have been brilliant thinkers like Alan Watts who came into this beautiful world.
Do we only live once…. But forever?
It’s interesting!
I love to meditate on the impermanence of human existence.
A month ago, I was having a chat with one of my friends and he said to me:
''Sab, I’m excited to die to see what’s out there''.
Ok… I died inside when he said that. 😂 😉
It’s interesting, right, because while for some, thinking about death brings dreading anxiety, for others, they don’t fear it in any way.
But as the Buddha said, it’s the attachment that causes suffering.
The majority of us is scared to die because we are attached to our own lives.
We don’t want to lose our own reality.
I guess in a way, it makes sense to say that life is an illusion.
When you think about it, we all live our lives through our own reality.
A private reality that no one will be able to experience the exact same way as we do.
''And then comes the hitherto unbelievable surprise; you don't die because you were never born. You had just forgotten who you are. ''
Like can I just marry Alan’s mind?
Such pure wisdom like no other….
We are one with the universe… and maybe when we die we will finally come to realize it.
Or maybe this life we’re living now is just a game, and we’re living one level out of limitless levels.
And when we will die, we will get our card to pass to the next one?
One thing I do know, is that in the process, everything that happens to us is for a reason we ought to find.
How do you find reality? 🔮
Pimpin aint easy.
lmao #lifequote
dude you're simply the best😂
i have no words your comments are da bomb and you always make my day😂 😘👌
Yeah I dunno which would be worse listening to some of your "gurus" or slitting my wrists. Not sure which would be more painful. 😉 lol #realguru
OMG LOL I had to read this twice 😂
was kinda scared at first:P
but man by experience i can say no doubts in mind that I'd take physical pain anyday over emotional pain
We create reality, so we are the true reality!
When you view this life as a traveler and not as a hoarder, it makes it easier to live. Don't get stressed out and just chill! 😉🎭
omg yes!!!! 😎
You nailed it!!:)
This is one I’ve struggled with myself for some time! Our reality is shaped by or minds and our perceptions! It’s a funny thing we have these rudimentary tools called our senses that have now been refined through evolution and then our minds interpret the data sent from that tool and that’s basically reality for us!
I like to think of it as a computer if your mind has better software, processing power and a database to pull from your reality becomes a richer experience!
I’m personally not too worried about what happens when we die! Not when there’s so much to still experience here, we’re living in the most exciting time in human history we are the smartest we’ve ever been and we’re making new break throughs and coming up with new concepts to test every day! Our reality continues to become a richer experience by those contributing to it! It’s all up to you to say how much you want to take in
Lol this is me after reading your posts
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ahhhh i love reading you!!! 😍 gosh you're just wow!!!
so happy you stumbled UPON my profile a week ago😉
Love the computer analogy!!! I've seen it somewhere b4 😉
Lol glad the feeling is mutual 😍 thought I was starting to be a little overbaring but glad to see you appreciate my ramblings on your posts
omg you're too cute!!!
Please never doubt yourself😍
You're my fave here 😉