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RE: Are you Human?

in #life2 days ago

"It's easier to reduce the population and allow people to be grown in labs."

There are certainly easier ways to reduce the population, as the Allies proved by packing German soldiers into open fields where they left them to die for a couple weeks without food and water after the surrender of Germany in WWII.

However, we don't know yet how to grow people in labs. Research into artificial wombs is ongoing, but I am unaware of any success yet at growing mammal foetuses to parturition (birth) in an artificial womb. They're working on it, though.

"...reliable slaves, who have never seen the blue sky or the sun in their lives and know nothing but their own assembly shop and laboratories for the production of their own kind..."

This is claimed to be ongoing using ordinary people that are simply confined in underground bunkers, for example under the Met, a museum in California. John of God, a Brazilian faith healer made famous by association with Oprah Winfrey, was later accused and convicted of running human breeding farms in Brazil, where infants were sold on the black market to unknown buyers for reasons unspecified. Some of the female infants were raised on the farms, and later used to breed the next generation of infants for sale. This was discovered when some of the women escaped and alerted authorities.

IMG source - - Oprah Winfrey and John of God, with unknown clients

Like Epstein's client list, there isn't any information on the men that frequented these breeding farms and fathered the children, nor of those that purchased infants. A woman that claimed to know more, and that politicians were being blackmailed, was found dead before she could provide information on those claims publicly (and profitably). Dead of natural causes, of course. Oprah hasn't spoken more about John of God either, and authorities haven't questioned her about her association with him, for some reason, so far as I know.

Lev Tahor, an Orthodox Jewish sect, has been recently discovered in Guatemala to be enabling members to take very young brides, and there are suggestions that these brides were raised by the cult for the purpose of being of service to cult members. They are claimed to have been kept isolated from the outside world, and could well have fit most of the description of slaves bred to slavery never knowing anything they weren't told by their captors.

So, other than artificial wombs, the breeding of populations of slaves is definitely ongoing today, most likely there are other operations in Brazil as well as elsewhere. Recently a UK citizen and UN judge was convicted of importing a domestic slave from Africa (from Uganda, IIRC). Fortunately she is no longer a Judge, and I believe is serving a prison sentence in the UK, so is no longer holding slaves. However, in that case it is unknown to me if the slave was bred in captivity. Some African jurisdictions are not providing much legal protection for the rights of their civilian populations, and might be considered open air slave breeding operations, rather than governments, by my reckoning.

Monarchies generally ascribe to their rulers ownership of their populations, and many monarchies yet exist on Earth, from Brunei and Thailand in SE Asia, across MENA, and several in Europe, such as the UK, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, and tiny principalities like Lichtenstein and Monaco, among others. All the subjects of these monarchs are technically property, slaves. At least they are availed the open air and glimpses of the sky from time to time, even in dreary climes like England. I'm unsure of the legal status of other nobility, such as Barons and Counts, that may have some degree of sovereignty under law. At least that appears to be the case, although as an American civilian my understanding is limited to the sovereign status Americans are availed under the US Constitution, and I am not very interested in lesser conditions suffered elsewhere. IANAL, and don't want to be one. I am a sovereign, and don't want to be anything else.
