Physics Vs. Politics

in #life3 years ago

domestication.jpgIn May 2021 a joint study by MIT and Harvard showed mRNA was transcribed into DNA. The jabs are altering human DNA. We won't have to wait 10,000 years to find out what they are changing us into, like wolves did.

The overlords cannot ever win. Their problem isn't people. It's physics. Physics, the laws of the universe, determine what is efficient, what is profitable, and what is robust.

The laws of physics are advancing decentralization of means of production. Centralization is the sole mechanism that enables parasitism, overlords, and psychopaths to seize power by doing shit no one else would dream of to get it. If we're making our own shit, they got no pipeline to tap. If my neighbor is making coffee makers, I don't buy from Amazon and pay a cut to the banksters.

Decentralization is freedom. It's the restoration of the egalitarian society humanity evolved in and for, for hundreds of thousands of years, before the advent of agriculture.

Centralization is a temporary phase necessary to the advance of technology through crude and primitive stages before it becomes advanced enough for individuals to produce the modern goods and services that create the blessings of civilization.

Once that happens, the former overlords are just plebs, with no one and nothing to parasitize. They can't threaten, psychologically manipulate, or trick the laws of physics. As long as clever monkeys continue to exist, we will continue to advance technology. That's what clever monkeys do.

The overlords are doomed to fail. It's just up to us when that happens. Better sooner than later, IMHO.


the wolves are coming back

Humanity will always be in this power struggle against the overlords unless humanity can shift perception to not think in terms of gain over ones neighbor.

I see it as a pyramidal power structure, which only a small percent can inhabit the top tier, and the rest are doomed to squabble and fight with one another, trying to climb to a higher rung, never able to see the proverbial strings that their masters pull.

It's difficult to operate outside of this system while living directly in it. Everything is corporation now, family owned businesses are becoming less and less, all by design, and the system is now the Orwellian nightmare that we hoped it wouldn't become.

I think from a physics point of view, you make some really great points. The flow of information is increasing with the internet, and they are scrambling to keep the masses under their tightly knit platforms, as people are getting sick as fuck and dying from the jab and witnessing their neighbors get sick. At a certain point, a mass awakening will occur, and these bastards are most certainly afraid of the implications of this awakening.

I hope for a better future for mankind.

Thank you for raising awareness.

"Humanity will always be in this power struggle against the overlords unless humanity can shift perception to not think in terms of gain over ones neighbor."

This seems to neglect the underlying premise of my post, which is that parasitization and power are dependent on centralization. Perhaps I was unclear as to that in my attempt to attain to brevity, the heart and soul of good writing, but the enemy of exposition.

Insofar as independent production of goods and services are undertaken by individuals, the power of overlords is deprecated. As the affects of independent means concatenate and multiply the impact of each the other, the power of producers is exponentially increased by each means adopted, and by each adopter in a community.

This suggests to me that humanity is so deeply evolved to egalitarian societies that centralization and subjection to overlords is terribly fragile, and only attained with difficulty. Bloody history and the present desperation, practically innumerable expenditures, and fierce adherence to their common narrative strongly supports this hypothesis, in addition to the fact that humanity has apparently spent 99.999% of it's evolution in egalitarian societies, and only potentially impacted by centralization for a few centuries.

The fact that psychopathy enables overlords to parasitize centralization, and that this is terrible for the reproductive success of the subjugated reveals that physics abhors centralization almost as much as it does a vacuum. While I am incompetent and unwilling to exhaustively detail how and when we can and will decentralize nominally, I remain confident we will, because of the immensity of the advantage decentralization inherently grants over centralization.

The nature of power and psychopathy does not, however, suggest this will be bloodless or easily done. It only asserts that it will almost certainly be done, and that psychopathy will become seen as a congenital disease, because it is, and that hopefully their deranging influence on our comity and happiness will soon be mitigated.

Them in denial of their derangement the more desperately deny they can be regulated, but perhaps that is the best means at our disposal today to mitigate the ongoing harm. But, I've said too much. Their own most dire weapons against all that is good and decent are revealed to be the very solution to the problem they pose to good people that seek to endow their posterity with a legacy of prosperity and liberty.

I am glad better men than I are on it.

This seems to neglect the underlying premise of my post, which is that parasitization and power are dependent on centralization. Perhaps I was unclear as to that in my attempt to attain to brevity, the heart and soul of good writing, but the enemy of exposition.

The underlying premise was not misunderstood.
It is simply a counterargument I would propose, that the parasitization is so deeply embedded into society, that there is a willful resistance of acknowledgement or perhaps ability to even see the dependence which we are currently under, with the mass perception being affected so greatly with this parasitic dependence.

If we are to deconstruct centralization and build anew, how many will dispel the box they have subjugated themselves to, wittingly or unwittingly so?

If the masses cannot see the shackles that bind them, I propose that there will be a natural push for centralized power and control which will manifest from within society, and the process will begin again.

It is only my opinion to suggest that profit models of all kinds need to be disintegrated from human thought process. That we must think in terms of helping one another and not hoarding resources, but sharing resources with one another and working towards a common goal, as a unit. No one to be "in charge", no one to have more than their neighbor. This could be contested in many ways I'm sure.

One might say you have more than me if you have more carpentry tools, but perhaps you have more carpentry tools because you are a better carpenter, and perhaps I have more fishing poles because I am a better fisherman, and we are both providing our skillset and intent to serve the greater good, and not thinking in terms of just personal gain with our tools.

If a fisherman who is my neighbor decides he likes my poles better, and that he must steal mine or have more poles than me, this is the parasite, who is thinking about personal gain, and this lays a foundation for a pyramidal power structure to begin taking shape. A competition based society, where psychopathy thrives and the kind go without.

It is where we currently are now, and so my proposal to this vision is probably far fetched in this current perception of competition based society.

Even the decentralized blockchain model is currently highly competitive with how many see it, and is even programmed to operate in such a manner, at least this is how it seems to me, but perhaps I am wrong and not claiming to know for certain. One thing I can say is certain, is the human perception which drives the blockchain as a whole operates within these perceptual confines.

So I still remain grounded in this assertion, but I very much value your view on this as well.

Thank you for your insightful thoughts on this topic.

I can see your point, and I actually agree with it. Today people, for the most part, have not realized the world has transformed in very fundamental ways. People mostly seem to think that significant change hasn't happened yet, and to expect nothing to happen, like always, because business will be handled by business handlers, as they always are. They're also partly right, because it will continue to change, and the point at which they realize they shouldn't have left their fate up to their handlers will be when they're long past the point of no return. They will have been wrong about nothing significant happening.

"If we are to deconstruct centralization and build anew, how many will dispel the box they have subjugated themselves to, wittingly or unwittingly so?"

All people will, willingly or unwillingly. Farmers have no seed, nor feed for their animals. As shelves bare across the West, their exigency will dawn on folks, and they will raise a great clamor for someone to solve the problem. Their real problem will be that it's not a problem at all, but the solution to the problem they are. Before they starve, flee, or resign themselves to the camps, they will consider undertaking handling their own business. Most will dismiss this thought as inconvenient, and the normalcy bias will claim another victim. It will claim lots of victims.

They do not believe in conspiracies. They don't believe in the Georgia Guidestones, UN Agenda 2030, or in the raving ranters that have been warning them for years. I reckon them as will take action already are, and them as won't, well, they won't matter. They won't be part of the problem for long.

They'll have been handled. The rest of us will be dodging drones, and dying. But we'll be providing our own goods and services then, because they won't be coming from China, or on trucks, or by rail, except for those that accept the jabs and the bugpods they come with. But they will be GMOs, wholly owned by their masters, and won't be people anymore, by law. They'll be property. Maybe Klaus Schwab will have been right about them, and they'll be fine with it.

We'll see.

I'm sure there have always been thieves, thugs, and petty overlords. But without agriculture there was no excess wealth to feed armies with, and when drones are 'capturing carbon' we won't be gardening. Folks will need to defend one another from the drones, and will happily ensure the folks that have their back can keep on having their back, and in time standard procedures for preventing thieves, thugs, and petty overlords will develop. It's pretty simple, really. Thieves and thugs have no appetites for fair fights.

I'd sure rather be wrong. I hope, a lot, that I am.



You never escape overlords. You just go from one set of overlords to a new set of overlords. Neither of them with your best interest at heart. Period.

Prior to the advent of agriculture, surpluses were quite limited in capacity to support specialists in warfare, and every family needed to supply all the tools and resources necessary to their lives themselves, with trade limited by such metrics as limited surpluses.

It was not possible to be an overlord, because overlords could not parasitize the production of their subjects and use that wealth to feed an army of thugs to force compliance.

There is a reason armies use firearms as the primary arm of soldiers today, and that is it is the optimum means of projecting force on subject people to compel their compliance with parasitism. WMDs cannot do this, because they cannot kick your door down at 2am and torture you until you pay up. They can only kill and destroy. The vastly improved technology that has arisen since firearms were invented about 1000 years ago is better at killing and destroying, but not at arming thugs to project force.

When people can manufacture themselves means of providing their own security, as decentralization enables them to do, they can use all manner of WMDs to kill and destroy delicate meatbags that may seek to subjugate them, because they have no need to subjugate their oppressors.

They only have to prevent being oppressed by them. It's not a fair contest. Overlords cannot parasitize what they have killed and destroyed, and cannot oppress what can absolutely kill and destroy tender thugs with facility derived from ~1000 years of technological advance.

It is not necessary to return fire when fired upon. It is far better to simply exclude threats from being able to lay fire on you at all. A few moments thought should suffice to enable you to realize several means of this being easily accomplished - by people that can manufacture the requisite means themselves, rather than being limited to acquiring it from the overlords, as centralization can make possible.

ps....that means centralized or decentralized.

pss....or so called decentralized.

It is only a matter of time and engineering until the advance of technology enables individual means of production nominal for folks to defend themselves from armed thugs with sufficient facility to prevent armed thugs from projecting forced submission to tyrants.

Indeed, for early adopters, that time has already come.

 3 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Anger is the child of fear. Don't fear the fearless. Fear the cornered rat, terrified of what they know is coming for them, and that they will do anything, lick any boot, grovel at slavishly as possible before, if they can only hold it off.

I hope that we non-conformists will together become a people that cannot be subjugated. Our beautiful children deserve no less from us.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment