
why i want to be happy all the day? IMO this would kill all productivity as u don't want to change this happy state - or at least i wouldn't want to change it .. anyway ..

Very true. Struggle makes us stronger. I'm just saying that it is wise to focus on those struggles that will actually lead to happiness. There are some challenges that you must face. But there are others that people focus on that they don't have to. I would say that being productive leads to happiness.

Very true. What Manson suggests is that some amount of discomfort, or unhappiness is productive as it spurs us into progress. If we were able to achieve happiness all the time as you say you quite possibly wouldn't want to do anything - again this is why certain drugs of abuse can be so harmful.

Yes quite possibly - I think in modern life we find all kinds of reasons not to do this though.

I think a lot of people avoid doing this because it is simply uncomfortable. Change is hard for people. They feel comfort in what they know even if it is having a negative impact on them. But all of this seems so simple when you are an outsider looking in on someone who is in crisis. A person in crisis can't see it.

Absolutely - I also think there is that old thing of it being a lot easier to see and analyse problems in others and not ourselves even when it isn't at crisis points!