"What do you think? Should you fight who you really are on the inside? Be on a permanent mission for self-improvement? Or just learn to live with who we are and managing to be the best version of that?"
If you improve yourself you stop being who you were yesterday.
About fighting who you are inside: Don't accept what you can change and accept what you can't change.
That means to stop helping people you don't know, don't like and who are too fucked up. It also means to to care about yourself instead of others.
Like that you manage your empathy. But you can not completely erradicate it. If I had no empathy I wouldn't write this post for you.
I am writing it because I am in a top condition to help & because it is no sacrifice from my side to help you.
Besides that you are a good woman, who sadly does not know what is good for her & who needs a good man that guides her.
Your empathy was abused by people. Sad thing, it ruins many good hearted people.
But such is life. Life is tough, it ain't disneyland where everyone is a good person. Most people are motherfuckers & I hate society.
I had my heart and my good will crushed many times till I realized that I am the most important person on this eart because THIS IS MY LIFE!
I don't want to die knowing I essentially lived for others!
There are some people I will always help, regardless of whatever their pasts might have been, because they feel like family to me, god only knows the dysfunctionality of my own family, so will continue to support a small handful, even though I've never met them, in most cases.
I refuse to believe that most people are motherfuckers, everyone has good in them, sorry bit of a pollyanna like that.
And I'd like to die knowing that I essentially lived to help others, wouldn't mind that written on my gravestone at all.
But yes will learn to manage it better and not drown in an emotional cesspool. My empathy might have been abused, but it's still there in bounds. You may not know of my mission to make a million and give it away.