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RE: Campfires - Attracted to Them Since Childhood

in #life7 years ago

@streetstyle Looking forward to your next (campfire) post! :)

Yeah, David Lynch is the brain/ driving force behind Twin Peaks, but also a director of may great movies. The first film I saw by him - that made me want to be a filmmaker - was the 1986 Blue Velvet.
It opened my eyes to his work and the art (of) film.

Not that I hadn't seen a lot of films, I just hadn't seen these kind of films. Blue Velvet is like a moving painting. Certainly one way to describe Lynch's films, as he was a painter first and then a filmmaker. It was actually one of his paintings moving (by the wind) that made him decide to try his hand on filmmaking. Anyway, I see I'm drifting off. I studied film and wrote my thesis on his work. I admire the guy.

I appreciate your advice. I am already working on a reworking of my introduction post. I had no idea how to do it when I just started out on here. Got some cool ideas though, so keep an eye on me ;)


@vincentnijman Some get offended here when you hit them up with a link, but i don't. So in case I don't see it, especially since I will be leaving again in a couple of days, please send me a link or hit me up here again so I can show some support. And I will have to find some of his movies now, btw. Thanks for stopping by.

ps The good ones always include a pic of themselves holding up a steemit sign with their username and the helps for a better payout usually.

I appreciate the support as well as all advice, so will definitely keep it in mind.
Enjoy your next outing and try not to spend to much time on steemit while you're out ;)

I can talk all night about David Lynch' movies. If you need any advice where to start, just let me know. This actually reminds me that I might start blogging on movies and film history too. There might be - forget the might be - more people who enjoy that then my film making talk.
Until next time!

I know this isn't my re-worked introduction post, but something big happened and I put a lot of time and energy in writing this post. I thought it might interest you, so I decided to share it with you:

Thanks for taking the time to read this and enjoy your outdoor adventure! :)