First thing I thought of when seeing this is crop circles, and then thought it's probably part of the reason they happen.. Sound barriers, noises from alien spaceships.. Look what I found out for everyone! Omg..
"Everything in life is vibration" - Albert Einstein
Fascinating indeed, you will probably find the golden number everywhere in those pattern (fibonacci sequence).
Also look similar to what you can experience with an LSD/mushroom trip.
I can recall similar experiments with water crystals
@steemlinks Great stuff! Have you seen sound frequencies in water
@steemlinks Re Cymatics - great stuff! Have you seen sound frequencies in water? Also check out the Cymascope :o)
Great post. Alot of people are not aware orf this either. Music it self should be running on a frequency that will enhance our hearing in a certain way. Everything is frequency, even in space. Tesla hacked in that frequency and look at what he discovered.
I've been reading allot about patterns and frequency. Martin Armstrong is probably the king of market timing, frequency and patterns. It's amazing we don't know more about it and yet the world functions on vibration frequency.
We are frequency vibration and DNA is the antenna
I wtched the video - absolutely fascinating effects - spooky too...
spooky yep. thanks for stopping by
Ah yes, sacred geometry!
thanks @breathe3000 and @pery for upvoting followed you guys.
hey @runridefly @dumar022 and @trendwizard nice to meet you here. followed
i appreciate your visit @powercouple followed you.
This is really cool man, do you play any instruments?
yes @raymonjohnstone guitar and piano.
Nice! Post some vids of your work too then bro :) Love to see some.
Great post.
Everything is vibration ... interacting with Consciousness.
Remove Consciousness (impossible :) ) and there would be nothing.
So good to see these things discussed here.
BTW ... how did you get the funky icon fonts into your title? :)
Love Peace & Freedom.