I Said I'd Take a Break - Two Weeks Later: Still Here

in #life7 years ago (edited)

With so many leaving due to reasons, I thought sticking around would be for the best.

I don't want to be just another statistic.

NoNamesLeftToUse - E.jpeg

First, I said I needed to chill out.

Then, I said I needed to leave for a bit.

Instead of leaving, I chilled out.

And it's working. Just doing my thing, focusing on me, all while hoping the better side of my personality rubs off on others, I guess. That negativity nonsense is contagious. Why would I want to make others sick?

That's a good start, right?

So much talk about retention lately. The latest, greatest, fad.

Let's write articles about retention, scratch our heads in confusion and argue about solutions all while blaming the platform itself instead of ourselves.

Yeah! That's a great idea! I'll get to work on mine right away!

Me too!

Me three!


Please. Just do your part. Carry your weight.

Why is it: When I look around, I'm constantly entertained?

Because, that's where I'm looking. I'm looking for posts and people who satisfy my own personal content consumption requirements, whatever those are.


I create my own content.

That simple action of creating content helps steer the eyes towards my direction. People are looking at this blog, sure, but they're also looking at the platform as they're seeing this blog. I've given them a reason to be here, just as those who produce their own stuff give me a reason to stay and look.

So why, oh why, is there so much focus and attention being spent on those who are not here?

Every single day there's a handful of new posts about the problems people have with those who are not here.

Wouldn't it help retention if we shifted our focus onto those who are here instead of those who are not?

The painfully obvious answer.

Then the content police show up.

"Low quality content," they say.

Why is it: I'm not seeing this low quality content?

Because, I'm not spending my days looking at the crap! I enjoy looking at what I'd consider to be entertaining content. That stuff gives me a buzz so I guess I'll call it high quality. Why not?

I don't know anyone who blames Youtube for providing poor quality content any time they see junk. There's far more shit posts on Youtube and even more crap on Facebook. The people spending time to comment complaints under those shoddy videos and bland status messages about having a weekend off (of all things) are anti-social bottom feeders. Losers. Plain and simple.

When you visit a Facebook group or community, do you see a whining complainer at the top of the page with the most likes?


You won't see someone blaming Facebook for the quality of the group either.

Why do I only get three likes on my post and I see others here getting 100?!?!

This place must be broken!


Say something like that here.

Hundreds more who share that same sort of demented mentality slither out of the cracks to agree, and of course the post is a paid promotion sent straight to the top of the mountain...


Meanwhile, back in reality land, there are thousands of us who produce and enjoy what we consider to be solid stuff.

Most days the place reminds me of a park where buskers are all setup to entertain. Everywhere you look, something to see, and many little containers to hold the money being dropped here, there, and everywhere.

The buskers in this park of ours can do whatever they want though. It doesn't have to be a musical performance. We have a woman, sitting on a bench, a small crowd gathers around, and all she's doing is telling a story about her life. Over on the hill, there's a man wearing a lab coat, sharing some knowledge. Under the tree, in the shade, someone takes a picture of a frog, and it's a nice frog, so they walk around the park showing off this picture of a frog. This park has something for everyone.

If someone walked into the park blindfolded, holding a megaphone, and started complaining about how there's nobody around and those who are here, suck; how long would that guy last before someone steps up to say, "Dude, shut the hell up. Get out of here."

One minute.


But if an army of these whiners with blinders on enter the park and commence cramming their narrative down the throats of everyone else, the buskers will leave because nobody can hear their sound over all of the noise.

I won't tell anyone here how to think or what to do. I do understand the differences between rationalized grievances and whining as well.

Personally, after being here this long, consistently busy producing my blog, accepting the contributions of others I come across... sigh

I think it's time to finally embrace the people and their contributions instead of turning a blind eye.

I know from experience, it's not easy to stick around after spending nearly two years of being indirectly told there's nothing to see here and nobody to look at.

It's 2018. Why can't I reach through my screen and shake some of these people?

Time to wake up!

Is retention truly an issue?

I recently visited a few of the Facebook groups I'm a member of.

Thousands upon thousands of members in each group. Only a handful of them actually post. I didn't see thousands upon thousands of likes on those posts. It's always been like that.

This platform will have communities or groups soon as well. We will see the same results. Will we see a new set of whiners here to tell everyone how the new features are broken?

I hope not. It's annoying.

I just finished watching a Youtubers latest vlog. The video is four hours old. He has 268000 subscribers. So far this video has 17000 views and 3000 upvotes. A normal day there. He's not complaining. Tomorrow's another day.

Of course those numbers are higher than here. If you stand next to the freeway, you'll see more cars. This platform is still a road under construction. So what's the problem? Be patient. Each lane will be open soon enough and the road will eventually lead somewhere.

Some say this publishing tool is too difficult.


When I was six years old, my dad gave me a hammer and taught me how to pound a nail into wood.

I missed the nail on my first try. I'd hit the wood. I'd bash my fingers. I'd bend nails.

I didn't care though. I wanted to build my own fort, and the only way to do that is to learn how to use the tools first.

Some of those walls are still standing today. They wouldn't even be there today though if I had given up after missing the nail. The hammer wasn't defective or too difficult of a tool to master.

Learning is easy but if you're unwilling to put in the time and effort it takes to master something, that's your fault. Deal with it.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"And that's how I feel about that."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.


It's the path of least resistance. It's a lot easier to blame others than it is to take responsibility yourself. It's a lot easier to bash someone else's work than it is to create your own. It's a lot easier to go with the crowd than it is to forge your own opinion. When it comes to the herd, you'll always have more people taking this path than the other. Such is life.

Cigarettes. I was fourteen years old. I think that was last time I ever did something with the hopes of fitting in.

I could have lit up a post about "problems" today. Could have regurgitated the same old whine fest. I'd probably be on the front page by now. Oh well. Maybe some day this view will be the status quo.

I haven't come up with anything to say today, I seriously thought about trying to figure out how to emulate your style and still sound like me!

Negativity attracts negativity, and I swear those people just believe everything that gets said without considering it at all.

Great post... For those who look around and see shit posting... Get the shit out of your eyes! :)

"If it's on the internet, it must be true."
"Since this loud minority agrees, it must be fact"

I don't mind doing a post like this once in awhile. I think it's a healthier approach than visiting a few random commentators and giving them a piece of my mind. That usually turns into a shit show. I suck at following the herd and contributing to the fashionable group think.

There has been far too much credit going out to the shit posters though, and not enough going to those who tried their best. If people can channel that much energy into bashing that freak who just got out of the shower (LOL), I'm sure they can spare some and maybe help push something incredibly honest and organic to the top of our interest.

Some random farts of thoughts after reading your post and feeling your vibes but with no real direct reply to anything you typed...

Maybe crypto got too big for a minute and it is good to shake out people who were buying ICOs and other get rick quick ideas, I like the current users I see on Steemit regularly.

We all freely gave content away on Facebook, Twitter, and etc for so long.

People on Steemit need to not be afraid to share their Steemit blog and links on other networks.

Cheer up, look at me pantsless.

Edit: No need to click links, here is the pic ;)

It's a damn good thing those get rich quick types ended up becoming broke faster. They got exactly what they signed up for.

20 cents for a photo here is still far more than what anyone can earn on Facebook, plus that 20 cents will be worth more soon enough. That's a good deal no matter how one looks at it.

Sharing links elsewhere was one of the first things I did once I got settled here, because I wanted my work to be viewed long after release day. Some of my old posts are still circulating because of that. Free ad for me and the platform all at once.

I'm in a great mood. Don't let this post fool you, just like I won't let that link fool me.

Complaining is great if it is done in a funny way, and pointing out problems can be a good thing. The way things are I can't really blame people for leaving; not everybody can ignore the presence of bidbots and other skulduggery indefinitely and still feel at home and do their thing.

Maybe I should set up a separate account for complaining.

Oh wait.

I've said all I can say about the bidbot issue in the past. All I'll really say now is: It's unfortunate that had to happen here. For the most part though, it's self inflicted harm. People are choosing to cause the damage. And since those folks obviously don't need my help and since they'd prefer to have a worthless value beside their work instead of a reward, I simply stopped voting for those posts. The way I see it, using bots turns the post into an advertisement, and I don't pay Walmart for leaving a flyer in my mailbox.

I am glad you are here since a lot of people have stopped posting because of the low earnings in dollars. I read a report today where the rewards pool is brimming with steem and SBD since posting is the lowest in 2018:

          I see the pits of hell
         Yet I hodl and not sell

I opened the door and it was bathed in red 
'Sell! sell!' was all that the crowd said

Those around me call my sanity in question
 I look at them blankly and no inflection

      My madness was always my friend
  It was she, that brought me to this end

       Where others saw this as an end
       Was an opportunity in the mend

      I post not for dollars but steem
This is the difference between froth and cream

Posting during these lulls is how many of us ended up earning a small fortune during the peaks. The math is quite simple. I'm not sure why so many give up. Some of my old $5 posts are worth $50 today. Nothing wrong with that.

My tiny upvote for not giving up on that nail and everything else in this post.
I liked when you wrote about “If someone walked into the park blindfolded, holding a megaphone,...” Than I liked when you wrote about “Be patient. Each lane will be open soon enough and the road will eventually lead somewhere.” I like your art as well especially the first one with the reflection in his eyes showing all good things coming in the near future. That’s what I see as well. I like “E”.

I didn't use the art tag for this post, even though I included something new. I guess I could have. Your brain hammer nailed the hidden the message there.

Nice analogy, nice message.
I always tell people to come from a place of love in their hearts.
Everyone's experience is unique. Story writing, article writing, motivational pieces, poetry, music, videos. It's all unique.
The key is to really celebrate the human experience, with its unique facets as an end in their own.

That's true. And this place opened my eyes to a lot of things I wasn't interested in before, simply because I wasn't looking at it. Now I see, and I'd like to look further.

thank you for your message! interesting point of view for a newbie like me.

whining a bit about other whiners can be nice. maybe one of the few examples where i think whining is tolerable ;)

If this comes across as whining, what more is left to say?

Have you been hanging out on the trending page again?

I'm everywhere. That particular street is turning back into a slum quite quickly. I called it though when I wrote about the bots and compared them to crack cocaine, then explained what happens to the neighborhoods when people allow something like that to take over. That was about six months ago, I was right, oh well.

Okay read all of that and had many good thoughts lots of head nodding and mmmhmmms and it all flew right out of my brain when I saw "Some say this publishing tool is too difficult."


I, as well as many others, got our work out in front of a global audience within months. It could not have been easier, yet daily, I'm reading a comment here and there about how difficult it is. I spent five minutes googling what I needed to know and then many months improving upon it, or at least trying.

Maybe people mislabel the unknown as difficult, then base their lives around that simple mistake? I dunno.

It's not any harder than Facebook or instagram @.@

Facebook and instagram was hard to use in the beginning too. despite the process being not so different to how it is today.

If everyone around you has a thing, you'd wanna get the thing too no matter how hard it is to get.

That's sadly the human thinking in general.

Maybe the loud noises are argueing the wrong thing thinking about "user acquisition" when we are still very much in the "innovators" part of the tech.

Why is it i only stumble upon you today??!!!

I should have been reading your stuff on the daily since last year! You wrote so well and I can't help but to agree with you, to a degree.

While I believe you do agree that there are certain issues on here that needs tweaking (we havent even reach version 1.0.0 yet for a reason). Spam isnt an issue at all.. as a user.

Maybe it's because Steemit does not have the ability to show only the best stuff on the front page yet, what with the trending page being a joke. Maybe it's because of the frustration of some people who don't know the existence of a bidbot who saw a shitty phone camera picture of a table without context that got upvoted to the high heavens. Maybe it's alot of other things..

Steemit isnt perfect, just like many things around blockchain tech.

But it's the best damn thing for people like us.

While what you say has it's truth. Without user growth steemit can't grow as a platform. And if there is no user growth then what is the value behind steem other than speculation?

I have this problem all too often as someone who introduces people to steemit, i think the fancy term is "community builder". Unless i struck gold and found someone who hustles, less than 1 out of 8 people i've talked to got themselves a steemit account, lower still for those who is still posting stuff on Steemit.

There are truth on both sides... Personally we can just tune out the shit unless one belongs to a subset of steemians who is passionate about wading in shit on the daily. But the platform as a whole must figure out a way to tune away the shit if they are thinking about user growth, which as a content platform is absolutely crucial. Dont forget that everyone who has steem power has a stake on the company and it's in our best interest to strive for the betterment of the platform. We are the investors afterall.

Or maybe a great steem-based 3rd party app comes along and leave steemit in the dust.. I havent found one yet but when i do im more than okay to give away 5% as beneficiary.

The platform is US and all we have to do is pay more attention to the things that are worthwhile. Encourage the right people. Stop bashing everyone just because of a few problems. Things like that.

I said carry your weight. There's so much confusion here, so many little false promises of easy money. I just noticed today, there are people out there who listened to the sales pitch, bought it, delegated away their SP (so now they can't vote for anyone, basically a dead account that can't contribute), then they turn around and BUY the vote from the bots they delegated to. They're literally so confused, someone was able to convince them it's okay to buy some apples, then pay a random stranger each time they'd like to eat one of those apples they already own. How to solve this though in a day and age when so many people can't even admit to making a mistake and feel insulted if you point out how they've done something completely stupid? You have to just let these people find out the hard way, and of course they're going to leave. They'll blame this place once they realize the truth, instead of themselves. Anyway, I'm rambling...

well...... i would argue that said strawman delegator should have done more research to understand where is the money going.. I mean, i would read the shit off every material i can i get my hands on before putting money into anything. Especially when it comes to anything near an "investment".

But yea, the phenomena you described is real. Its unforunately the social cost of decentralization. Youtube/facebook/twitch has their TOS, guidelines and policies and those are literally the word of god to those involved. Top-down hierarchy and so it's relatively easy.

Steem has rules too, but unless one is an expert programmer, there's no way to understand it from the source. Decentralization causes information fragmentation and the need for everyone to verify their own information is something totally new to people.

How to solve this though in a day and age when so many people can't even admit to making a mistake and feel insulted if you point out how they've done something completely stupid? You have to just let these people find out the hard way, and of course they're going to leave. They'll blame this place once they realize the truth, instead of themselves

that is why its so important to recruit new members through communities rather than hoping people to stumble upon the blockchain themselves. I'd say the value of the blockchain is not the marketcap of the token but the users. less than 60k daily users is abysmal for a content platform.

I was first thinking along the line of "yea Digital Darwinian Selection" but then it's mighty unfair to new users and unhelpful to the platform.. sadly not everyone is like you and me, and eventually we'd have to lower the barrier of understanding that at least those willing to put in the work can make it on the platform. where the rest can stay being content consumers and use the steem wallet app to like people and send money.

People are people. They are going to do what they do. Steemit is a couple of steps above Facebook. You fill a wonderful nitch here on this platform that no one else does. You bring up serious points in a fun way. You make points and make it entertaining too. Few could do what you do.

Few can do it. Many more choose not to.

Just yesterday I had an experience that made me wonder - what if there was a Steemit with no crypto? As a social network, Steemit is pretty good. No shitty censorship algorithms, it's easy to format posts to look pretty good, it's easy to connect with like minded people. But, the crypto thing makes so many people assume it's "a scam" from the get go... Or that it's "too complicated". Take away the crypto, I think it would grow faster and people would complain less lol

The crypto is just another simple tool these folks should take the time to learn about, as they go. Unfortunately, some show up and see that trending page. Fake analysts and folks who once came here to blog and write a book, for instance, now blabbering on about crypto, chasing that money, thinking that's the audience that will work best for them, talking out of their ass, offering senseless information to the misguided masses. Then folks emulate those posts, can't earn because they just become another one of the thousands who tried to blog about crypto, then yeah, leave complaining saying the place is broken because of their own personal decisions. Sorry, I went off another tangent there. I've been rambling all day.

Yesterday I read a post by some dude with over 4K followers and over $18K SP complaining that he was gonna be homeless if the prices stay where they are... As if it wasn't always a known thing that SBD was supposed to be worth $1US. A lot of the bigger fish on here have been complaining lately, forgetting that they're often literally earning 1000x as many rewards as the people who follow them. So, the people who follow them decide "fuck if this person is complaining, what the hell chance do I ever have?"

Well sure, like I said, that negativity stuff is contagious. Retention is up to us. If we want to produce content and if people want to embrace it, more will stick around. If all people want to do is moan and groan, more will leave. That's why it doesn't make sense to blame the platform or act like it's failing, because really, it's a choice.

But it's my park!!!

Are you drunk and playing in your treehouse again?!?!

It's the best way to play in a treehouse!

I've not only mastered the hammer and nail but I can use a nail gun. I'm also really good at screwing things.

I don't mind the nail gun but I'm more of an impact wrench kinda guy. Have to be careful when you're screwing the wood with one of those though.

Yeah! Quit rubbing me, or I may explode!

I just finished cleaning up all the blood and guts. If you need to explode, try to not get any on the floor. Put some plastic down first, or something.

Ok, will slip on something more latex

Damn son, this got me shook.

Really, great read. I love the visual about the park.

I had honestly never really thought about it like that, and I just...love it!

We are lucky to have vloggers like you to look up to on here! :)

I like explaining it like that. It helps adding in a similar, real world scenario. The place doesn't seem so alien once people realize what they're actually doing. Maybe now you kind of see why I'll do an art post, but never appear as someone who's simply sitting there painting a picture in the park. If you're sitting in the park, gotta make some noise too, right?

If I didn't follow you, I wouldn't know about the whining. I'm just not tuned into it, but you have reminded me of the Dalai Lama who wondered why everyone in the west seemed to focus on stress. His advice is to only focus on what you want more of.

There are plenty of people who think the place is broken, always outspoken. I like to read but it's turning into the same song over and over, with a different singer. Too many cooks in the kitchen and many of them lack enough experience to make a valid point. Some folks do a good job of pointing out the numbers, for instance, but then others convert the message into, "OMG the world is ending! It's broken! I better write a nonsensical post about it now and boost it up as high as I can so the rest of the place believes me even though I'm just talking out of my ass!"

I just turn the page now.

I avoid the trending pages. If it's junk, I escape it and if it's that good, they probably don't need my help.

I like to stay informed, always have, but that page is mostly advertisements and paid programming now. Many of the commentators don't even seem real any more. Hundreds of comments, but nobody is really saying anything. Unfortunately, it's a lot of noobs thinking those people are popular whales with high valued votes so they want to kiss butt and hopefully get a vote on their work. That's not how this place works though. I even wrote about how much it sucks to feel used like that by two-faced people. I guess it reminds me of one of those late night infomercials that includes a fake live audience to cheer and applaud the sales pitch.

When the noobs pile on, you can tell they haven't read how things work.

Steemit changed the rewards curve to give everyone a higher valued vote, because those at the bottom were grumbling, and it seemed like a good idea. They got their way and instead of voting for each other so they can actually make some money and grow their accounts so they could make even more money down the road, they chose to ignore each other and vote for advertisements on the trending page which in turn means they won't earn much of anything at all. Yup. Again, it's all their own fault, but they blame the platform. People would stay if others stayed and paid attention to them, but nobody seems to want that, they just want to sit around and try to think of ways to fix a problem they created themselves by deflecting the issues onto the platform itself. Genius! Meanwhile, some advertisers convinced them to delegate away their SP to said advertisers so the advertisers could make even more money. That made their once valuable votes worthless again and it's like the reward curve change didn't happen. Again, it was their choice to make that mistake, it's their fault they can't earn... but they still want to blame the platform.

And to top it all off, some people actually delegated away their SP, then turn around and PAY a bidbot owner so they can use it on their posts. The idiocy knows no bounds.

When did they change the rewards curve?

I like how your "yes" art is more exciting than your "no". As yeses should be.

I never spend time checking out trending and a lot of the politics here, but I probably should. I suck at being social, even on social media. I get my updates from you.

Like many other commenters, I like your park description.

I've been throwing those two images around here and there for over a year, I think. I like having a big sign for the simple words. Tis fun!

It's good to know what's going on but lately I'm seeing far too many confused noobs trying to reinvent the wheel. It gets like that though, periodically. It's much like being kids, playing tag on the playground. There was always that one kid who would invent rules so it's impossible for them to be it. Much of the new crowd seems to hate on the veterans and our advice, based on experience, typically falls on deaf ears. There's a prime example of how those conversations usually go right here in my blog post today. Apparently I didn't get this far because of what I did, it's always something else they think I did because they heard others might have done it. We all get lumped up and labelled as trash sometimes. Blah! LOL! Rambling...

Yep, I knew that rule inventing kid from the playground. I hated him. Funny how we have repeats of themes through every stage of life.

There are people who talk and then those that do. I agree new fad “oh no the retention rates.” Well shoot just do something ANYTHING but just sit there and talk about it people. I've jump into comment section on a couple because hey I'm doing things which is what is needed. Same people on the other hand just need their daily steemit topic for that quick buck.

With the low we are having I’m moving up in a few places. Because anyone steeping up right now is “it” and doors open for those that do even more so when there not many of them around. Hard to tell because it’s off the blockchain mostly but I’m moving along and up.

Stay strong and kick some butt!

I won't even bother offering up my opinion under those posts anymore. I'll glance, see it's the same as the other thirty, whatever. Then I'll just continue being the content producer who apparently doesn't exist and the reason you folks came here to say something didn't happen. So be it. If they started supporting people, there would be nothing for them to write about.

Now I didn't get on here today with the intention of being a debbie downer, my intention everyday when I get on here is under the understanding I'll be long dead and have to find a way to post from the grave before I ever reach whale status, with that said it is because this place operates basically as a ponzi scheme so retention is crucial especially in a downturn. You can argue all day long about it but one only has to look at the incredible long odds of making any substantial amount of money on here without buying in or using a number of other tactics like delegation or bots. I would be a perfect example of someone who came on here and honestly, now remember I said "honestly" no sock puppets, no cheating, tried one bot and came out a penny ahead, no delegation, have spent countless hours on here and every time I think I am just about to make my first hundred bucks it starts sliding back down, down, down....there is absolutely no way unless you are twenty years old and keep at it every day until you are fifty is one going to make being a whale in the most honest of fashion on here. Any body can figure that out after just a few postings, math wasn't my strong point in school but it wasn't a total loss on me. If you weren't part of the start up crowd the chances of making it on here without cheating your way to the top is slim to non.

The good news though....I won't ditch out on you guys no matter how much you wish someone would throw me alongside that dead goldfish and give me that great swirly down the plumbing drain.

  1. Try blaming yourself. Maybe your content just isn't interesting and folks can't seem to find a reason to vote for it. Try changing your approach before blaming others.

  2. You're setting the bar too high. You've only been here six months, you rarely post your own work, and you already want to be a whale. That'll never happen so maybe try setting your sights on a goal you can actually achieve.

  3. When you see someone like me who's been around for a long time and actually earns something, what you're seeing is the result of nearly two years of hard work and dedication. We're not earning simply because we were here at a specific time. You came here, expect to get somewhere, see people getting somewhere after a LONG TIME, and think you can't do it as well? That's your own fault. What will you say to people who say the same damn nonsense to you two years from now when they see you earning?

  4. Entitlement issues won't get you anywhere. Just because you post here doesn't mean you should be earning by default. Earning is the keyword here. One must earn their earnings.

  5. There are many people who started at the same time as you. I see many of them earning something and gaining ground.

Fuck this guy, you are loosing your time. I had a look at his blog, many of his recent posts are flagged for being a content thief.

Yeah, it's mainly copy/pasted material. That's why my first suggestion to this character was to change their approach if they'd like to see some money some day.

I've had problems with this one in the past, and so have other people. It's nothing. I honestly expected this outcome. It's no big deal to me. It doesn't take much effort for me to be straightforward and firm with folks.

  1. I have written several things of my own which got hardly any recognition. That's the problem, it's not that there wasn't a effort it's the part where everyone is more interested in people who have the money to dole out to them and the ones who have the money are just interested in those same consumers maintaining their blogs for profit then spending any time out supporting new people when they first hit the platform. I don't recall but have you ever looked at any of my post and made a comment, you know they don't have to be "new" and earning money to get some praise. Even if it's not as "quality" as you like neither is everything you post. So come one, tell me have you ever reciprocated just once in return for as many times as I have visited your site?

  2. I never said I wanted to be a whale I said I calculated what it would take to become a whale while honestly following all the rules. It wasn't worth it, I'd be dead first. That's exactly what I said. Out of the many, many people who I follow on a regular basis (minus a couple I give a hard time to) only a couple of those people have ever posted a comment back on a article that I did. I never fail to see them, I never fail to look at what they are writing about yet they are as blind as a bat to me.

  3. You still haven't faced the fact that the earlier one got in the better their chances were of being noticed, that's crucial. That's what helped you over those joining today, there was less content competing for attention. You can't deny that fact. I dare you to start giving everyone less than a penny up vote and let's see how your people stick around. They won't.

  4. No I think you have that wrong. Go read my introduction letter, I never expected anything from this site.

  5. No there is absolutely no one, and please do feel free to give me names to check out if I am wrong, that I have seen getting anywhere on here unless they've bought in, use bots, made sock puppets, had prior name recognition on some other site like u tube and got a huge delegation granted to them, or are investing in delegation, doing nude stuff or cheating in some other fashion growing at any accelerated pace.

I read through this entire thing. I have a bit of a headache now. I thought your name sounded familiar, and in this case it wasn't a positive connotation. After a little investigation I found I was right, your name was familiar, and it wasn't positive. You started this conversation with "I didn't get on here today with the intention of being a debbie downer..." I think either you are greatly disillusioned in terms of your intentions, you're a liar, or you just enjoy negativity to an extent I can't comprehend.
I've been on vacation, and I'm just now catching up on some of my favorite authors as well as reading relevant, recent posts. And not only do I find you here, bringing down one of the greatest content creators on steemit, I also find you here slandering one of the kindest, most altruistic people I've met on this platform- and I've been here since 2016.
Perhaps you are simply a troll, in which case I am wasting my time by engaging you. In which case for anyone else who happens upon this comment- at least you'll know.

If you have any heart or soul, please re-think the legacy you're leaving here.

Negativity in the true sense on here for the majority is the inability to censor/ban people who don't fall in line like puppets. Way to many men on this site who can't stand a opinionated woman. I merely left my opinion, if one didn't like it they didn't have to participate/engage to get more of it. You all complain about people acting like sheep but you expect them to do exactly that on here.

I never do understand those who are so determined not to be viewed as a sheep that they're willing to look like a rabidly hissing badger instead. Far better, that.
The men here can't stand an opinionated woman...okay, you're a narcissist, I get it now. I mean obviously if you were a man saying the things you do it would be loads different. Couldn't possibly be because you're unpleasant.
Actually, I should probably thank you. My current belief is that this life requires a balance, so for me to be generally positive, there has to be someone with an opposite demeanor.

I do have a balance you just haven't spent enough time reading through all my comments. Sometimes it just takes someone to turn a stone and I think from some of what I've been seeing that happened with family protection. I see more post, more quality post, more people interacting with comments out side of hate mongering lingo that all sounds the same. If something positive came out of it it was for the better.

I can't help but pointing one thing out though....you see I said opinionated, as I was saying men on here can't take a opinionated woman, you proved my point my calling me a narcissist....the man's point of view somehow always has to make the woman sound worse. Your positivism heads into overdrive please feel free to look me up....given this site chances are I'll be sparring with someone somewhere, remember though a new dawn arises.

I have written several things of my own which got hardly any recognition.

So have I. Don't hear me whining.

That's the problem, it's not that there wasn't a effort it's the part where everyone is more interested in people who have the money blah blah blah

Incorrect. I started out with nothing, people eventually noticed my work.

I don't recall but have you ever looked at any of my post and made a comment, you know they don't have to be "new" and earning money to get some praise. Even if it's not as "quality" as you like neither is everything you post. So come one, tell me have you ever reciprocated just once in return for as many times as I have visited your site?

I've visited your blog a couple of times. I'm not interested in that stuff and that's no different than thousands of people here not being interested in mine. That's a part of life. Meanwhile I've visited plenty of other bloggers who are new and I've supported much of their work. In some cases, my vote is the largest vote they see. I'm not always available to leave comments. Producing my blog and responding to comments here uses up a lot of my available time to be doing this sort of thing, but I still try.

As for this junk you said in number three: You weren't here. Would you like me to clue you in? I was here, I can speak from experience.

There were far fewer people here to notice the blog posts. Just because there fewer blogging didn't mean there were just as many here as there is now to notice them.

I dare you to start giving everyone less than a penny up vote and let's see how your people stick around. They won't.

BULLSHIT! Long before you were here, it would take about 100 minnow votes just to for me to be able to see a dime. We didn't even vote up comments like we do now because it wasn't worth it. Then they changed the rewards curve and gave everyone on the lower a higher valued vote.

Many people stuck around during that period when ONLY the large votes made a difference, many of them are still here today. We were blogging for 10 cent STEEM as well, with no way of knowing the value would ever rise, yet we stayed.

Honestly, if this place bothers you so much; and if the people who made something of themselves only look like luck rather than hard work in your eyes... maybe this place isn't for you. You've already given up by the sounds of it, and you're growing resentful of the community. That's not a healthy combination.

Clearly, you're a prime example of one of these folks wearing the blinders. There are a few people who've commented on this post, they started around the same time you did. Are you calling them cheaters? They have thousands in their wallets, and I saw how it got there, and it certainly wasn't cheating. So now what?

Clearly you just want to argue things which aren't true. What's wrong with admitting you had a advantage over others because you got in early. Lots of people admit it. They discuss ways to solve the problem of minnows now that the platform has grown and it's hard to get attention.

I also find somethings that people write about not interesting, I still check them out, some I even still give a up vote to regardless if I find it interesting or not....because there are a few on here using the money to buy groceries, take care of kids and they need it much worse than any "quality post" or I need it. I even consider that I am more valuable as a blogger then a author to most, other than money that's what people are yearning the most for on here, attention, to feel like their contribution has been noticed, that their time hasn't been wasted. You on the other hand are more concerned with your bottom line then if a child is going to bed without enough to eat. You want to insult people's post well let me tell you that maybe, just maybe one out of ten post you make are funny enough to laugh about and just about any of the rest of them don't add any real contributing value at all, just lame attempts to be funny. But somehow I still care about you as a character, as a different type of personality, an interesting joe with a different twist but I don't count you out, insult you, try not to understand where you are coming from regardless we have different styles, I at least give you the benefit of the doubt. I read just about everything you put out there, I put the effort into it regardless if it comes out rewarding or interesting. I'll admit I've cut back on the amount of time I spend on you, if I am not into it in the first couple paragraphs I just leave it at that but I don't totally write you off, I may find a gem in you in the future, lot more credit then you give me.

I'd like to check out all the people who have posted here tonight but someone may need a up vote for groceries, rent, kids clothes and two I know a couple of your socks but I would have to scour some accounts to determine if there's more so no I won't be wasting my time.

Clearly you just want to argue things which aren't true. What's wrong with admitting you had a advantage over others because you got in early. Lots of people admit it. They discuss ways to solve the problem of minnows now that the platform has grown and it's hard to get attention.

It's hard to get attention everywhere. There are people on Youtube who've been working for 5 years and have yet to see a dime. There are people on Facebook with 5 followers after nearly ten years of posting.

There's no real problem to solve. People just need to learn what they're getting themselves into. All social media is hard. It's up to the individual to get noticed. Youtube doesn't hold the content producers hand so why should Steemit?

I also find somethings that people write about not interesting, I still check them out, some I even still give a up vote to regardless if I find it interesting or not....because there are a few on here using the money to buy groceries, take care of kids and they need it much worse than any "quality post" or I need it. I even consider that I am more valuable as a blogger then a author to most, other than money that's what people are yearning the most for on here, attention, to feel like their contribution has been noticed, that their time hasn't been wasted. You on the other hand are more concerned with your bottom line then if a child is going to bed without enough to eat.

Now there's some more bullshit. I just looked at the stats. You've given 80 upvotes to 43 accounts this past week. I've given out 240 votes to 102 different accounts and this has been a SLOW week for me. I've had those numbers much higher in the recent past. My votes are also worth something whereas yours are piss, so don't sit here pretending to be some hot shot when it's clear I give out more in a day than you can in a month. And like I said previously, I try.

I haven't spent a dime of what I've earned here since I started. I put in the work, I earned the rewards. There's no need to look down on me for that. If you were getting paid, should I look down on you for your efforts? How would you feel if I did that? Would it even make sense? Nope.

You want to insult people's post

I haven't insulted any posts. If you took it personally that I'm simply not interested in yours, that doesn't make them bad, they're just not for me. That shouldn't be a problem. I don't care if you don't like all of my posts. That's life. I can't expect to please everyone all of the time and I'm perfectly fine with that.

I'd like to check out all the people who have posted here tonight but someone may need a up vote for groceries, rent, kids clothes and two I know a couple of your socks but I would have to scour some accounts to determine if there's more so no I won't be wasting my time.

Here's some more bullshit. I only have one account here, and that's the truth.

I'm sick of your shit. Your little guilt trips and all of your lies. That shit shouldn't be leaking out of your ears like that but since you're so full of it, there's no place for it to go.

Leave me alone. I don't care if you don't come back. You've shown me your true colors, multiple times. You're a whiner. That's all, and it's bringing me down.

Have a good day.

I am not a whiner you are just one of those type of guys who like to control the narrative, they are a dime a dozen on here. I haven't been that busy on here this week, I spend a lot of time on my other blog, sure you don't get paid for it but I've never been into blogging for the money for one thing and the people are real, engaged and lively. There they don't expect you to fall in line, there one day you can agree to disagree and come back another day and try again to come back together. Here there's no lack of people willing to tell you to take a hike just because you don't agree with them and they want to call you whiny or disgruntled instead.

Try blaming yourself.

Damn, i do that every single day. Still not enough to get myself as good as i like.

what i observed here is that there are alot of people who joined this platform who are "not made to be content creators".. in a sense that they are here chasing quick bucks without knowing the brutal world that is being a content creator, the requirement to stare at the screen till the eys hurt and type till the hands get numb, the price of alienating everyone close to you and fade away from the outside world, the nights staying up till 1-2am doing nothing else than grind grind grind. If I upvoted myself everytime i saw a "I wrote a good post but no one upvoted me" comment, it would be enough to get myself lynched for self-voting.

These people wont last 2 days outside of Steemit.

It's funny because I myself am likely one of those person, well at least i dont think im entitled.

It one of the reason I decide spread out to other platforms.. While Steemit is the birthplace of my writing aspiration, I know i need get to other platforms if i wanna do this full time.

There are a few different types of people here, much like in life. I'm sure you've worked before so you know about the new guy who after working one week already wants a raise and thinks they can the run the place better than the boss. They don't last long, anywhere. Job to job and they take that attitude with them everywhere they go. Oh! And it's never their fault (but in reality, it's all their fault, but nobody can ever get through to them). Those people are actually quite common.

@nonameslefttouse Sad but true, hopefully they change for the better. Otherwise we'd have to eventually focus away to people who are more positive and uplifting. No use hanging around people who aren't growth centric.

If you think you are that good, why don't you try publishing on another platform, like youtube or even your own blog with your own domain. I doubt you will ever make even 15 cents, which is about the amount of money this whining comment made you ;)

P.S: Just saw you are a content thief. I will retract my upvote.

I am not a content thief. I've been approved by Steemcleaners who verified I have the authors permission to share her stuff because she does not want a Steemit account and I put all the money earned into her tip jar. Nice job trying to disparage me. You should really try reading more than a couple lines, your probably ones of those people who don't put any effort into genuinely reading what people write and give those one sentence comments acting like you did.

Furthermore I am a high reputation blogger on another site, probably why it took me less than a day to get approved for Steemit, that's the only reason I can think that I got approved so fast since everyone else complains it takes days to weeks.

Don't worry about nonames and me we go round every once in awhile, it's all good, tomorrows another day.

I will trust @informationwar that has been curating and upvoting you before you got caught. The fact that you haven't responded to their comment that I will quote is proof enough for me:


No new evidence has been presented to us, and I am going by what the content creator has said to me.

Regardless, even if they had permission they were directly copying and pasting someone else's work and wanting a reward for it and we don't want to reward people who do that. Patriot Retort can post their own stuff on Steemit, which they are not interested in doing and said so themselves to me(when I offered to make them an account).

We aren't going to reward someone who gets permission to copy and paste and keep 30% to 40% of the rewards. They admit they only send the SBD rewards.

Not revoking this."

source: https://steemit.com/informationwar/@sunlit7/another-traitor-joins-cable-news

Any road is a two way road. It also takes my time to post Dianny's stuff for her. She has lupus and in a FB reply to me when I was trying to get her to come here she replied maintaining her current website was all she could handle. I don't care how this guy misrepresents what went down between and I, what she meant by per se was I tried convincing her to come here, she wasn't quite getting what I was trying to tell her so I did a couple of her post, sent her the SBD in her tip jar and this is what she sent me:
Okay, now your comments on the PR Facebook page make sense. Sorry. I can be dense.

Thank you for making this donation to Patriot Retort. I am very grateful — not just for the donation, but also for your support of the site. It has been humbling and exciting to watch how quickly it has grown over the last three years.

Thanks so much for introducing new readers to patriotretort.com.

With sincere gratitude,


That is what per se meant, she wasn't getting what I was trying to say so yes it was in a round about way I came to posting her stuff. Here's another email after I sent her the next's month's SBD:

Thank you again for putting through this donation to PatriotRetort.com. And for continuing to share the posts.

I really do appreciate it!


Information wars was fully aware and gave approval for me to post Dianny's stuff, go read the first few things I posted and you will see how that came about when they questioned me. The current crap came about because the woman who heads Family Protection site got mad at me for a comment, she wanted to ban me from the site but since she can't she'd flag me. Then she went and got her buddy over at information wars and drug him into the fight. They spent two days trying to get me banned, sent me to steemcleaners to have my account removed. Steemcleaners verified I had permission. That case is closed, they failed, and it's just part of the guys on here vile attempt to try and censor people and make them fall in line and agree with everything they have to say, this site is full of people like that. Those are the people who really need to be removed from the site is order for it to thrive, not someone helping out someone who doesn't have the strength to maintain two websites. It's pretty sad when you think about it, information wars is about getting out information that is suppressed then they turn right around and try and suppress someone because they didn't like what I said to a friend. Disgusting. I've written a few things, maybe you should go read those, you won't find many more coming down the pipeline until I can, like others, up vote it to be worth my time.

Nice message. Thanks for sharing with us.

well said. ^^

Yeah. Just relax and enjoy the experience here.