Clearly you just want to argue things which aren't true. What's wrong with admitting you had a advantage over others because you got in early. Lots of people admit it. They discuss ways to solve the problem of minnows now that the platform has grown and it's hard to get attention.
I also find somethings that people write about not interesting, I still check them out, some I even still give a up vote to regardless if I find it interesting or not....because there are a few on here using the money to buy groceries, take care of kids and they need it much worse than any "quality post" or I need it. I even consider that I am more valuable as a blogger then a author to most, other than money that's what people are yearning the most for on here, attention, to feel like their contribution has been noticed, that their time hasn't been wasted. You on the other hand are more concerned with your bottom line then if a child is going to bed without enough to eat. You want to insult people's post well let me tell you that maybe, just maybe one out of ten post you make are funny enough to laugh about and just about any of the rest of them don't add any real contributing value at all, just lame attempts to be funny. But somehow I still care about you as a character, as a different type of personality, an interesting joe with a different twist but I don't count you out, insult you, try not to understand where you are coming from regardless we have different styles, I at least give you the benefit of the doubt. I read just about everything you put out there, I put the effort into it regardless if it comes out rewarding or interesting. I'll admit I've cut back on the amount of time I spend on you, if I am not into it in the first couple paragraphs I just leave it at that but I don't totally write you off, I may find a gem in you in the future, lot more credit then you give me.
I'd like to check out all the people who have posted here tonight but someone may need a up vote for groceries, rent, kids clothes and two I know a couple of your socks but I would have to scour some accounts to determine if there's more so no I won't be wasting my time.
It's hard to get attention everywhere. There are people on Youtube who've been working for 5 years and have yet to see a dime. There are people on Facebook with 5 followers after nearly ten years of posting.
There's no real problem to solve. People just need to learn what they're getting themselves into. All social media is hard. It's up to the individual to get noticed. Youtube doesn't hold the content producers hand so why should Steemit?
Now there's some more bullshit. I just looked at the stats. You've given 80 upvotes to 43 accounts this past week. I've given out 240 votes to 102 different accounts and this has been a SLOW week for me. I've had those numbers much higher in the recent past. My votes are also worth something whereas yours are piss, so don't sit here pretending to be some hot shot when it's clear I give out more in a day than you can in a month. And like I said previously, I try.
I haven't spent a dime of what I've earned here since I started. I put in the work, I earned the rewards. There's no need to look down on me for that. If you were getting paid, should I look down on you for your efforts? How would you feel if I did that? Would it even make sense? Nope.
I haven't insulted any posts. If you took it personally that I'm simply not interested in yours, that doesn't make them bad, they're just not for me. That shouldn't be a problem. I don't care if you don't like all of my posts. That's life. I can't expect to please everyone all of the time and I'm perfectly fine with that.
Here's some more bullshit. I only have one account here, and that's the truth.
I'm sick of your shit. Your little guilt trips and all of your lies. That shit shouldn't be leaking out of your ears like that but since you're so full of it, there's no place for it to go.
Leave me alone. I don't care if you don't come back. You've shown me your true colors, multiple times. You're a whiner. That's all, and it's bringing me down.
Have a good day.
I am not a whiner you are just one of those type of guys who like to control the narrative, they are a dime a dozen on here. I haven't been that busy on here this week, I spend a lot of time on my other blog, sure you don't get paid for it but I've never been into blogging for the money for one thing and the people are real, engaged and lively. There they don't expect you to fall in line, there one day you can agree to disagree and come back another day and try again to come back together. Here there's no lack of people willing to tell you to take a hike just because you don't agree with them and they want to call you whiny or disgruntled instead.
Just calling a spade a spade. You were whining, now you're backtracking; you're making up lies, trying to make me look bad.
Controlling the narrative? I'm attempting to explain my experience here but since you're too far deep into regurgitating the typical whiner narrative I've heard here thousands of times, always the same story, you've become a product of the environment you've created for yourself and now there's no coming back.
If you're not into blogging for money, why did you start out moaning and groaning about how you think the system works here? If you don't want money, don't expect to see any.
I prefer to work and get paid, yes, so I work towards that goal. So what. The place was created for that, much like how youtubers strive to eventually earn ad revenue. That's the life of a blogger/vlogger. I'm also an artist. People produce art for money, that's nothing new and it's quite normal.
Spend your time doing whatever makes you happy. I don't care.
Agree to disagree? There's a time and place for that. Unfortunately, you came here, started with the lies, and I'm under no obligation to respect you for that. That's the only way to lose respect with me and you've done a fine job of it.
Now, it would be nice if you could just go deal with that on your own time instead of wasting mine.
Thank you.
See you just can't quit twisting the narrative back to me and everything wrong with Steemit is it's full of whiners and crybabies. This is why things don't give solved, this is why most people leave, you guys are to bullheaded to realize that a community forum thrives on interaction but you'd rather keep talking to yourselves then admit there's a problem. Like they say "it's a man's world" but not ever woman falls for that watch your step or else.
Are you still yapping? You should probably stop doing that.
Okay, see ya tomorrow, I'll bring the sandwiches though.