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RE: The Witch Queen

in #life4 months ago

I assume you could order drinks in fluent Spanish. Holidays tend to involve a lot of drinking.

I've seen the horsey drummer. The internet is filled with time-eating trivia and I try to avoid getting into such videos. I do watch a lot of drumming videos in general though. Some are actually educational, but some make you want to give up.

I'm wary of tradespeople who just show up. I'd rather have them recommended to me. We don't have trees overhanging the house, so don't get too many leaves.

I did have a guy show up saying he had a load of 'spare' gravel and our drive did need some fresh. I managed to knock his price right down, so didn't feel too ripped off.


For the shame of it I have to admit I am fairly fluent in the ordering of drinks. More so than my regular Spanish :OD

The horsey drummer was entertaining the first time not so much subsequent times. There are far too many things like that and I need to reign back on my horrifying burgeoning habit of staring at videos on my phone.

There can be the odd door knocker that is slightly genuine, it is just unfortunate there are so many scammers looking for a quick buck


Wait. The horse drummer is real? Fuck. I miss all the good shit

Oh yes. Everything is on the net.
