I just watched this video, which reveals that the jabs were designed to deliberately transfect DNA into human cells. While that is alarming enough, worse is not mentioned in the video.
Years ago, Monsanto created a precedent in law by pollinating neighbors' crops with open air trials of it's patented crops. It then sued the farmers for producing it's patented product, and won in court the right to demand payment of money from those farmers for growing it's patented products. When the farmers couldn't pay the sums demanded, Monsanto seized their farms.
The US Constitution is amended by the 13th Amendment, that many people think banned slavery, but did not. The 13th Amendment contains an exception that allows the state and federal governments to possess as slaves those convicted of a crime. By demanding payment from GMOs that have incorporated patented DNA owned by Moderna, Pfizer, and folks like Bill Gates, these investors that own those corporations can be assigned ownership of the GMOs that contain their patented DNA. GMOs may be adjudicated as having human rights, and therefore standing to defend themselves in courts of law from these demands - but they might not.
IANAL, and I cannot predict what the courts will rule.
Because the LNP's (liquid nanoparticles) in which the DNA snippets and modmRNA are encapsulated to introduce them into human cells in the jabs have been known since 2012 to accumulate preferentially in ovaries and testes, it is very likely that patented DNA has been transfected into human germ cells, eggs and sperm from which our children are formed. This then presents the possibility that not only the jabbed, but their posterity for all time, will be considered GMOs and not human beings, and the property of the patent holders of the DNA that has been deliberately transfected into the genes, and the genes of their children. Even if they are adjudicated to have human rights and standing in courts to defend themselves, that is not a guarantee that they won't be ruled to owe patent holders sums of money they have to pay or forfeit themselves as property of the patent holders, slaves. This presents the possibility the jabs may have created a slave race of GMOs that are property of corporate investors like Kill Gates.
CRISPR is a table top technology that individuals can use to engineer DNA, including human DNA. It is possible that CRISPR can be used to snip out patented DNA and eliminate the claims of patent holders, and even restore to themselves the human rights the jabbed have been stripped of if the courts adjudicate them as non-human GMOs.
If you have been jabbed I highly recommend you begin learning how to use CRISPR, what the patented DNA is, and learning how to eliminate it from yourself, your germ cells, and your children.
God help us all.
You will probably be prosecuted in the courts of the world I live in for creating and spreading fake news.Dear @valued-customer !
‘fake news’
Fake News’
Do American courts impose criminal penalties on people who create and disseminate ‘fake news’ to the public?🤣My respected senior @valued-customer !
The First Amendment prohibits the USG from censoring the speech of American civilians. This includes deliberate lies, much beyond merely being mistaken. This is why the enemedia can lie to their audiences without penalty. However, you might note the specific meaning of the words 'might', 'may', and 'could', as I use. These words do not convey certainty, but possibility. I do not claim these things are indeed fact, or definitely the case provably, but are potential, depending on the result of litigation, and I also state that I am not a lawyer (IANAL) and have no expertise to predict the outcome of the operation of US courts of law.
So, no, US courts do not impose, nor have any lawful power to, any sanction on free speech, not even speech that can be proved deliberately false.
The world I live in is one where the honor, authority, and interests of your beloved overlords are more important than freedom of speech.Dear @valued-customer !
The overlords have authority and status equal to that of the state. Therefore, the overlords control the freedom, rights, and property of individuals like me as they wish.
So, I have to avoid state surveillance when talking to foreigners like you.
I would like to publish my articles I have written on Hive Blockchain in a book format in the US. So, I would like to ask you if you can tell me a place where I can meet and talk freely with Americans!
The world I live in is one where censorship and suppression of individuals' freedom of speech are becoming increasingly severe.
I hope your health and long life!
A counter class action for intentional enslavement and disenfranchisement is called for. Sounds like a conspiracy.
In fact, they owe money to the public for using other people's organisms in their patents and research ....
The scenario you describe is too complicated.
It's easier to reduce the population and allow people to be grown in labs. These would be reliable slaves, who have never seen the blue sky or the sun in their lives and know nothing but their own assembly shop and laboratories for the production of their own kind....
Those who have never heard of human rights will never demand them! Such slaves would not be considered human beings, but merely biomaterial, a means of production and automation for transnational corporations.
Moreover, if this were happening right now, it would not be known until at least 50 years later....
Thank you. Interesting topic
There are certainly easier ways to reduce the population, as the Allies proved by packing German soldiers into open fields where they left them to die for a couple weeks without food and water after the surrender of Germany in WWII.
However, we don't know yet how to grow people in labs. Research into artificial wombs is ongoing, but I am unaware of any success yet at growing mammal foetuses to parturition (birth) in an artificial womb. They're working on it, though.
This is claimed to be ongoing using ordinary people that are simply confined in underground bunkers, for example under the Met, a museum in California. John of God, a Brazilian faith healer made famous by association with Oprah Winfrey, was later accused and convicted of running human breeding farms in Brazil, where infants were sold on the black market to unknown buyers for reasons unspecified. Some of the female infants were raised on the farms, and later used to breed the next generation of infants for sale. This was discovered when some of the women escaped and alerted authorities.
IMG source - ThePeoplesVoice.tv - Oprah Winfrey and John of God, with unknown clients
Like Epstein's client list, there isn't any information on the men that frequented these breeding farms and fathered the children, nor of those that purchased infants. A woman that claimed to know more, and that politicians were being blackmailed, was found dead before she could provide information on those claims publicly (and profitably). Dead of natural causes, of course. Oprah hasn't spoken more about John of God either, and authorities haven't questioned her about her association with him, for some reason, so far as I know.
Lev Tahor, an Orthodox Jewish sect, has been recently discovered in Guatemala to be enabling members to take very young brides, and there are suggestions that these brides were raised by the cult for the purpose of being of service to cult members. They are claimed to have been kept isolated from the outside world, and could well have fit most of the description of slaves bred to slavery never knowing anything they weren't told by their captors.
So, other than artificial wombs, the breeding of populations of slaves is definitely ongoing today, most likely there are other operations in Brazil as well as elsewhere. Recently a UK citizen and UN judge was convicted of importing a domestic slave from Africa (from Uganda, IIRC). Fortunately she is no longer a Judge, and I believe is serving a prison sentence in the UK, so is no longer holding slaves. However, in that case it is unknown to me if the slave was bred in captivity. Some African jurisdictions are not providing much legal protection for the rights of their civilian populations, and might be considered open air slave breeding operations, rather than governments, by my reckoning.
Monarchies generally ascribe to their rulers ownership of their populations, and many monarchies yet exist on Earth, from Brunei and Thailand in SE Asia, across MENA, and several in Europe, such as the UK, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, and tiny principalities like Lichtenstein and Monaco, among others. All the subjects of these monarchs are technically property, slaves. At least they are availed the open air and glimpses of the sky from time to time, even in dreary climes like England. I'm unsure of the legal status of other nobility, such as Barons and Counts, that may have some degree of sovereignty under law. At least that appears to be the case, although as an American civilian my understanding is limited to the sovereign status Americans are availed under the US Constitution, and I am not very interested in lesser conditions suffered elsewhere. IANAL, and don't want to be one. I am a sovereign, and don't want to be anything else.
I don't remember if I told you
But in Ukraine, in about 2021, there was a national study.
Anyone could donate ~1ml of their blood at a medical facility. No one explained why. But they paid substantial money for it, which our Ministry of Health could not afford.
Imagine that for a milliliter of blood paid about 200 dollars, given that the average monthly salary in the country was 250!
People came up with whole schemes by luring acquaintances and getting a percentage of their payments. Doctors received a percentage...
It got to the point where out of 200 dollars, about 100 had to be given to the doctor and the person who brought them in. The money went officially to the cards of the state bank and private financial institutions!
And then came the covd and the RNA vaccine....
If someone tells me that this has nothing to do with each other, I will stop considering this person reasonable!
Unfortunately, my mother gave her blood before she consulted..... My code is already in their database too...
There are more schemes up their sleeves. Once they have the DNA information of a population they can do many different things, because the DNA of the population remains relatively unchanged. A study in 2021 followed after the introduction of the SARS2 virus and Covid19, which was first discovered to be in the wild in 2019. The jabs claimed to be vaccines for Covid19 were first introduced in Dec. 2020 in the USA, IIRC. I don't know when the various different jabs were introduced in different countries, but I don't remember hearing about vaccines introduced elsewhere earlier than Dec. 2020.
All of these events predate 2021 and the acquisition of Ukrainian blood samples you describe. The Ukraine is an interesting place to collect DNA, as a crossroads for millennia of different peoples. A list of populations that emigrated to the Ukraine is quite long, and there are even some that may have arisen there deep in prehistory, with the earliest archaeological finds of human activity dating back ~2M years!
Almost any European nationality, and many others too, can be found in some Ukrainian neighborhood or another. That makes it a good place to acquire DNA samples for research into European nationalities. Knowing who DNA comes from is valuable to researchers, but they can acquire our DNA without our cooperation by sampling sewage, for example. They paid the money to be able to identify who the DNA samples came from, because they could have got it without identification from the sewers.
It seems wild.. but I honestly wouldn’t put it past these evil people to try such a thing.
Well, that would make Klaus Schwab's claim we would own nothing, at least, true. Slaves are property, and property can't own property. Happiness would seem unlikely though.
We need a non GMO sperm bank. I demand higher pay for that now.
If Replicon lives up to it's claimed abilities, such a sperm bank will soon be moot, as the self-replicating 'vaccines' will transfect the entire human population, rendering us all GMOs against our will.
I read one article about the self assembling "nanobots" that are in the vaccines are also in coca-cola products. What else would they include it in? It could be sprayed via chemtrails. Or through the agricultural fields. We might already all be infected and even the natural medicines may not longer be safe enough to counter it.ñ, as it too may be poisoned. It could be added to the water supply.
I heard that modmRNA was part of dental anesthetics. I also have heard it is injected into cattle, into chickens, possibly eggs themselves, in lettuce too.
I have made arrangements to grow substantially more food this year. Not specifically because of these claims, but because the opportunity I have been seeking arose.
And I'm getting couple teeth pulled today... Great
I see a dentist whom, with great fervor and dedication, applies a steel implement(s) to scrape the roots of my teeth quasi-annually. I suspect he does this to convince me to have them pulled instead, as that would be considerably less painful, and have to only happen once. I remain dedicated to the principle that I am availed teeth in order to chew things by God or gods, or the vagaries of evolution, for good and substantial reasons, and intend to endure whatever is necessary to retain that inherent power I was born to wield.
Mercifully, the good doctor first injects copious amounts of lidocaine into my gums, last time so liberally anesthetizing me my left eye went numb. If there is modmRNA in those injections, he isn't aware of it, as I have asked him about those preparations. I don't think he is lying to me about his knowledge of the contents of the steel hypodermics he ruthlessly stabs into my oral flesh and empties liberally therein. He could be misled, too. He could also have a secret laboratory where he devises such compounds with Machiavellian intent to profit thereby, somehow, from injecting them into humble handymen like myself, but I doubt it.
Enjoy the tender ministrations of your servants to alleviate your misery as much as possible. At least they won't insist on scraping the roots of teeth no longer in your head.