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RE: Damn Drunk Driver and a Scooter (We are OK!!)

in #life7 years ago

All that matters is that you guys are ok. It could have been so much worse. Even better the police got him off the road and amazing that they processed him so quickly.
Glad the move went well. I hope the new place is nice. The view looks nice 😃


Ditto that! You capture the first words that came to mind for me, so I don't have to. :) And you said it better.

I think you would have been just fine @carolkean. I am working really hard on not using the word 'sorry' for everything, trying to put meaning into what I say rather than just a stock answer.

I know you well enough to know that none of your answers are "stock answers" to me @tryskele. So save the over thinking and extra work for those who don't know you so well haha Rest easy with me sista :) <3

Still good practice though. :D Makes me think of a better answer than one of the 2 misued words in the English language. I'm afraid, I'll scare them off LOL.

Thank you @carolkean :) You said it perfectly too!!

Thank you @tryskele! IT's been a hell of a few days,and although the cuts and bruises are diminishing, I'm beginning to think I though something out in my shoulder blade. For example, too much computer time and I start to get a headache ... I can feel it from my right shoulder blade, up through my neck and into my head.

We may get wiser with age, but the old bod sure seems to kick up more of a fuss with time! :)

Thank you for caring!!