I'll agree with you that money can be invested or wasted on horrible deeds. What I, as a Cooperative Agorist, think is that we as individuals working together need to set standards for the organisations we start. In my opinion, the way to work away the issues and ultimately to rid ourselves both of institutions based on conscription and those based solely on perpetuating myths, is by building something better.
But that better synergy of organisations can't be built within the constraints of collectivism. It has to be fully independent, just like a company. (or so a company would be, theoretically, if we had no state)
Sweden is experiencing issues, but then again, this isn't the first time. The politicians are experts are creating new problems though. My favorite example since some time now, is how they tricked thousands to enter Sweden legally on grounds of being promissed our imigration policy would "remain compassionate, open and tollerant" ... and then made the vast majority of them illegal only a week later.
How's that for creating black markets? Not such a great move...
But most of what you hear online from so nationalists and fascists is at least BS. Yes, we have an issue with crime in all it's forms - and weapons; pistols, rifles and grenades being used increasingly too - but it's mostly concentraded in the south of the country and it isn't spreading as fast and alarmingly as they say.
Still, it is an issue that more Swedes should be taking seriously. But they're not listening and I have a feeling they won't start until the new nationalist conservative party take second place in parlament. They already have close to 50% of voters in some southern parts.
Hey, I just focus on my work here now. I was gonna leave some day anyways ;)
I guess things have to get worse before they get better. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and swedes stop and face the facts and act accordingly - Like taking in smaller numbers perhaps? It feels like a lot of proper discussion was being shunned and shut down quick which lead to people getting angry and now these new parties are gaining a lot of supporters.
I'm not sure if it is so good idea to take huge numbers of immigrants who don't speak the language and kind of act hostile towards the host country and their ideology - the same ideology that is the reason for them being there. But I'm sure I only get to hear the bad news, I'm sure many of them are thankful for the opportunity and I hope all the best for them.
New nationalist conservative party getting 50% of votes in some parts? That does speak volumes. Didn't know that, thanks. Isn't this kind of change happening all over the Europe with similar immigrant rates?
It will be interesting to follow how things play out in the following decades. As always but if the sink ships, captain, or in this case, captains should go down with it ;)
And I happen to live too close to Sweden.. Which is why I'm so interested in what's happening over there. You guys are far ahead us in immigration numbers so you're like looking to future in our nation.