"Do American courts impose criminal penalties on people who create and disseminate ‘fake news’ to the public?"
The First Amendment prohibits the USG from censoring the speech of American civilians. This includes deliberate lies, much beyond merely being mistaken. This is why the enemedia can lie to their audiences without penalty. However, you might note the specific meaning of the words 'might', 'may', and 'could', as I use. These words do not convey certainty, but possibility. I do not claim these things are indeed fact, or definitely the case provably, but are potential, depending on the result of litigation, and I also state that I am not a lawyer (IANAL) and have no expertise to predict the outcome of the operation of US courts of law.
So, no, US courts do not impose, nor have any lawful power to, any sanction on free speech, not even speech that can be proved deliberately false.
The world I live in is one where the honor, authority, and interests of your beloved overlords are more important than freedom of speech.Dear @valued-customer !
The overlords have authority and status equal to that of the state. Therefore, the overlords control the freedom, rights, and property of individuals like me as they wish.
So, I have to avoid state surveillance when talking to foreigners like you.
I would like to publish my articles I have written on Hive Blockchain in a book format in the US. So, I would like to ask you if you can tell me a place where I can meet and talk freely with Americans!
The world I live in is one where censorship and suppression of individuals' freedom of speech are becoming increasingly severe.
I hope your health and long life!