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RE: May I “Mansplain” Something for a Minute, Please?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You (like most feminists) seemingly are convinced that resisting male interest in women through shaming and suppression it is the solution.

And I hang around here with a name like techslut? Hardly. I am shameless and happy with it, but I had to work hard to get here.

Female sexuality will never be owned by women as long as most women experience sexual assault or harassment in their lives. Ask your mom. Ask your sister. As your wife. Many of us have had our sexuality taken from us and shredded by men who think it's all natural and it's their right to overpower the female to take what they want like a wild animal looking to spread its seed.

I had that done to me when I was 15. I had to reclaim my sexuality and guess what? It was NOT EASY and took years of hard work and therapy because I blamed whatever sexuality I had at 15 for attracting a predator. Not all women get the help and support I did, and many live in pain and anguish or simply kill themselves. So many.

You can't free women by beating and raping them into submission. Most of us have learned to fear men either from our mothers or from very painful experience. To many of us, our sexuality is not a gift or a tool but a curse. A reason to be attacked, a reason not to be taken seriously and a reason to get raped. And none of that is evolution's fault.


You continue to either misunderstand or misrepresent me completely. Rather than address my specific contentions, you slay straw men. Please read my stuff again and then let me know if you really think that I’m advocating in any way for women to be beaten and raped into submission.

With respect, I suggest that you’ve not yet reclaimed your sexuality at all. Your entire worldview (if not your entire life) is still controlled by these few limited traumatic experiences from your past, these demons. Your politics is ruled by them. Your attitude is ruled by them. Your seething disdain and distrust of men results from them. Even your handle here reeks of false bravado and little more. If you had truly reclaimed your sexuality, you would’t fear being vulnerable (IMHO, and yes I’m entitled to have one, even with balls). You wouldn’t fear exploiting it. No, you’ve not reclaimed it at all. Men (or at least these demons of men) still own you. (Believe it or not, I say all of these things to you with total sincerity and love. I’ve got nothing but love for you, and I hope you heal someday).

My wife has never been assaulted. My daughter has never been assaulted. I don’t believe my sister has ever been assaulted, but I suppose it’s a matter of how you define assault (as an actual act of harmful violence or a harmless physical touch). My Mom may have had some issues with a family member in childhood (I’ve heard hints of that), but they don’t seem to have scarred her like they have you.

I would apologize for your experience at the age of 15, except I wasn’t responsible for it, and neither was my gender as a whole. That you can’t see that suggests that you’ve not reclaimed your life to the extent you think you have.

It’s tragic that these few experiences have tainted your worldview so that you now perceive your sexual attractiveness as a curse and men as threats (again, yet more evidence that you’ve not actually reclaimed it). I’m truly sorry for that. I can think of few things more tragic, actually.

I would apologize for your experience at the age of 15, except I wasn’t responsible for it, and neither was my gender as a whole.

Yes, you were. It's exactly that toxic self-indulgent "evolution said I deserve everything" attitude that turned me into a rape victim and you into a woman-hater in denial.

Also, you don't shit about me, or my sexuality, so between your threats and assumptions, you've made it quite clear you're not a man willing to listen to the opinions of anyone without a penis.

And the most tragic part of all is you honestly see yourself as enlightened when your words clearly show you're no more than a misogynist perfect shaped into an example of a gender supremacist.

I am done. You're not here to listen anyway, just make ridiculous excuses for sexual violence and throw threats at any female that disagrees.