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RE: Why Bringing Back The Gold Standard Is Not The Solution To Current Day Economic Problems

in #life8 years ago

100% agreed, as I have covered multiple times. The Gold Standard has been written into the working papers of the central core of central bankers the Group of 30. They wrote and I covered this awhile ago, that they wanted a return to a gold standard as they had in the beginning of the Federal Reserve model, because they have bought up the gold and now they want to use it for control. See this blog post with my video I made on the Group of 30:

Furthermore, countries that have tried to tie their central banking systems to gold and even oil, are being sucked dry of these resources for half their value, look at Venezuela, my blog with video on the situation there is highly praised for accuracy:


Dude, really? I hope you know it's really not helpful to anyone who has an interest in these topics to disseminate bad information just because you're too lazy to actually get educated/informed, or because you think it's okay to draw unsubstantiated conclusions on issues which you have poor knowledge and understanding of and pass it on to spread ignorance and misinformation.

First, regarding global gold supply, where did you get that information, and did you even bother to check if it corresponded to any numbers derived from reality? Or if it even made sense? Because as far as most people who track gold know, China (government plus public holdings) should have the most gold right now. They've been importing most of the global supply for a while now, and they're the number 1 producer in the world, and haven't exported any. So...unless the Group of 30 includes the Chinese Communist Party and about 1 billion other Chinese, I don't see how you could have come to that conclusion other than you kinda just made it up.

Regarding this:

because they have bought up the gold and now they want to use it for control

what does that even mean? control over...? I mean, at this point, they have COMPLETE control over monetary policy, and most likely much more if you want to include whoever they've bought in DC (probably most of them). Or are you implying that they'd get control over us, the people? As if they don't already have millions and billions of dollars worth of assets more than you? Who cares whether it's real estate or businesses or gold or fiat, it's all the same to them and us.

The Gold Standard would be the best thing for the people, since unaccountable and unelected private groups like the Federal Reserve wouldn't be able to do stuff like, destroy the currency through inflation like they have for the past 45 years, ROBBING citizens of purchasing power, or keep interest rates so low that retirees and savers who were depending on some semblance of a return to normal interest rates for the past several years are going to be facing financial RUIN because they've nothing to show for their years of work and paying into the system, or their financial discipline. It's a lot harder to do stuff like that when your money is tied to something REAL like GOLD. See? Easily verifiable information, and passes a basic test of making sense--that's how you should go about making assertions that have a value better than worthless.

And as much as I love conspiracy theories, I gotta disagree here about the group of 30...any group that could even remotely be considered near the top of the hierarchy, you will never hear about. Any group you know of is either lower down on the ladder or a distraction. Especially a group that small. Assming they're serious about achieving their goals, which it seems like they are, and assuming they're the ones in charge, which it seems like you're implying, how does it make sense for them to take the risk of allowing their group to be publicly identified?? And to let people know when they meet up for photo ops, so that a single crazy could take them out in a single BOOM?? "Yea, we've kept it under wraps for centuries, but we really just thought it was worth it to get a picture of the whole gang, you know?" If you're gonna be too lazy to research or check sources, than at least use your head and apply some common sense.

And finally,

Furthermore, countries that have tried to tie their central banking systems to gold and even oil, are being sucked dry of these resources for half their value, look at Venezuela
Again, CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE SOME GODDAMNED SENSE?? Let's say your country is abundant in and can only export only 1 resource. Is there really a choice being made to be "tie their central banking systems" to that resource? No. And that aside, what are you even talking about with the tying Central Bank system to bullshit bullshit bullshit. Seriously, are you getting paid to spread disinformation? Because frankly, that would be infinitely easier to accept, than having to believe a normal adult that is not a psychopath and has what could minimally qualify as a "normal" sense of morality, is okay with just blatantly making things (not very well at least) without any regard to how it might affect other people, or that anyone with so little brain activity somehow managed to post something online, even a post as terrible as yours.

Let's get some basic things straight here.

  1. Their currency was pegged to the US dollar
    *I don't understand how this could be misconstrued in any way. It's not complex, or hard to verify; would literally have taken you less than a minute to vet.
  2. They're not being "sucked dry", they're selling whatever they have because they're broke. I'm not sure if there is any possible way to make that simpler or clearer, so take your time.
  3. Since you decided to use a nonsensical sequence of words in place of explaining how they got into this mess, I'll assume you don't actually know. In addition to low oil prices and lack of rain for which their power generation relies on, a major factor was irresponsible government expenditure, which, WOH SURPRISE SURPRISE, is facilitated by a monetary system that isn't tied to anything tangible. And what a coincidence, all the other countries going by the petrodollar standard are in the exact same situation!! I mean, that's what would be expected in the absence of sound money, but...but....THEY WOULD HAVE CONTROLLED US WITH THEIR GOLD!!! WE COULDN'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!
  4. Have you maybe considered the tiniest possibility that a dictatorial socialist government might not be the absolute best system to grow an economy in? Or did that completely escape your undying devotion to maintaining exemplary journalistic standards?

Sorry to be so blunt, but if you're not going to expend basically ANY effort to contribute to the right side, then why don't you try SHUTTING THE FUCK UP. Or take the time to either get smart or get knowledgeable, ideally both. Aside from those few suggestions, have a wonderful evening and spectacular weekend!

Lolz, wow you are an asshole. You think that by throwing a bunch of insults my way and using ad hominem arguments you have won? By reading your comment, you clearly have NO FUCKING CLUE what I am talking about. I addressed like 90% of your bullshit in the linked videos, both of which have thousands of views and are far more liked than disliked. Don't let that bother you dude. I would have actually written you a real response if you had taken the time to look through the information instead of personally attacking me because you dislike my opinion.However you decided to get all butthurt, and act like a four year old who watches too much TDV, please fill this form out and mail it to someone who gives a fuck about your opinion because it ain't me...
