Campfires - Attracted to Them Since Childhood

in #life7 years ago

The Dance

What is so special about sitting around a campfire with family and friends watching logs of wood give up their energy that the flickering flames consume. The flickering flames dance as they consume the energy locked within the core of the wood. Smoke billows away from the wind wishing to dance the night away like the glowing flames, but only until it is hot enough to ignite the life within it, turning it a fluttering flame.

Telling stories or just listening. The wind tells its story while the ocean waves crash in soft acquiescence, prodding it forward. The wood crackles in delight, releasing glowing embers into the the wind's breath. Swirls of dancing embers race up to the stars only to vanish into the dark. And the dance continues for hours while the wind now sings its tale until only the hot burning embers are left to contemplate the night.

I love being surrounded by my family and the elements at the same time, there is absolutely nothing like the stars as your blanket and your loved ones as your companions.

(This is a video of one of our campfires while staying at a beach house in baja. It has some slow motion too.)

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Cool stuff! Or actually not, it's hot stuff!

Can't help but thinking that one reason why I like to listen to records instead of cd's or digital music, has to do with the campfire-like sound to it.
Campfires are the ultimate nostalgia. How can someone not like them?

As a filmmaker, I have thought of and talked about having a (camp)fire in one of my movies for many years now, but it never happened.

There's something magical to fire! If you share another campfire with us, could you please film it horizontally? That would make it even more intense!

By the way, this gave me an instant David Lynch vibe. Ever seen any of his movies?

Thanks @vincentnijman And I will keep that in mind since I will be going again with the fam. for a short getaway and there will be fire! As for Daivd Lynch, I think he was twin peaks so no movies just his show.

Vincent, just an fyi that might help spark your presence here and that is a good #introducemyself post. Done right, the community tends to be very generous. Good luck and

full steem ahead!

@streetstyle Looking forward to your next (campfire) post! :)

Yeah, David Lynch is the brain/ driving force behind Twin Peaks, but also a director of may great movies. The first film I saw by him - that made me want to be a filmmaker - was the 1986 Blue Velvet.
It opened my eyes to his work and the art (of) film.

Not that I hadn't seen a lot of films, I just hadn't seen these kind of films. Blue Velvet is like a moving painting. Certainly one way to describe Lynch's films, as he was a painter first and then a filmmaker. It was actually one of his paintings moving (by the wind) that made him decide to try his hand on filmmaking. Anyway, I see I'm drifting off. I studied film and wrote my thesis on his work. I admire the guy.

I appreciate your advice. I am already working on a reworking of my introduction post. I had no idea how to do it when I just started out on here. Got some cool ideas though, so keep an eye on me ;)

@vincentnijman Some get offended here when you hit them up with a link, but i don't. So in case I don't see it, especially since I will be leaving again in a couple of days, please send me a link or hit me up here again so I can show some support. And I will have to find some of his movies now, btw. Thanks for stopping by.

ps The good ones always include a pic of themselves holding up a steemit sign with their username and the helps for a better payout usually.

I appreciate the support as well as all advice, so will definitely keep it in mind.
Enjoy your next outing and try not to spend to much time on steemit while you're out ;)

I can talk all night about David Lynch' movies. If you need any advice where to start, just let me know. This actually reminds me that I might start blogging on movies and film history too. There might be - forget the might be - more people who enjoy that then my film making talk.
Until next time!

I know this isn't my re-worked introduction post, but something big happened and I put a lot of time and energy in writing this post. I thought it might interest you, so I decided to share it with you:

Thanks for taking the time to read this and enjoy your outdoor adventure! :)

@streetstyle thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for swinging by @hicmaster

The crackling of the fire... can't describe how I love this sound!
All thoughts, all the worries, all the noise that fill your tense mind disappear.
The time stands still for a moment, and all concerns go away.
You are left alone with only this flickering light and the crackling of the fire, which soothes all sounds around.

Telling jokes or scary stories in between roasting marshmallows amongst family can't be beat! Thanks for stopping by @yaan

I didn't know that people roast them lol.
Yeah, telling scary stories while deep in the woods sitting beside the crackling fire at night!
It was long ago since I've done this! It was really scary because we went too far into the forest, were drunk and had to find way back with few flashlights.
Always happy to come by, man! :d

Ah, I haven't been able to enjoy a campfire in a long time. Probably at least like 5 or 6 years now, actually. It really is super relaxing, haha.

@deadspace Yeah it is good to get away for a few, that is for sure. I am sure I don't have to tell you but let this serve as a reminder that you haven't done this in a good while and hopefully you and yours do get to enjoy something similar real soon.

full steem ahead!

Haha, I will brother! As soon as my girlfriend and I are in a good place financially where we can afford vacation time I think I'd like to go camping in Tennessee or somewhere for a few days at the very least. Would be such a killer time.

Yeah I know how that can be @deadspace , well hope this helps towards that goal. It is a little but a start nonetheless.

full steem ahead!

Man, times like these make me feel bad my full vote is only worth like 6 or 7 cents. It's like giving people a stick of gum or something, haha. Appreciate the big vote, as well as the sentiment, man! I'm glad I've found a few good people on here like you who post good content, and are fun to chat with to boot!

Thanks @deadspace And just give it time and don't giveup and in a year or two you will be pleasantly surprised.

Oh, I will! I have absolutely no plans on giving up on Steemit, bro. I've been really enjoying using Steemit more and more over the past 3-4 months. Pretty much replaced all of my reddit browsing with Steemit instead, haha!

In Croatia we have a tradition of jumping across the fire. It is called "Krijesovi" :)

@mikisolus Make a post about it with a video showing us and then please let me know so I can up vote it. Thanks.

I love the way you depicted the campfire! There is truly something magnificent about the atmosphere of sitting around a campfire with family and friends with a blanket of stars, as you put it. I love having a guitar out too and playing songs around the fire while singing along. Thanks for reminding me that I have to do this at some point this summer :D

Yes time fleeting and ever leaving, reach out for us to grab before it is gone and too late. Take advantage of the now because tomorrow might never come.
Thanks for the support @natashahall and make that time!

How one writes a piece about campfires and omits s'mores, is frankly criminal. Still, this reminds me what I've been missing this summer. Upvote.

You got me on that one @lifted And yes, we will have s'mores on our next fire.

Great post! Love ur BCC stuff, too. Keep the blogs'a'comn!!!

Thanks @crooklyncat Bitconnect sometimes isn't too popular around here. I try to paint the picture as clearly as I could for my sake and everyone else's. This way we at least know the risks involved and would not be able to blame anyone but our own selves if this does fail and turn out to be a big fraud. If it succeeds and turns out to be successful then we will be glad to have made a wise choice. Either way we are informed and not just diving in because the next guy said so or because you saw him/her make money.

Here in India during winters, we all family members sit around the fire , have some conversation with some tea or snacks and have a great time. This is the best time we enjoy the most.

Wow the flame looks awesome in slow motion.

@streetstyle god i miss campfire soooo much. It's been like 3 years since my last campfire 😔

Well then you know that means that it is time for you to make some time for yourself @angnima

Time waits for no one!

Yup , will be planning for it ASAP.

Great post! I would like to enjoy the campfire...

I will be at another beach and campfire again real soon @shirish5

It's a beautiful family who can always be together in celebration of happiness, the beach is a very comfortable place at night let alone be worshiped by the sound of the waves that replaces music in the darkness of a quiet night

I really missed my old warm days. It feels so great especially with the family :d

Great video! In my country we love make campfire.

Damn, I miss those campfire days with my friends ... That was a long time ago ... Now none of them are with me anymore ... I miss those days ... i miss my friends 😞

@salujmaharjan Do not despair for they miss you too, and given that life is great, you will meet again.

full steem ahead!

Thats amazing! I have seen it only in movies. Thanks

Looks fun!

Hi! @streetstyle
You did a good thing to surround the fire with your family.
I do not get tired of watching flames of fire.

Wow this is amazing! Thanks for the tour! @streetstyle

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @streetstyle! For more information, click here!

This post has received a 3.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @streetstyle.

Two days ago I had this experience and I am really love that experience! Thanks for reminding me it!
I am really like the way you write.. it seems like a poem... Great article with a great video! Thanks for sharing with us!

Cheers & looking for the next one ~

wow very cool this is thanks for sharing with us great video

@streetstyle registred under ur ref man thank you for the discount :D

Ok thanks @hicpress I currently don't see any activity on my Genesis account, but they are not fully operational right now. They have announce some server problems on the interface, while the mining continues. Until then I probably won't see your referral. I will be gone for about a week so when I get back I can look into it and get you a small steem reward as well. What did you decide to mine and at what hash power btw?

Thanks again @hicpress

dash 10 h/s

Looks like their site is acting up again. I will keep my eye out for it once they come back online. Please check back with me next week if you don't here from me ok. I will be back Sunday night but should be on periodically as time and internet access allow. Thanks again @hicpress