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RE: The Most Amazing Wedding Film You'll Ever See!!

in #life7 years ago

Ed - I hope you get the opportunity to have everything you desire my friend. This wedding was THE MOST proud moment of my life. It has carried into our marriage...

I would have been just as happy to marry her under the stars with no one around but there was certainly something special about being there with so many people I loved and cherished.

Thanks for the kind words brother.


"I would have been just as happy to marry her under the stars with no one around but there was certainly something special about being there with so many people I loved and cherished."

I know exactly how you feel , and It is just inspiring to me to see that you fulfilled you dream day, we can see that all your friends and family count so much for you and it's a whole bunch of awesome chaps!

Especially after everything that you wrote lately, the hard times , the moments of doubts, it just so amazing to see joy

My friends and family really made the day special. Everybody was so happy and having a good time...

Life has definitely had its ups and downs as of late.

Luckily I have a great family at home and I love my day job as a Nurse- caring for a medically fragile boy full time. I remind myself of the wonderful opurtunites I have been given and the amazing wife I get to come home to.

Money will come eventually- the hard times will fade I’m sure. Hell, I’m only 25- so there’s plenty of time to figure things out.

I look forward to what life brings..

Jeez i was about to say "sooo young" then I realized I got married at 27 which is just 2 years later hahah .
I am really looking forward to your writings, you have your own style and i am an avid fan of yours now. I want to say I am eager to read part 3 , and many other of your stories, even fictional ones I wouldn't mind

I write a lot how I talk - I think my writing reflects my personality pretty well...

It’s great to know that there’s someone looking forward to reading my posts. Part 3 should be done soon!!

Yeah the last time I enjoyed reading like this was few years ago so you go me interested again in litterature. And it doesn't feel like "writings" it's difficult to explain

I once said in an early post that I hope people will follow my content - not just for what it is but also for the piece of me that you will find in every post I write. I don’t have the ability to travel the world and take amazing photos but I have something else..Me

And I mean that in the most humble sense.

Hey Bro my wife just made her first post on Steemit!


I just did, she has a great story to tell ! Welcome on board @jkat!

Oh and yeah my wife is 22 so she’s the young one haha!