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RE: I Said I'd Take a Break - Two Weeks Later: Still Here

in #life7 years ago

I never do understand those who are so determined not to be viewed as a sheep that they're willing to look like a rabidly hissing badger instead. Far better, that.
The men here can't stand an opinionated woman...okay, you're a narcissist, I get it now. I mean obviously if you were a man saying the things you do it would be loads different. Couldn't possibly be because you're unpleasant.
Actually, I should probably thank you. My current belief is that this life requires a balance, so for me to be generally positive, there has to be someone with an opposite demeanor.


I do have a balance you just haven't spent enough time reading through all my comments. Sometimes it just takes someone to turn a stone and I think from some of what I've been seeing that happened with family protection. I see more post, more quality post, more people interacting with comments out side of hate mongering lingo that all sounds the same. If something positive came out of it it was for the better.

I can't help but pointing one thing out see I said opinionated, as I was saying men on here can't take a opinionated woman, you proved my point my calling me a narcissist....the man's point of view somehow always has to make the woman sound worse. Your positivism heads into overdrive please feel free to look me up....given this site chances are I'll be sparring with someone somewhere, remember though a new dawn arises.

I'm utterly bewildered by this reply! For one thing, how is the man's point of view even involved since we're both women? It is your opinion that men can't take an opinionated woman, it is my opinion that your opinion is ludicrous. You might state experience for your opinion, I'd state the same. And I hope this comment is just as coherent as yours was.

(It's not narcissistic at all to suggest I should spend my time reading through all your comments. Not a bit ;)

.....that was so you didn't jump to anymore conclusions that everything I write is negative. Had nothing to do with being a narcissist. Jeez.

The only time I get into back and forths like this one is in defense of a friend. And in your case it seems more than one of my friends have been a target.

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with people, but there is something wrong with casting those people in a bad light to anyone who will listen. Especially since it almost always ends like this, with others thinking poorly of you instead. Words are tools that can either be used constructively or destructively. We choose whether to bless or curse someone with them.

She deserved everything I said and it was true. When people are on the verge of losing their kids you don't give them false information that not only will heighten the situation but make them look like fools. I kept my mouth shut for a long time about this round about way of appeasing one side but this time I got to the part that said then it goes off onto some insurance thing that insurance thing ended up being crucial because it would have led to fraud and fraud charges being filed...she didn't want to say that because it didn't make the party she makes accusations at look bad it would have made the other person look bad. Luckily that girl is a lot smarter than the average person and could hopefully see that bringing that up would be a mistake. She has the ability to take this platform and grow if she so desires, I truly hope she does, it may be a thing that can click for her. Change things around for her and I hope all of you can see past her troubles and encourage her in a positive light instead of feeding her a bunch of crap that will just make things worse.

I've always been open and honest with people about my opinion(s), if people don't like them they don't have to participate, follow, up vote, but a discussion board is just that, open for discussion of all views regardless. One of the biggest reasons people leave here is there's no open discussion and people who don't fall in line get censored. In the long run it will just doom this site.

She deserved everything you said? You started the entire comment by attacking her and calling her a deceitful liar. It doesn't matter if her advice was wrong, she most certainly wasn't lying or deceiving anyone, only giving her own opinion- you talk about how people should be able to give their opinions, and then contradict yourself entirely. When I read through what she wrote to snowpea, the only advice she gave was to talk to a lawyer, everything else was just her opinion- so who is censoring who here? If she wanted to, if she was the type of person you are making her out to be, she could flag your account to zero. But she is not like that, she is kind and good. However, of course she's not going to respond well to someone who accuses her of being a horrible person- who would???!! And beyond that you have commented to many others disparaging her character all over the place. If you can't see how you are in the wrong than you're in for a long hard road of not getting along with people.

Open and honest. No, I am open and honest. You say whatever you feel like saying regardless of how it might hurt someone. That is destructive, that is using words as a curse, and that is showing a huge lack of empathy.

I'll say it again. She was being deceitful when she went on to say then there's something about insurance. She knew what the insurance thing was. That's being deceitful. It didn't fit her agenda. She didn't even have to add it. She could have done that to my account but I would have gotten it back because she had no justifiable reason to do so. Just like she had no business dragging her buddy from information wars into it who had no problem with me posting stuff for another author and giving her the SBD because she suffers from Lupus and she can't handle having two websites to manage. She gave me permission to publish her stuff on here and it's been verified by Steemcleaners but not until her buddy took every last cent earned by flagging the stuff including the earnings that came from others not in information wars, taking money away from a ill person, yeah, that speaks volumes for the person you speak of. She's the kind of person whose own vendetta against child protection services would rather see thousands to millions of kids suffer at the abuse of parental hands then to ever say there was a need for such a service. That's the type of person we are talking about because she never ever once has rewarded any positive reflection of cps that I've ever seen. There are those of us out here who have had positive interactions including myself and a niece who will tell you their intervention and her subsequent adoption helped her dodge a bullet. She couldn't be more grateful. There is bad in every group in society, it doesn't matter who it is, there is also a whole lot of good that comes out of many groups also, she is a negative naysayer. All children must suffer because CPS may make a mistake, that's just wrong. Now I am done with this conversation so no need to reply back.