My Dear Steemit friends,
I've joint this wonderful platform for around 2 months and I've learnt more than I could give. This is an AMAZING platform in which we are motivated to share, discuss, and sometimes debate. I've met many incredibly smart people who have given me insight into how to do better here. Am I successful now? YES, and NO. The reason why I think I'm successful is that I've been lucky to gain SO MUCH love from this community. I can say confidently and proudly, I TRY MY BEST TO WRITE EVERY BLOG. Thank you all for your great support❤️ . I'm EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for every vote and comment made, especially those made when I was nothing but a newbie with 25 Rep and 25 SP. As you know, I have always tried my best to reply EVERY SINGLE COMMENT:):) I won't forget how I felt when I received my $0.08 payout for the first time:') Yes, that's how I started.
我加入Steemit這個大家庭有2個月了,我所得到的遠比我所能給予的多。這是一個十分精彩的平台,讓我們有動力分享、討論,甚至辯論。我在這裏遇到了許多聰明睿達的人,他們給了我靈感,教我怎樣做得更好。我成功嗎?是,卻否。「是」的原因為,我有幸在這個大家庭中得到了許多的愛戴。我可以自信並自豪地說:「我的每一篇文章都傾注了許多的心血。」非常感謝大家的支持❤️ 對於每一個讚好、每一個留言,我都感激不盡。特別是那些當我還只是聲望25,SP25的小小小魚時對我送上支持的你們。大家都知道,就算到現在我也是堅持回覆每一個留言哦:):)我不會忘記當我第一次收到那$0.08獎勵時候的歡欣 ;') 對,一切就是從這裏開始。
And the reason why I think I'm not successful is that I still have a long way to go. I'm still a newbie and I still have a LOT to learn from you all:) In Steemit, I've encountered many professional articles which sparkled a lot of discussion, nice stories that touched me hard, and great travel blogs which took me to the place while reading. And, I promise to strive for excellence :):)
I'm currently writing 2 series:
- Travel With me: I share my exchange and travel life with you :) I don't just merely introduce how nice the place is, I also include interesting facts, cultural significance and history of that place. I always want you to feel you're traveling WITH me:) Here are some examples: London-Travel with me #4, London-Travel with me #6
- My Stories: I share my life, and sometimes introduce Hong Kong, the amazing city I live in:) I want to share with you my happiness :) Here are the examples: My Stories #4, My Stories #6
- 跟著Susan去旅行:在這裏,我與大家分享我做交換生和旅行時的經歷。我不僅僅會介紹那個地方有多麼的迷人,還會介紹有關它們的趣味小知識、文化特色,以及歷史。我真的想讓大家感到在跟著我去旅遊:) 可以看看這些例子哦:跟著Susan去旅行 #4, 跟著Susan去旅行 #6
- 生活小確幸:在這裏,我與大家分享我生活的點滴,以及介紹香港這座美麗的城市:) 我想與大家分享我的快樂:) 可以看看這些例子哦:生活小確幸 #4, 生活小確幸 #6
Steemit is new to Hong Kong, and I'm glad to be one of the earliest HK people who has joint this platform. Thanks @htliao for introducing Steemit to us, and we can see how successful you've been :):) Of course, the HK team's support is vital to my 'success'. Moreover, I want to thank @neoxian for helping me when I started, and of course for your continuous support :):)
對於香港來說,Steemit是很新的事物。我十分榮幸能夠成為最早加入這個團體的成員之一。我要感謝 @htliao把我們帶到這個平台,我們都看得到你現在努力的成績:):) 當然,我也要萬分感謝香港團隊,讓我們一起成長吧:) 再者,我還要感謝 @neoxian在我初加入的時候給予偌大的幫助,以及一直以來的支持:):)
OF COURSE, I'd like to thank the CN community:):) @oflyhigh and @ace108 who has been supporting me and leaving comments on my posts:) And of course @deanliu, @lemooljiang, @jademont, @myfirst, @someone, @rivalhw...... TOO MANY people I want to express my gratitude to!! And definitely @abit, whom I've never met yet super grateful to:') You guys are SOOOOO important to me. BY NO WAY could I grow this fast without the help from the CN community ❤️ I'm just lucky to have you >V<
當然,我最要感謝的就是CN團體啦!:):) 感謝 @oflyhigh 和 @ace108一直以來支持我的創作,經常在我的文章上留言:) 當然少不了 @deanliu, @myfirst, @lemooljiang, @jademont, @someone, @rivalhw 等等等等!當然,還有我素未謀面,卻感激不盡的 @abit :') 還沒提到的,我絕對沒有忘記你,只是實在有太太太~多我想感謝的人啦!沒有大家,就沒有今天在Steemit上的我❤️ 有你們,是我的幸運>V<
Have you wondered why I'm wearing this? It's the clothes wore by XiangFei, the wife of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. She was famous for her pleasant personality and smell. More importantly, she's a Uyghur, which means 'unite' in their language. I want to send a message to all the Steemians:
United We Stay, a Better Steemit We Make:)
United We Stay, a Better Steemit We Make:)
(大家團結來成長 美好Steemit齊共享--> 中文翻譯太蹩腳了,將就將就吧XD)
Ok, I know you guys want to know about the SBD Giveaway ;ppp Here are the details:
- Guess in which month I was born
- Write down the number (1-12) in the comment
- Each person has only one chance. Otherwise, you'll be disqualified ;pp
- The first one getting it correct will get 3 SBD, the next 2 will get 2 SBD each, and the next 6 will get 0.5 SBD each.
- Winners will be selected and informed on Wednesday (subject to change).
好吧,我知道大家都等著SBD大送出呢;pp 詳情請見下文:
- 猜猜我生日的月份
- 在指定的地方寫下數字(1-12)
- 每人只有一次機會,不然會被取消資格的哦 ;pp
- 第一位答對的會得到3 SBD, 接著的2位每人2 SBD,再後來的6位每人0.5 SBD
- 得獎者將在星期三公布(暫定)
3rd!!! Congratsss!!!!! :)
一位答對的會得到3 SBD
扯專業了吧!莫非你已修煉千年?好眼力,等我學學算命我們再一決高下!ace這個詞代表1, 108也是以1開頭,然後,然後,然後新加坡也有很多世界第一,看來ace108是在1月出生的!天吶,這推理太遜了TVT 有待加強!学过点皮毛.八字风水懂一点.看相就不会但头发跟高度跟五行有关.
其实你猜错了哦.:-) 答案在此
Birthday lunch with Super Heroes - 与超人一党人吃午餐庆生日 (by @ace108)
TT猜錯了呀?哈哈!原來ace兄是9月生日的!對,真的假不了,假的真不了🤣🤣! 咦?生日快要到了哦,預祝ace生日快樂,新的一歲越來越ace!😌
2nd!!!! Congrats @zhijun!!!!!!
哈哈,12月好了xDD 恭喜500喔~
謝謝你的祝賀!>v< 答案會在明天揭曉哦!;p
呀,居然不是私聊 😢
3rd!!!!! Congratsss!!:)
3rd!! Congratsssss!!
是12嗎? :P
3rd!!! Congratsss!!!!! :)
謝謝美美噠 @susanlo :)
12 ")
3rd!!! Congratsss!!!!! :)
3rd!!! Congratsss!!!!! :)
我说几月就是几月,哼 😕
岳父親家您好。謝謝您把Susan生下來並扶養長大,接下來我家的kitcat會好好照顧她的!什麼?不喜歡?那換htliao也可以。好唔好啊?😈其實我是13月的!天吶太多人要照顧我啦!hehe! 這個,大家互相照顧一下吧😏還是先照顧一下劉美女跟O帥哥?
Congrats! Well done :) That's great that you've found such an awesome support network. I'm going to guess you were born in 12. Cheers!
Thanks sooo much :):) haha I'll do better in the future! And yup I'm grateful to find such a network! Cheers ;p
Haha, the answer will be released tmr!
Hi. Nice to come across your blog. I like travel blogs. I liked your writing style also. So its ++ which means follow. I think you are born in june because you look like a gemini to me, but I do not want the 10 SBD if i guessed it right. I like the guess and dont think it should be necesarry to reward to get an answer. Otherwise you never will know if people answering geniunly or because of the sbd. ;)
Thanks a lotttt :) I'm soo glad to have your appreciation! haha you're the first one who's ever guessed in this way! Although I haven't released the answer, I'd love to tell you that I'm just the opposite! I'm a Sagittarius XD Actually I think they're quite similar, don't you think so? Haha you're right to say that we should enjoy the guess instead of the reward:) Very nice to meet you here :) Followed ! Cheers>V<
Mostly yes, but you are more bossy and I am more stubborn. :p but it is a fact that I always have a good understanding with people who are Saggitarius. Very nice to meet you to. :)
Haha you sound like a pro!!! It's interesting! And I get along well with Gemini too!! ;p haha cheers!!
Cheers 😀
Beautiful photos
Thanks sooo much :):)
Congratulations on your well deserved number of followers! It's this kind of stories that inspires me. Oh and btw my guess for your contest is 4 :D
Thanks for your support @kryptokayden!! I'm so glad to give you inspiration! Cheers! :) winners will be released on Wed ;pp
Phenomenal photography as always!!!Great job!
Thanks sooo much @jodhpurindia! :)
Very inspiring post for newbies like me. And want to say congrats for the achievement! 😃 You deserve it ☺ Beautiful photos by the way 😄
Thanks a lot for your support :) im sooo glad to hear that :) we newbies should always support each other! Thanks again! Cheers :)
9 :)
謝謝 @myfirst的支持!😆
謝謝 @tumutanzi 的支持!😆
Congratulations! Well, I think you are successful!
Thank veryyy much for supporting me @jwolf:)
12 !!!!! 猜對了嗎🙈
1st!! Congrats Nicoleeeeee!
我真的太幸運了,謝謝Susan baby 😘😘
果然有藝術氣質和天份的美女連直覺都過人!🌹真的好厲害!不用謝Nicole babyyyy😌
謝謝讚賞和支持!! @jiba :):)
Congratulations , Susan☺️I enjoy reading your posts and we all know you put many efforts in these posts ~ My guess is 12💓
Thanksssss Kris <3 I like your posts tooo!! 😌 Results will be released on Wed, and...😈
2nd!!!!Congrats Krissssss!!!!
謝謝讚賞😆 星期三會出答案哦!:):)
what's your full name?
謝謝讚賞😆不過,香嘛......就...... XD
恭喜!!! 其實我也想加入你們的團體, 請問妳有甚麼建議嗎?
剛申請了個telegram賬號 該怎麼跟你們聯絡? :)
yinyin0914 可以啊! 怎麼敢叫你+我朋友呢 XD
Haha不敢當!XD 我已經叫main admin加你進我們的群組了(因為我雖然是Admin但非the boss), 我想他會儘快的:) See you in the gp ;pp
Ohhhh 我嘗試過了,是可以的sorry LOLLL!! Please check the gp if you want ;p
Congrats @susanlo on doing well in this platform! I think I joined just 2 weeks after you. My guess is March!
Thanks soooo much @howtostartablog!! Let's grow tgt!! Haha answer will be released on Wed:)
big congratz for your 500, i still haven't reach 300
btw 11? I remember i ask which horoscope you were lol
But i dunno if its 11 or 12 T-T
Thanks soooo much for always supporting me!! @carobetc :):) I think you'll reach 500 very soon for I've joint the platform earlier than you! Haha! Yup it's either 11 or 12! Answer will be released on Wed ;ppp
great, btw you going to the gathering??
Ohh coz it seems a bit unorganised so I guess I might not XD and it'll happen this week? Kinda rush ;p
這......DOS......我也沒聽過哦, 我絕對不知道它跟磁碟有什麼關係哦......我們還沒出道就過時啦這可怎麼辦TT 不如改名叫EOS組合(dEan)吧!這一定紅遍全世界!!😏😆
哼!小小年紀,手段如此了得,想幾句話把我弄掉,理由倒是挺充分.... 看來你還是在意我是第一美女啊!.... @nicolemoker!開缺了,開缺了,DOS要改成DON了...
大人冤枉呀TT 這個E就是dEan的"E"呀😭Deeeeeean! 好吧,看來第一位美人不太滿意單薄的團隊,加上Nicole後,我們就成了......ummm這個......NOSE? 怎麼覺得怪怪的,還是叫DONS吧😌😈😏
這時候發現母音開頭的帳號名會比較受歡迎啊~~~~~ LOL
我觉得OS 就很好
😏😏!劉美女內心OS: 這組合沒了我這個外貌擔當,還怎麼混下去!😈
你去找 @krischy 或 @kenchung 啦,OK的啦!你的姿色跟我們一起可能會略遜,這也是為了你好.... 知道嗎?
congrats on 500 followers :)
next Stop 1000 !
Thanks soooo much @prakashghai for your encouragement! I'll continue to work hard and bring better stories to you! Cheers:)
Cheers for the milestone.. I recently reached 500 myself 🍻
Also you look so amazing with that dress cD makes me want to ware it 😂
Thanks sooo much and congrats!!! Haha cheers>V< Thanks for your compliment:):) haha please do visit China/Hong Kong some day so you can try it ! ;p
It always encourages a new joiner if we support them @susanlo. Thanks for sharing your experience as this gives more confidence and motivation to write more , comment more.
Thanks veryyy much @nandikafuture! :):) im so glad to share this with you! Let's work harder and write better! Cheers ;p
You got my vote and a resteem :]
Thanks sooo much !! :):) im glad for your help! :):)
謝謝支持 @jessicameng!! :)哈哈,答案將在明天揭曉哦!
upvoted and follow ..........if you like check my travel photos here
Thanks very much for your support @bllackwidow! :) I'll check your photos out!
謝謝讚賞>v< @kingbit :)
你是 9 月的吧
謝謝你的讚賞 @honey-pot :) 過獎了🙈☺答案將會在明天揭曉哦!:)
You are so cute in these photos, like a princess!
Thanks veryyy much @rawpride! :) ☺
Love your outfit its so cute!!! I say 9
Thanks sooo much @ingkoy! :):) haha the answer will be released tmr ;p
Wow nice pictures! Hope I can reach that level as well! :)
I like your posts, you go woman!
Thanks sooo much!! You WILL reach that!!! Let's work harder and write better! Cheers! :)
i dont know if its still open but my guess is....... :
3hey @susanlo im new to steemit, congratulations on ur 500+ followers, i really love chinese clothes, u truly look stunning in that dress , and look like a fairy with the background scenery and all.
Thanks sooooo much! ☺☺im really glad that you like the dress! Haha Chinese clothes are kinda special, and this one is originally worn by an ethic miniroty in China, so it looks more amazing! Thanks again for supporting me :):)Cheers!
Haha the answer will be released tmr! ;p
youre welcome :-)
they're truly special atleast to me who truly loves them. im excited for the answer
12 for december
three months and my follower count is currently stranded at 498. I cannot seem to get oh'ver tha hump! You do a fantastic job with your travelling blog, better than I could ever imagine. Congrats to you and keep up the good work - also thank you for all your responses !
How wonderful and delightful you are sweet @susanlo ! Perhaps you can advise - I have been tha Steemit nearly
Thanks veryyyy much!! Haha you've got 501 followers now! Congrats !!!!! And maybe you can write a 500+ followers post too ! Thanks for your encouragement :') I'll do better in the future :)) let's work hard and be successful here! :)
♥¸.•°”˜˜”°•.✫ B★E★A★U★T★I★F★U★L ✫¸.•°”˜˜”°•.♥
Love ya @susanlo !!
Thanks soooo much! Haha great hearts and stars!! Cheers!!!!! Let's grow tgt!
please follow and vote me
Upvoted & RESTEEMED!
Thanks SOOOO much !!! Glad to know that :) cheers!
And congratulations! Thank you for modeling the dress for us!
Thanks very much for supporting me!!! :):)
Haha the answer will be released tmr;p
Beautiful post. I believe you were born in September month (9).
Thanks soo much!! :) glad to know you like it! Haha the answer will be released tmr ;ppp