Oysters are a real treat, even though there is a hard outer shell, the real gem (and i'm not talking about pearls) is the soft succulent meat that should be both soft and fresh. Even though Oysters can be enjoyed any time of year, eating fresh oysters during the Summer is preferred as they can really help cool you down. Just like Minions, Oysters come in all shapes and sizes, big, small, fat, slim and they even different in breed. Usually, the Oyster's are determined by the location at which they were farmed. As a girl that grew up by the sea, I have a good sense of the sea. Everytime I eat oysters, I seemingly taste the sea of a different region or place. You could say, if you taste enough different oysters, you have basically tasted the world's various waters.
France is known as the definitive place to go enjoy oysters, it's oyster 'culture' is unrivalled. As a matter of fact, you can get the best variety of tastes of oysters in France due to the intense competition of serving the best tasting oysters. One quick look around on Yelp and I find the most recommended restaurant to be Paris' Opium La Cabane. This restaurant specialises in serving oysters. I take a look at the menu and and find different kinds of labels. N1 represents it's size, so N1 is larger than N2. With such a wide selection and with my limited French reading ability, I told the lady to recommend a bit of everything worth tasting. Little did I know, that eating oysters without the mignonette or tabasco sauce is thought to be the best way to enjoy the unique taste of each oyster. So, I tasted the oysters without the extra's and I found that the owner was right. I had discovered a new understanding of eating oysters!
法国是吃生蚝最有情怀和历史的地方。他们的生蚝文化是全世界不可比拟的。法国的生蚝味道非常丰富,他们在各个餐厅激烈的竞争下,培育出了世界最丰富的生蚝品种。就拿我在yelp上随意挑选的生蚝店来说,Opium La Cabane是一家非常专业的生蚝店,虽然店面小,服务人员只有一个,但是一看菜单,我就晕了,菜单上按照0分等级,0太多可能肉质会老。N1则是代表尺码,N1比N2大,并且这家店是按个卖的。所以我就听老板的推荐,都点来尝尝。没吃这一家生蚝之前,我喜欢加蒜泥和柠檬汁,有时候想吃口味重的,则会加Tabasco。但是这一家老板认真的教我生蚝怎么吃,并且建议我什么东西都不加,尝尝原味,那一次午餐之后我对生蚝有了新的认识。
This is the photo:
The experience that left me the deepest impression was a restaurant that I visited which required no booking. It was a walk-in Oyster restaurant. The lady ran this restaurant herself, and she both prepared as well as served the meal. The lady was particularly passionate and was adamanent on giving me the best selection of Oysters to taste. She even gave me a free bottle of Champagne! Fantastic! The atmosphere of this place was so heartwarming, it felt like I was right at home and having dinner served by my grandmother.
At some point during my meal, an elderly man walked in and sat himself down without ever ordering from the menu. In just a few moments, the owner began serving the elderly man some starters followed by the main oysters. It is as if the man was a regular customer of many years that the lady knew what he wanted.After finishing the meal, the lady came over to ask how I found the oysters. Of course, I was more than satisfied. She brought over a photoframe with a photograph of a man on a wooden boat. She told me that the man in the picture is the owner, and to this day, he harvests and farms the oysters from that place every single day. It was a black and white photo and it really made me appreciate my meal just that much more. Actually, there are many such Oyster restaurants in France, home run businesses where the owner and customer are just like friends. It's at that point that I realised that the enjoyment of Oysters is more than just the nuitrional benefit, but rather the combination of the company, the atmosphere, the oysters of course and the feelings and mood that is generated.
法国还有一家印象深刻的店,是随遍walk in 的,店铺只能摆下四张桌子,一个和蔼可亲的老太太为我们服务。她非常热情的招待我们,为我们推荐今天特色的生蚝,还送我们香槟,那种感觉就像回到了家,外婆为你精心准备的晚餐。在那里吃饭的顾客有一个人来的老爷爷,坐下之后没有点餐,老太太就端上了前菜,之后是生蚝,可以想象大概是几十年熟悉的客人了,所以完全知道老爷爷爱吃什么。餐后老太太拿来一个相框,画面里一个木头船,一个老人站在船上,很有意境,她告诉我这是他的老板亲自种植生蚝的场景。其实像法国这个家庭式的生蚝店还有很多,店员就像自己家来了客人一样热情的招待,那一刻我懂了原来吃生蚝吃的是一种情怀。
In England, there are two Oyster bars that I can recommend, Bentley's Oyster Bar and Grill in Harrods is one that focuses on the quality oysters imported from France. The taste definitely holds up to its reputation.
在英国也有2家店值得推荐,Bentley's Oyster Bar and Grill做的是精品生蚝,味道也是很棒,产地大多是来自法国。在harrods里面有一家分店。
Wright Brothers in London's Carnaby street is another place I visit and recommend. They have happy hours where 1 Oyster costs just 1 pound in off peak times, so if you're feeling like eating a large number, then that's the best option for value. If you're lucky, you may even get Oysters from the south of france in the happy hour deal.
Wright Brothers在伦敦Carnaby street有一家,在工作日的夏午有happy hours,一只生蚝只要1磅,如果你想大量吃,去那里再好不过了。运气好还能碰上从南方来的生蚝。
Actually Oysters are a dish enjoyed in Chinese cuisine too. But in China,people like to cook them. To me, a cooked oyster seems to have lost some of its flavour.
The two main ways people eat Oysters in China are steamed oysters over porridge.
or baked oysters with garlic.
Taiwan's Oyster Omelette
Vietnams Oyster Omelette
I always wondered, with all these big regions like Asia, America and Europe eating oysters, what do people do with all the shells left over? Can you use them to build houses? Or are there other uses?
Wow. :D Those oysters look good. You just gave me a feeling longing for oysters. Maybe I should go to the sea tomorrow and have a nice day looking for oysters.
Absolute decadence!!! Thank you for sharing, I'm so hungry for fresh oysters now... I used to have at least a dozen every birthday since I was 12 years old. I LOVE them! thank you for your post. Great shots and info too. Namaste :)
You are truly a seasoned Oyster connoisseur. I think you must be very healthy as a result of eating them from such a young age.
Thank you for checking my post out!
In deed, very healthy still. Good blessings! Namaste :)
Thank you for sharing this blog. Great work, I wasn't aware France had this big of a Oyster culture as you mentioned. Looks like I found a good excuse to get out there.
I love to eat my oysters with lime, Tabasco and horse radish
A few questions...
Great Blog, I'm following
Thank you mrwang, I do love sharing my experiences with food, i'm a big foodie!
To answer your questions:
You will find that the taiwanese Omelette retains more Oyster taste.
Thanks for the information... Those omelettes are very interesting looking.
Thanks for sharing
The animals we eat should be killed mercifully
Great! I love oysters...
We have something in common 😊
These images brought up a deep sense of nostalgia of eating oysters shucked and eaten directly from the ocean - I could nearly taste the refreshing flavour.
that's exactly the way I think about oysters after not eating them for a while. They have become addictive for me!
sea foods are my best any time any day.
Me too,sea food makes me feel happy😄
awesome food
Lemon with oysters is good. Ponzu sauce with oysters is divine.
I like oysters pretty much any way☺️
These oysters look great! I wish we had some like this right now
Then go out and have some right now!😄
Great idea! :D
sssj, 是今天的吗,又去哪里玩了?
Your posts are always beautiful and informative. Oysters are delicious but can present a problem for people who are not used to eating them as they do look quite strange. I have friends that just plain refuse to eat them.
Thank you for the kind words thecryptofiend! I must say I was apprehensive about eating Oysters the first time as in China they cook it completely. In the West, Oysters are eaten raw for freshness and even the taste is quite strange at first. Definitely an acquired taste! Tell your friends they are missing out on delicious and nutritional food!
Pretty girl eating aprodisiacs
Parisian oysters are freaking awesome!
My priest always told me, "never eat an oyster unless it has a condom wrapped around it."
Yes all sea food is delisious.. but oystersthe best
yumm!! i love oysters :)
Great post @sweetsssj
Cheers @b0y2k!
@sweetsssj 美女+美食,又一次强烈的刺激眼球!
Pictures are so fake.... It look like been Photoshoped .
Who needs viagra when you have cute weman and oysters
I love oysters! Actually, I love all seafood! It looks delicious!
Hola como están, Las ostras mas allá de ser un plato realmente muy rico. Es un producto que mueve la economía de muchas islas, ademas de la explotación de producción de perlas.Perlas son productos del dolor, resultado de la entrada de una substancia extraña o indeseable en el interior de la ostra, como un parásito o grano de arena. Una ostra que no fue herida, de ningún modo produce perlas, pues la perla es una herida cicatrizada. Perdón no fue mi idea quitarle el apetito. Pero volviendo al tema del Las comidas preparadas con ostras son realmente y plato afrodisíaco digno de disfrutar . Muy Buen material muchas gracias por compartirlo
Thanks for the great pictures and also for reminding me of just how much i love oysters; can't wait to visit my favorite local oyster bar asap!
So tasty! I was going to make an oyster post too, but i guess its too late now! lol
rich people doing rich stuff, really i dont care
In New Zealand, we turn the left over shells into little houses for bloggers with too many cats.
Why am I not in New Zealand! That sounds like the perfect use of shells.
hey, I'm french and also like very much oysters, and the way you present french oysters. By the way, what is the name of the restaurant with the old man ? 请继续写这样的文章,谢谢。
Salut! I'm really sorry but I cannot remember the name of that restaurant, it saddens me because it left such a wonderful memory. I'm really not very good with French names!
hi, maybe you could tell me where is it, a place, a street, near a monument, etc .. and I can search for you the name of the restaurant . have a good week.

OMG .. I LOVE those .. I remember the first time with I eat one of those.. ummm Delicious!!