Furby is my favorite, because she is the luckiest cat in the world.
"She'll come by and lick your mouth", i think 99% of the male readers on this post will envy that except laonie. :)
That fluffy white cat with the big eyes that you are holding in the yard is very cute. What breed is that?
We were walking in the appliance section when my gf first saw that THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS on the flatscreen and I couldn't get her unglued from it. It is funny and cute. Some (most?) girls really love cute animals. I guess it is part of their instinct to adore and nurture (kids).
I think you need more girls and Asians on this site to appreciate that stuff. I notice the Asians are really getting into virtual anime, online digital art, and cutesy stuff. The Western ladies are more into tangible art and volunteerism that involves real interaction with community. Asians are more into cliques of friends. Well at least that is my impression since I live in Philippines and have visited Hong Kong. What is your perspective?
猫猫好可爱~~~~ 亲更可爱!!!请教一下眼睛怎么画的?开个教程吧~~~
Thanks for the pussy photos, here's a picture of my... Rooster.
lovely cats
thank you, they really are lovely ~
Hello your cats so cute !!!😝 REVOTED !!! see me later
Milky is my favorite, I think. Great looking cats, all of them.
Thanks,much love!
you are cute:)
and you need a guy without allergies to cats:)
Thanks, I think you're right!😄
12 cats, are you kidding me?
sweetsssj is steemit's supermodel ....
Furby is my favorite, because she is the luckiest cat in the world.
"She'll come by and lick your mouth", i think 99% of the male readers on this post will envy that except laonie. :)
Don't tell the others, but she's my favourite too! ^_^
That fluffy white cat with the big eyes that you are holding in the yard is very cute. What breed is that?
We were walking in the appliance section when my gf first saw that THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS on the flatscreen and I couldn't get her unglued from it. It is funny and cute. Some (most?) girls really love cute animals. I guess it is part of their instinct to adore and nurture (kids).
I think you need more girls and Asians on this site to appreciate that stuff. I notice the Asians are really getting into virtual anime, online digital art, and cutesy stuff. The Western ladies are more into tangible art and volunteerism that involves real interaction with community. Asians are more into cliques of friends. Well at least that is my impression since I live in Philippines and have visited Hong Kong. What is your perspective?