“If NATO had really been (or is) convinced that Russia is serious about expanding westwards, all NATO troops would have been on the ground in person long ago. The fact that they weren't shows that they don't really believe in this intention. They never believed in it because the real intention was to harm Russia and bring both Ukraine and Russia itself under control."
I quite agree.
"Israel is defeated"
I also agree with that.
I was discussing this with another Hive user earlier, pointing out that Netanyahu created and funded Hamas since before Israel assassinated Arafat, and the IDF were war criminals, isolated, and had exactly one ally and ~200 enemies. He said this.
"It is totally appropriate, moral and with extensive historical precedent for the losers of a war they started to lose land and have to be resettled. Ask the Hungarians, Germans, Pakistanis and Indians, Cypriots and many others.
"It is perfectly acceptable under all relevant international treaties.
I suggest you read them, as the ridiculous and meaningless term "ethnic cleansing" has no place in international law.
"Trump's plan is perfectly legal, moral and practical and WILL be implemented in some form because the vast majority of Israelis and Americans support it and the Gazans themselves want to leave.
"The opinion of everyone else is irrelevant. Trump and Bibi have the leverage to force Egypt and Jordan to comply. After all Israel supplies almost all Jordan's water and energy and most of Egypt's energy and the US supplies huge aid and weapons.
"They will fold or fall."
Part of my response follows.
"Hamas and the Palestinians didn't lose. Israel did. When you fight a war with an insurgency, if the insurgency lives, it won. When Hamas delivered hostages, it showed that it was still at full strength, and despite the horrific destruction and hundreds of thousands of civilians Israel murdered unlawfully they were so deep underground Israel couldn't touch them.
"Henry Kissinger predicted that Israel would not exist in 10 years prior to his death. Nine years and counting now."
I think you and I have the right of it, and Israel is probably not going to survive long except as Trump Resorts and Casino Tel Aviv: Boystown, or something. I completely agree that the US needs to pull in it's horns, as the disastrous foreign anti-policy of the four measly years of the degeneracy administration has managed to outrage and disgust just about every polity on Earth, and I don't think that was an accident. Because it wasn't accidental to strip the USA of international support, I think that suggests China is going to make a move, and that means you're absolutely right that the USA needs it's troops at home.
Don't think that's on Trump's playlist though. I'll be happy if he gets troops out of Syria and keeps them out of Gaza. It'd be a great idea to get them out of Africa and give China something else to do than occupy BC and Alaska, too.
I agree. I think he is wrong and does not take into account that the world is much bigger.
The US is the most modern bad example of proxy warfare and bad influence on the whole world through its aggressive foreign policy. I do not expect China and the other BRICS countries to want to follow this bad example. Not because the rulers are such good people, but because a certain peace and balance in the world is seen by them as good for business. However, I trust them to have retained a certain nationalism/patriotism and not to want subsequent generations to live within their national borders under the short-term profiteering that results from an overly unreliable trade policy, but rather to favour a diverse mix of economic activities. There is a difference between building a large pipeline between two countries, which, due to its physical fixation, aims to ensure the mutual livelihood of the countries involved for decades to come, or whether one favours more physically independent trade relations (shipping LNG, for example), which are per se more susceptible to excessive price fluctuations. This is a matter of intentional trust if Russia and China rely on physical pipelines, I think. Because, after all, you want to trust someone in the world.
But the longer their recently acquired wealth lasts, the more they too will be tempted to adopt imperial airs and graces similar to those of the fading US empire. At the latest when the people who grow up to become new political figures have forgotten the stories of their people or no longer have any vivid memories of a life with fewer luxuries. Which means that the people themselves have forgotten and no longer attach any importance to their own history. Just like us in the West.
Do you think that China will become active military wise at your border? Because that is what I hear from you.
That is the development I least desire, so that is the expectation of my inmost fear.
Rationally, I agree that isn't what the BRICS will benefit from.
Hm. I wouldn't have thought that.
We may be well advised to remind ourselves that to have fear in a dark street where dubious businesses are going on is justified, or a killer coming towards us, or fearing the criminals who traffic humans and their children through open borders, who then build up their networks in our very neighborhoods.
I understand that Russias SMO in Ukraine might be dealt by your mind as something that was so much provoked by the US, that the Chinese might copy that reaction. But since US does not chase and murder Chinese or Chinese speaking people within your country and does not treat them their official enemies or worse, Untermenschen within its own spaces, I would not think of the Chinese government to undertake a similar SMO. It is not enough to treat them as adversaries in foreign politics, I think. Since they are anyway stronger.
Another McGregor Video where he also touches the subject of China a bit:
China's history is long and bloody. There are forces that yearn for global conquest, and the US has been terribly lamed by recent events. I do not want my sons to die in war. I do not want war. Inscrutable China may not bring an SMO, but a genocide.
I was once saved from a Cambodian's violent attack, whose family had suffered terribly, unknown to me, as a result of US actions in the Vietnam war, by two little Vietnamese girls, whose racial enmity was stronger against the Cambodian than against me, the American.
I was at first astounded by this, still a child unfamiliar with racism or the toll of war on innocents. As time went on I discussed this event, sometimes with E. Asians. When I spoke of it to them, they were not surprised, and pointed out that E. Asian peoples had been waging war with each other for millennia, and had built up mutual ethnic hatreds that were cultural fixtures for many generations, while Americans had only just jumped in and out of Asia, hardly long enough to be properly hated.
Racism is never just, never necessary, but is a powerful impetus to war nonetheless, and many Chinese have affirmed to me that China is a very nationalist nation, supremely confident in it's superiority to others, and that many there particularly revile Americans, for the weakness the last decade and a half has imbued us with. If you scroll through interactions between Chinese and Americans on Red Note, which recently suffered a sudden influx of Americans looking to replace Tik Tok, you will see many such comments to that effect from the Chinese disparaging Americans.
Personally, I do not blame them. Propaganda and indoctrination are potent reins by which to control a people, and I doubt the US or Germany far surpasses the Chinese in their subjection to such goads to hatred, that the extraordinarily demoralizing weakness of certain Western demographics have made ubiquitously known to the Chinese peoples. Not only Chinese people, but across Asia, Africa, and S. America I have read many comments to the effect that eradicating Americans would spare us further degradation and degeneration.
We are not the nation Mao feared to attack because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass, anymore.
Thanks Obama! /s
I see it differently. I assume that the comments and the mood you are talking about come from an extreme section of the population who are only too happy to join in the propaganda. As it is always only the loudest people who are heard, this gives the impression of a general majority conviction and mood. Of course, if the respective governments themselves want to believe that their people are supporting an aggressive act, they will certainly do what they intend to do. But since we do not really know the intentions, but are on speculative ground, everything remains theory until it becomes practice.
You raise an important point: The hatred between geographically closer peoples that is kept alive by cultural heritage. In fact, I agree that the inherited and unprocessed hatred is strong and rooted in real experiences such as the death of family members and the loss of property and rights.
... There is all the less reason for the Chinese to genuinely hate Americans since there is no bloody history between them going back centuries. When neighbouring peoples fight each other, it is often the perceived fraternal pain that causes them so much trouble. It is not so much the differences, but what actually makes people similar that causes anger and grief. You hate what is familiar to you.
The same applies to intimate relationships in a family. Pain suffered is blamed on the divorced husband or wife for years, even decades, and bitter enmity exists between relatives, between parents and children, often for the rest of their lives. It is unusual to hate with the same intensity those with whom there is no such historical connection.
Despising a people is completely different from attacking and wanting to destroy them out of hatred.
Someone who already sees that a nation is fundamentally weak will also be able to see that it is enough to watch it ruin itself (the crucial question is here: Is that really wanted? Is it be recognized that the fall of the US would, after all, be no benefit to anyone in the long run?).
Such ruin no longer needs to be helped by military means, because China's superiority already speaks for itself. The US may threaten and shake its fists, but it is clear that this is a threat that, if carried out, will fail to have the desired effect; though it will cause troubles unwanted.
War is not started because of economic sanctions, as I see it, especially not when they can be assumed to be too weak in advance. Wars are waged out of fanaticism, unlike SMO's. Which, of course, always harbour the danger of a war developing from them.
I want to add that the conflict in Ukraine never would have gotten so out of hand, no matter the US's hands in it, if the Europeans would not have strong emotions against the Russians. If Europe - the single governments - would have said "no" to the US plans, there would be no SMO. But the US took advantage of by them supported Russophobia. And one might ask oneself, if this big and little brother alliance actually did infect each of the brothers with hatred, and that the initiator was European political and otherwise figures in the first place (I assume mostly British ones) who made Russia the most important enemy of gullible America. They never fought a peer-to-peer army battle in such dimension as the Europeans did. But remained in their belief, that they could.
Relationships between countries and their heads of government are not so much different from relationships between individuals. Those who enter into a co-dependency, such as alcoholics and their spouses, for example, feed this co-dependency through a rescuer and to-be-rescued principle. The non-alcoholic partner pretends wanting to save the addict, while the addict willingly exposes himself to this. Both profit from this alliance because they feel confirmed in their roles.
One wants to be pitied and cared for like a baby, the other wants to suffer along and perceive himself as a nurturing parental figure. He is dependent on being needed. Of course, both are weak and insecure personalities who are largely guided by the victim-perpetrator mentality.
This is a mutual exploitation of weakness and therefore the opposite of encouragement to take responsibility for one's own life. A compassionate counterpart would advise the addict to do more of the same and drink themselves to death, or they would ask: What would you have to do to make your situation absolutely worse? And would not provide the answer. He would continue to ask wonder-questions, like: "If you'd be sober by tomorrow through a fairy tales magic action, what would you do with your life? Who'd benefit from this in your family? Who'd be stripped off of the benefit? Who else? What might your dead father think of it? What would your colleague/neighbor/doctor say?" etc.
Such questions aim towards the insight, that becoming sober from one day to the next can strip the alcoholic from what was profitable to be an addict. If he does not receive any sympathy being an addict but receiving it through his virtues, when his existence as a poor addict no longer takes up the main part of his daily life, he has to ask himself what could replace this hitherto pleasantly experienced profit instead. And devote himself to more constructive tasks. However, as long as the co-dependent environment reinforces the alcoholic as a petty victim and everyone else reaps the same benefits from unhealthy peoples, everything remains the same.
A nation with such helpers-syndrome meets the immature part of a populace which welcomes victim status and feeds the syndrome, expressed in slogans "bringing democracy", "feeding the poor", "helping the sick" and thinking of its aid-programs as un-selfish. Since such attitude often also comes with strings attached (I fulfill your need, therefore you fulfill mine) two nations may become addict buddies, not letting the other become free of such co-dependency.
That would be my psychological take on it.
Sorry, if I do bother you with too much comments, I am having a flow. LoL
You raise many good points, and the alcoholic dependence is a good analogy for the addiction profiteers have to war. I have no interest in profits taken from suffering. I rather revile them that do.
It is my hope that war that has fed such profits is ended, and honest commerce and trade, that builds our nations up instead becomes the profitable business of the nations of the world.
As to the weakness that has afflicted the US, the majority of Americans have not sought nor welcome any of it, and this is why Trump was welcomed by so much of America. Despite my intransigence and suspicion of Trump, no less than of any other politician, I find it difficult to restrain my giddiness at the uncovering of egregious fraud and waste in USAID and the profligate bureaucracies that have too long fed kickbacks to vile criminals, and hope sincerely these agencies can be cut to the barest of bones, that the insane debts can be put behind us.
One of the signal achievements Putin managed was paying down Russia's national debt, and I would welcome that same achievement if it can be done in America.
It is also my hope that the leadership of China, and the rest of the world, sees more benefit from a revitalized engine of industry America has been and can be, than to seek to profit from war and conflict. It is my expectation that this will be the best option, that war is not desirable for anyone but the worst pathological powers in the world, and will not be forthcoming.
Peace brings true dividends to nations and peoples vastly more profitable than the profits of war that destroy and degrade them. We are perched on a precipice of good fortune, if we but seek to profit one another in commerce and industry instead of allowing bansksters to pick our flesh from our dead bones. Prospects of inconceivable wealth I have waxed on ad nauseum regarding are potential from the celestial resources awaiting our development, and have too long been left fallow instead of blessing civilization.
off topic, or maybe not so off: the European 'leaders' are freaking out about USA stepping out of project Ukraine. Talking about an "emergency of national scope that gives us Germans the opportunity to give more aid to Ukraine" (run up even more debt)? Confusing statements, pathetic statements, I don't want to even watch them all, since they make me cringe. I will listen to second hand reporting who analyse them, so I need not to see them directly.