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RE: 500+ Followers! 10 SBD Giveaway! 500+ 追蹤者!10 SBD 大送出!

in #life8 years ago

這個......也太專業了吧!莫非你已修煉千年?好眼力,等我學學算命我們再一決高下!ace這個詞代表1, 108也是以1開頭,然後,然後,然後新加坡也有很多世界第一,看來ace108是在1月出生的!天吶,這推理太遜了TVT 有待加強!


其实你猜错了哦.:-) 答案在此
Birthday lunch with Super Heroes - 与超人一党人吃午餐庆生日 (by @ace108)

TT猜錯了呀?哈哈!原來ace兄是9月生日的!對,真的假不了,假的真不了🤣🤣! 咦?生日快要到了哦,預祝ace生日快樂,新的一歲越來越ace!😌



eh... did I must the birth month announcement?

Haha>V< Actually my birthday is on Dec TT (I asked why Nicole could guess so fast and she told me it's just a wild guess XD And Wilkinshui said he copied her answer TT that's why they got the answer so quickly TT!!) I've only contacted the winners and I've given out the 10SBD hahaha!! BTW Ace I'm impressed by your reasoning >V< b !!!

Dec and Jan also make sense if you 属木。Dec and Jan is 水月。水生木。