The Elon discovers that Treasury was ordered to pay every request, even when to known terrorists, top official resigns rather than answer subpoenas. Fortunately, that won't stop criminal charges, perhaps even of treason, and Biden didn't pardon him in advance.
McGregor mentions further down in the video that the green T-shirt receives 11 million dollars a month into his account. And he himself, if I have understood correctly, has transferred millions back to people from the US Senate, whom he mentioned by name. McGregor offered to send Davis the material. Which would then be names that the Trump people might well be interested in for further criminal charges.
I also heard today that USAID employs over 10,000 people plus the outside firms and consultants who all get a piece of the pie. I couldn't help feeling a certain amount of schadenfreude when some of them were expelled from their offices and no longer allowed to use their computers.
What isn't as widely known is that USAID and NED (National Endowment for Democracy) are both understood by those that should know to be CIA cutouts primarily used to coup and destabilize foreign polities, as NED did to the Ukraine in 2014. 10k head plus consultants is a lot of people wreaking havoc in the world, I hope we can do with a lot less of going forward.
It is now circulating on social media - the CIA aspect and their regime changing efforts in Ukraine through both, USAID and NED. I knew already in principle that the deep state is responsible for color revolutions and such things but not the names.
10k head plus consultants is a lot of people wreaking havoc in the world, I hope we can do with a lot less of going forward.
Indeed. They banged their heads on closed systems like Russia and China, tough. Or, as much as a system with living beings can be called "closed", I better should say.
I think the dark side will be pleased with all the brand new AI translating possibilities to overcome the language barriers for people who refuse to speak English and are therefore immune against the bangers.
Language translation is the lone use I make of AI. I don't generate pics, and I don't correct my spelling, grammar, or phrasing using AI to do it. I use translators daily, however, to grasp the meaning of posts in German, Russian, Chinese, Kazakh, and to reply in those languages as best I can. I don't consider that dark at all, but letting the sweet disinfectant of sunlight be brought upon all that speech by all those peoples that might otherwise fester in obscurity. Not that I am the sun, but that exposure to ideas native speakers of different languages have that might otherwise never be contrasted with that from other cultures.
I agree.
That is though not what I meant.
In order to categorize an AI's answers and know whether it is giving you a right or wrong answer, you need to understand something about the subject matter you are asking it about. It's similar with language. To really understand a foreign language, translation alone is not enough for very complex topics. Bringing your own existing knowledge and experience to the table can be extremely important and tip the scales.
You've probably heard the expression “lost in translation”. I often find that although my English is good, there are nuances and translation hurdles that are difficult to overcome. But I only see this when I am already advanced. I then help the AI generated translation to be more precise in its translation, since I use AI translators myself.
Our language, for example, has a common Latin origin and is much closer to us in its differences than Arabic or Hebrew or Chinese, because our language roots have more in common.
If I read a book translated from Arabic into German, I will never find out about the translation hurdles and possible errors because I don't have the opportunity to check them.
But of course, as you say, AI overcomes a barrier that was there before.
With "dark side" I meant things like navigation devices in traffic. It's a truly helpful and practical device. While, when I never use my own sense of orientation, I will become dependent on it and may never learn to navigate with my own eyes.
Widely known and understood, isn't proof. But yeah, let's have a coup by one of the most dangerous departments in government, more dangerous than the CIA or FBI could have ever been, DARPA, who have developed these yet unseen weapons the likes the world has ever seen before, as Trump puts it, that makes him feel guaranteed enough he holds the most dangerous weapons on earth ever produced to walk around threatening the entire global community to get down on their knees to his every command. DARPA, also would be the producers of biological weapons, and the gatekeepers to such. Elon and Thiel, are both privileged entities to the exclusive group within DARPA that hold top security clearance that not even a president has. But yeah, let's play with the real bad boys instead.
There wasn't a single thing surreal in the entire article. No proof at all was stated to align with Musk accusation they were to pay out to know terrorist or fraudsters, that's how gullible you are to take something as a truth that has yet to be proven as a truth. People aren't leaving out of fear of subpoenas, they are leaving because they want no part of illegal access into highly classified information, and personal data of every American being exposed to hackers. You must be more easily amused than I thought you would be. This whole thing reeks of coercion, threats and intimidation tactics to overthrown our government, once it's done and said for, you'll be lucky to get someone on the phone at any entity that you can understand words spoken by them, that's how naivete you are being.
"David Lebryk, a career civil servant who oversaw the more than one billion payments that the federal government makes every year, was placed on administrative leave this week after resisting requests from Mr. Musk’s lieutenants, according to people familiar with the circumstances, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive internal dynamics.
"The Government Accountability Office estimated in a report that the government made $236 billion in improper payments — three-quarters of which were overpayments — across 71 federal programs during the 2023 fiscal year."
"Members of the departing Biden administration were alarmed by the request, according to people familiar with their thinking. The people making the requests were on the Trump landing team at the Treasury Department, according to a current White House official."
So, your story is that big 'ol meanie, the Elon, is trying to force St. Lebryk to horribly compromise Americans' PII and he is bravely quitting his job so he won't have to watch the destruction of everything good and decent. The NY Slimes says that Treasury was hemorrhaging $hundreds of Billions every year, which Lebryk was handling from his office as Fiscal Assistant Secretary he has held since 2014, the senior career position in the Treasury Department. DOGE was a campaign promise that got the Donald elected, and is after the source of the bleed in Treasury, and Lebryk couldn't hold DOGE off anymore once Bessent was in office.
Also, you're misstating whom is doing what. The Elon didn't put Lebryk on administrative leave. That would have had to come from Bessent, or Trump hisself. Subpoenas come from courts of law, not from rocket scientists. You are quite concerned that fraudulent claims paid by the US Treasury are going to be detected. Something weighing on your conscience?
Nothing laying on my conscience but compassion for people out here struggling to pay rents way above a thousand a month, and my view of the park not becoming a homeless encampment for the millions of people that will be displaced by a government who crafted the problem to begin with. My biggest problem is that I am as honest as the day is long. I wouldn't even accept a guy at home depot instructing me how to hook up a new washer catch basin in the basement, that if the two dollar something parts he thought would work, didn't, to try these two, he said, "go ahead put them in your pocket and take them along just in case", I steadfastly refused, backing up looking at him like he was nuts. He said, "it's okay, I've been here for seventeen years, you have any problems, have them call me up front." It took me a couple times going back out there to see him, it was because of the angle the pipe was leaning out of the floor drain that was complicating things, and I didn't get the old washer and nut off as easily as he said by letting it soak over night after spraying a ton of WD forty on it. I knew that puppy was going to have to be torched carefully off there after having been on there for as long as I've lived here, thirty plus years. The only thing the WD 40 did was help loosen away rust so I could take a screw driver and hit against the pipe installed down inside the other to push it inwards to break the rust further embedded between the two pipes, then careful heating of the nut to loosen it. I got it off, wrapped it in plastic and put it in my purse. Next time I saw him I went up to him and told him I had something for him. I reached in my purse and told him he could stick it in his pocket, go ahead, it's fine. He got a giggle out of that, and I got a you've got more experience than I thought look out of him. Great guy, recently helped me reconfigure another instance where I had to hook up two pipes that didn't align due to an angle after housing made me take a flex pipe off it. I am as clean as a bell, and am close to having to clean out my filing cabinet of my tax returns for god knows how many years back, I have nothing to hide, they get tossed to make room, not to hide any deceit. I know the same can't be said of you, trying to call the kettle black while yours is scorching red. Shame. shame. Deflection and blame, like always, right.
You come at me with a bunch of anonymous sources willing to speak on sensitive matters they shouldn't be speaking on. Yeah. Right. That's why they have no business getting access to sensitive materials. You know damn well Elon being part of DARPA, if another administration walked into DARPA and laid that game on him, he'd be shaking in his boots. Why don't we take a little looksie into what DARPA's been doing, especially since they are the ones in control of biological weaponry, and, the fact it's probably not a mere coincidence that Trump was playing kissy face with Vivek the Rat, and co-chairing alongside Musk in DOGE before his abrupt departure, and the rat having held the "failed" patent technology to the vaccine LNP used that big pharma sold the rat. Or how about the fact that the rat just happened to be Vance's buddy in college when they ran across Thiel, Thiel, another one involved in DARPA. I mean, really dude, I don't even need anonymous sources to make my connections here, you going to come out rolling with the punches, you are going to have to do a whole lot better job throwing punches at me.
But let's not stop there. How about we investigate USAID being used to finance those oil refineries in Africa Trump put thirty billion into through USAID to build state of the art refineries to convert oil into LNG, and while we are at it, connect the dots back to the Obama admin that granted the money to put in the electrical infrastructure needed, but you won't do that will ya, because it becomes a whole new kill joy they've been working in conjunction with each other all along.
Once we get past that, let's connect some more dots. Like those refineries going to be used to produce the LNG that will be sent up the Red Sea to a whole new port of "prosperity" and rebuilding of Gaza as a major import/export hub, in this new "prosperity" ring of things, planned well in advance through Trump's Abraham so called peace plan that will have prosperity ringing through out his new peaceful paradigm for the region, and how any of the "supposed" CIA operatives were involved in funneling monies into the whole modus operandi of false flags that occurred that eventually led to the total, but convenient destruction of Gaza. While we are at it, let's look at those mandated sanctions against Iran that led to the build up of the supposed billions released, again, conveniently to accuse Iran of financing terror instead of the CIA through USAID financing terror. Trump made it impossible for banks to release any of those billions for transitory aid, but, again, conveniently mandate a date by which that should happen, like just before the time of the false flag Oct 7 would happen. I imagine, we could also look at those weapons the likes the world have never seen before, and what links, if any, could lead to the discover of those top secret DARPA weapons being used to kill the Iranian president, other terrorist leaders, exploding phone technologies, and the ability to keep Syria from advancing toward their enemy invading because, somehow, magically, none of his planes or other military apparatus would start.
So yeah, if we are going to dig into it, let's dig it all up, but that's never going to happen because they are playing a meaner game of golf than the lowly CIA, mediocre, lazy, unproductive fools who chose laziness over hard work and normalcy over excellence. No, they won't expose how they are planning to drive you to want to go fk yourself in your face after they do uncomprehensive-able things to you that you can't possibly comprehend. Just in case your comprehension is failing, that's a direct threat posed toward you by someone who owes no allegiance to the US....but go ahead and keep worrying about the CIA fking around in another country, or that the CIA helped try remove Trump through impeachment, go ahead, be that foolish.
Libel ill becomes you. Worse you could hardly more mischaracterize me. I am 100% disabled, but do not take any payments from SSA. I don't get any stamps. I pack 90# bundles of shingles up ladders and roof houses, fix frozen pipes, and give people floors, for free whenever I can. I don't spend a satoshi of Hive, but work for my neighbors for my supper. You just keep your larcenous practices confined to yourself, where you have experience and reasonable expectations of them coming to fruition.
"...throwing punches at me."
I cited actual sources, which is more than you do. I cited sources most likely to support your stream of consciousness gibberish about fiendish plots to expose Americans' PII - but what they said was exactly what you claimed wasn't happening, that crooks have their hands in the US Treasury cookie jar that hasn't denied a request for payment in 22 years.
You're floridly insane, completely off your nut, living in a fantasy world and hypersensitive about fraud at Treasury being discovered, so much so you make a post and ramble about hypothetical people that just might have financial need that justifies fraud stealing from hardworking people that pay taxes. So, it's a pretty anxiety ridden subject for you, and that immediately suggests that along with your ethical laxity about stealing from the more hardworking, there's something else that causes you anxiety about Treasury fraud being discovered, and the typical source of such anxiety is fear of getting caught. Asking an obvious question isn't unreasonable at all, and unlike you casting libelous aspersions, without any basis whatsoever besides your own execrable ethical standards, at me, I only asked you, and gently at that, if there was a reason for your anxiety.
I'm all for DOGE having a go at DARPA, BARDA, and all the covert shops. NSA, DIA, Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, State, DHS. Hell, I'll be grievously wounded and terribly disappointed if all of them aren't gone over with a fine tooth comb at least once, and most of the ones I named repeatedly and often, if not permanently. As an American I don't think anyone that works for me should be keeping any secrets from me, and if any Americans can't be trusted with those secrets, well that's why we have a Second Amendment, and America would be better off without them.
Get a grip on your shit. You're flinging it in all directions uncontrollably, and shitting all over me isn't going to fix what's ailing you. Neither of us likes the Elon or the Donald, and blaming me that some people do is about asinine.
They weren't hypothetical people. Every example I've given I've come to learn from people doing such. If not from outright knowing individuals engaging in these practices who were known to me personally, to having owned a hair salon for ten years having people telling me of their situations, or having heard the people telling me of their relatives situations. Giving examples was easier than saying from each instance of how I come to know of the situations, like one of my ex-boyfriends from years ago had a sister who was slow, mentally off a bit, and met a man one of the same, came to live together, both living off SSI because they were incapable of performing the functions of a job. Really Ralph, your claim of working for supper, under a dictatorial tyrannical regime, both a Thiel and Musk dream, working for your supper will be one and the same considered, a derived benefit that must be claimed. You got something of value in exchange for your work. It currently even is considered as such, as I tried to explain the different examples, if someone living with someone who collects SSI and that person is not reporting that they are living with someone else, they get the full SSI. Now, if the person does make note they are living with someone but paying a said amount of rent and contributions toward bills and groceries, depending upon what those expenses amount to, it may or may not affect their SSI income, on the other hand if that person notes that they are living with another person while collecting SSI but are not being charged anything for living with them, their SSI is reduced by what they call a derived value contributed to them. You, in at todays standards compared to tax laws, not SSI, have to furnish the value of those dinners to the IRS, it's called bartering, and as long as that bartering is below $600 a year, your okay, once it goes over $600 a year, you are required to report it. I know. As a landlord if I pay someone under $600 a year to do work for me, I can deduct that on my taxes without having to furnish the IRS with their name and social security number, once I pay that same individual over $600, I have to furnish the IRS their name and social security number. If I barter that work into 365 chicken dinners, and 200 breakfast, I am way over the $600 mark just by adding a value of $5 each onto the chicken dinners. I would have to get your name and social security number and report it. Now, if I was way under that amount but you made half that six hundred off my dinners and half that off any number of dinners, you would have to report it because it's on you to report any earning in a year over $600. You know Ralph, it's usually the ones accusing others of what it is they are doing themselves. Not that I am saying I agree with how they sat things up, it's just I am not going to jail over chicken dinners. Now that would be considered totally asinine, and I'd probably never live it down once my face was splashed across every website in the country trying to do a chicken run around the tax codes. I can just see the headlines now on a slow news day as each website grabs onto that bit of un-news-unworthiness.
Far as your other claims, the Gateway Pundit, like they are a reliable source of news when it's all one sided. Actually, if this conversation happened over there, you could just tell the mods I wasn't being a team player and have me banned. I know that also, because that's exactly what happened to me over there proving things they were saying concerning Trump weren't exactly being played out as written, there was other points they weren't acknowledging or totally ignoring. Some guy over there used a expletives at me, and I bested his comment back without using any foul language, he got mad and reported my comment. I emailed them and asked them why he was allowed to use language like that but I get banned, they said I was banned for not being a team player. So they run the narratives fed to them. What a lot of this "deleting" funding by Musk concerning ESG, DEI, and other assorted woke-nest, is actually the billionaires who got the funding through the government to run this scam up against people, now they've won, they are pulling out the funding. There's no need to fund it anymore, as Alex Jones has even admitted, they've done beaten you, I am sure I've shared that bit of betrayal to you, fully acknowledged we've all been played, if not let me know, I'll share with you, it's so mockingly impressive, I can't share that "I've told you so" enough. But go ahead and keep dreaming they're benefitting anyone from all these deletions when in fact they are burying evidence. Playing everyone like the dogs they really think we all are. Don't think this is going to come out as being the commander of your own personal little village like you think, you'll be on hunger overload unable to feed them all, eventually hunger will overcome those sexual fantasies and bragging rights you so desire, and all those women will become more worried about feeding their kids instead of if they get chosen for another night with you.
Politics has some risk at a certain level. When I was very active in politics in Hawaii I would get death threats or threats of violence weekly, even got swatted once.
Elon is disrupting the flow of billions of dollars that get managed via USAID. Little known secret apparently is that many of the NGOs or Non-Profits that get federal dollars serve as patronage tools, IE someone writes large checks to certain PACs, and their children or friends get jobs at theses entities.
This morning I started casually cross referencing IRS form 990s with FEC contributions and immediately was able to pick out some interesting correspondences in one non profit.
Such research by independent parties is how humanity advances it's felicity by decreasing the ability of nefarious actors to deceive us by such institutional obfuscation.
I hope you attain to publishable conclusions from that research I look forward to benefiting from.
"institutional obfuscation" is almost always a side effect of someone trying to hide the money.
I'm going to develop this next week, it's not a small task to sift through it. It should ruffle some feathers though at the very least.
There are approximately two dozen entities under the Lutheran Services of the Carolinas banner. LSA Management INC. appears to be the organization used to pay the leaders. This appears to be essentially a very large business structured as a nonprofit.
The presentation discusses the geopolitical and financial implications of the Ukraine-Russia war, particularly in relation to U.S. involvement and economic interests. Key points include: U.S. Financial Interests in Ukraine: Former President Trump has suggested that the U.S. should receive economic benefits from Ukraine, particularly through access to rare earth minerals, as a return on the massive financial and military aid provided. This represents a shift in the discussion, focusing on potential economic gains rather than purely strategic or humanitarian reasons. Rare Earth Minerals & Resource Control: The discussion highlights that Ukraine has significant rare earth mineral reserves, but most of these are in Russian-controlled eastern Ukraine, making access difficult unless the U.S. negotiates directly with Russia. Meanwhile, the western part of Ukraine, which remains under Ukrainian control, is dominated by multinational agricultural corporations. Corruption & Money Laundering Allegations: The discussion accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of corruption, claiming that large sums of U.S. aid have gone missing or been misused. It is also alleged that U.S. politicians have financially benefited from money funneled through Ukraine. Ukraine’s Military Strategy & Future Prospects: Zelensky's proposal to restructure Ukraine’s military into a U.S.-style corps system is criticized as unrealistic due to manpower shortages and the prolonged time needed to implement such changes. The discussion suggests Ukraine’s military is struggling and lacks the resources for long-term success. Western Policy & NATO's Stance: NATO leaders, including figures like Mark Rutte, continue to emphasize the Russian threat, suggesting that Russia’s influence and destabilization efforts are spreading further into Western Europe. However, the discussion criticizes Western leadership for prolonging the war instead of seeking peace. Broader Implications for the U.S. & Allies: The conversation highlights that the U.S. has alternative sources of rare earth minerals but has neglected domestic production, relying instead on foreign nations, including China. The speaker argues that the U.S. should focus on developing its own resources rather than seeking them in Ukraine. Overall, the discussion portrays the war as a mix of strategic failure, financial corruption, and geopolitical miscalculations, arguing that the U.S. should cut its losses and push for a negotiated peace rather than continuing to fund Ukraine’s military efforts.
I thought this might be the right place to forward that video. It's one of the best I have so far seen on the channel.
Colonel MacGregor is an experienced analyst and his judgment generally sound and highly respected. I appreciate very much the additional depth you have brought here, where my outrage quickened my fingers on the keyboard, and too soon hit enter.
Edit: overall I should think the West has strategically handed much to Russia by inundating it's people with even worse propaganda than has Russia, as by speaking truthfully and not poking that bear the West would be in much better straits. It is such failures of principle - or proofs of malice - that most causes me dismay at the execrable leadership that billionaires foist off on the West, and none worse than in Germany, sadly, IMHO. Not even the kleptocrats that gain seats in Congress nor mismanage federal agencies in America have been so unbelievably suicidal as to shut off our sources of power as have the Greens of Germany, as I understand it.
It is a phenomenon I find incomprehensible, since we Germans in particular should have learned much more from our Nazi era. This shows once again how little this period has really been dealt with and how much people have left untold by exercising violence on themselves. The sheer superficiality with which my generation has been educated about German history ( today even worse than back then) and the incredible guilt complex that we have instilled in ourselves prevents any intelligence in this respect. It is even a criminal offense in this country to use the swastika in any form, I believe. So because we can be made to feel guilty very quickly and the collective guilt complex is apparently incredibly deep-seated, the Greens were able to pull off their suicide mission.
I can't explain it any other way, because any stupidity from above can only be successful if it is supported from below. .. But, one more thing: we here in Germany, and I believe in the whole of Europe, lack the excellent constitution that you have in the States and which protects your free speech much better (although the means of censorship are huge and have been used - but what comes to light and is torn to shreds on a grand scale in your country does not happen here in that way).
For example, I have never ever in my life heard a character like McGregor speaking in my country. Never.
I don't doubt you regarding the Constitution, but note that America isn't ruled by a document, but men have trespassed and enforced it's provisions. Lysander Spooner advanced the view that the Constitution had failed to secure the rights of Americans, even prior to the Civil War, and it is hard to fault his analysis, because immediately after that war the US became a corporation, and by and large, gradually and all at once, the provisions of the Constitution have increasingly been ignored, transgressed, and overturned.
In truth that freedom humanity enjoyed before that is literally inconceivable, unknown to us today, even in America. The words expressed don't have the same meanings today, the experience potential isn't at all the same. The transcontinental railroad enabled the buffalo hunters to eradicate their abundant herds, the Carolina Parakeet became extinct, as did the Passenger Pigeon. That abundance underlay freedom, something that is incomprehensible to us to day, who cannot walk up to a tree fluttering with an infestation of tasty pigeons, and knock our dinner out of the tree with a stick.
The world has changed, and that has changed the freedom humanity could even understand.
We may still spout off more here, but MacGregor was born after this change in the world, and he and I both lack that fuller sense of freedom that once existed.
You are talking about a freedom before civilization in its modern form? While the pre-modern folks must have experience a for us unknown sense of freedom, they nevertheless were not free in another sense.
For the human race absolute freedom never was the case. Every circumstance you find yourself in, comes with certain limitations and restrictions, without exception, is what I think.
Technology altered our human world big time. In the face of such tech the requirements for our species to get along with each other adapted to the good and bad.
To have a document regulating the very principles was something, your grounding fathers were convinced, was needed. In order to know that the constitution was trespassed, you need to know its original words.
Just imagine for a while, such constitution would never have been written. Would you think that it would have lasted until today? And since you can go back to the source and read it, you can try to understand it on your own.
Mentality and expressions before modernity were given to the next generations orally but that habit shrank very much in comparison.
The lack of a sense of freedom cannot be experienced when it cannot be understood, I guess. All of us may carry something in us, we may call a common inheritance or memory. There is joy to it as much as there is a sense of loss. We nevertheless can be tricked by it.
"Every circumstance you find yourself in, comes with certain limitations and restrictions, without exception..."
This is true to date, because of the necessity of centralization to technological advance from the Stone age to the present Space age. During that technological transition all technology has been so crude that manual labor has been necessary to production. The Space age is when that changes. In Space age technological advance, without exception the decentralization of means of production is the mechanism that increases productivity, that advances technology. This is true across all fields of endeavor, across every industry.
The above quote then is becoming untrue, because it is wealth that has underlain power, and centralization centralized wealth and power, while decentralization decentralizes wealth and power, which restores agency to free persons that oligarchs lose by losing the parasitic sources of wealth and power decentralization cuts their access to. Technology will progress. Economic productivity will continue to be desirable. We depend on it.
But economic productivity is not necessarily centralized. It isn't necessary to work for wages as collective labor producing widgets in a factory owned by some oligarch that parasitizes that production. Decentralization creates the ability of a producer to themselves be the entirety of the labor and themselves to own the means of production, severing that flow of their productivity to oligarchs and restricting to themselves the fruits of their productivity. They retain 100% of the wealth they produce. They create no profits, and no taxes, because they own the means of production they produce with, and they do not buy or sell their products to earn income.
This restores freedom by destroying power over sovereign persons. While terrestrial landscapes are the possessions of polities and persons that preclude freedom on almost all lands today, this is the Space age. One of the fastest expanding industries is providing launch services, and manufacturing of launch and spacecraft burgeons almost incomparably. Terran I was only launched in March 2023, and was the first 3D printed spacecraft. Every spacecraft since has been increasingly 3D printed, and 3D printing technology continues to plummet in price and increase in features and productivity available to ever smaller pools of labor. As we have seen in other fields, the ultimate labor pool is one when decentralization is the direction in which technology advances, and while it seems ludicrous today to think of an individual manufacturing their own spacecraft, that is the inevitable future of continued decentralization and automation of the means of production.
At some point, the freedom of sovereigns becomes literally illimitable when personal spacecraft and the ability to own automated means of production mature, because it is impossible to field armies and conquer and control a diaspora in space. So, while history only provides examples of freedom being reduced by increasing centralization, and that has been correlated to civilization, that is because the advance of technology has been serial and proceeds directionally from the Stone age to the Space age, and as the Space age develops and matures, that is the change it brings. That change has not been potential to crude industry heretofore. It is the improvement in productivity that is adventing and developing today. While it is only beginning, it's maturation is inevitable as long as technology advances and productivity increases.
"...that habit shrank very much..."
Freedom shrank as the world became private property, and oligarchs attained that property because they parasitized the populations. Freedom will grow when new property becomes available because new means of production become available that will include access to the illimitable resources off Earth. The ability to be free remains a critical aspect of humanity despite the impossibility to actually be free on an increasingly locked down planet. When tech advances it always increases productivity, and this creates irreversible changes in development. We cannot retain our productivity and return to pre-enclosure pastoral landscapes. We cannot increase productivity and avoid attaining to un-enclosable property off Earth. We cannot fail to increase productivity absent a collapse and global catastrophe - and that is the 'great reset' oligarchs seek to impose because it is obvious to them they lose their power when decentralization matures by ending parasitization of production.
Our survival is their eradication as overlords, and they would rather rule over tombs and ashes than become mere peers dependent on their merit for their supper. They are a pathological group, attaining power in centralized hierarchies because of their psychopathic traits that suit inhuman institutional hierarchies. Human society isn't dependent on such institutions. Rather institutions are dependent on society, and on society that does not advance technologically beyond the industrial age to the space age. The laws of physics make no boundary to tech advance however, and institutions are incompetent to reform the laws of physics. The displeasure of oligarchs, as consequential as it is today, is increasingly becoming trifling, and will eventually be inconsequential. Our posterity will probably wonder why we ever put up with any of it, and that incomprehension is the goal I seek to advance with my life. I want people to one day be so free that they will not even understand how we were ever enslaved. I remain convinced I am winning the war with slavers, one crypto token, one 3D printer, one aquaponics system at a time. I remain watchful, seeking ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory that I must avoid, but I observe that I am only a mote surfing the mandate of the laws of physics, and it is their expression that ultimately will prevail.
lol wtf this is all so very weird
It's surreal.
The Elon discovers that Treasury was ordered to pay every request, even when to known terrorists, top official resigns rather than answer subpoenas. Fortunately, that won't stop criminal charges, perhaps even of treason, and Biden didn't pardon him in advance.
McGregor mentions further down in the video that the green T-shirt receives 11 million dollars a month into his account. And he himself, if I have understood correctly, has transferred millions back to people from the US Senate, whom he mentioned by name. McGregor offered to send Davis the material. Which would then be names that the Trump people might well be interested in for further criminal charges.
I also heard today that USAID employs over 10,000 people plus the outside firms and consultants who all get a piece of the pie. I couldn't help feeling a certain amount of schadenfreude when some of them were expelled from their offices and no longer allowed to use their computers.
What isn't as widely known is that USAID and NED (National Endowment for Democracy) are both understood by those that should know to be CIA cutouts primarily used to coup and destabilize foreign polities, as NED did to the Ukraine in 2014. 10k head plus consultants is a lot of people wreaking havoc in the world, I hope we can do with a lot less of going forward.
It is now circulating on social media - the CIA aspect and their regime changing efforts in Ukraine through both, USAID and NED. I knew already in principle that the deep state is responsible for color revolutions and such things but not the names.
Indeed. They banged their heads on closed systems like Russia and China, tough. Or, as much as a system with living beings can be called "closed", I better should say.
I think the dark side will be pleased with all the brand new AI translating possibilities to overcome the language barriers for people who refuse to speak English and are therefore immune against the bangers.
Language translation is the lone use I make of AI. I don't generate pics, and I don't correct my spelling, grammar, or phrasing using AI to do it. I use translators daily, however, to grasp the meaning of posts in German, Russian, Chinese, Kazakh, and to reply in those languages as best I can. I don't consider that dark at all, but letting the sweet disinfectant of sunlight be brought upon all that speech by all those peoples that might otherwise fester in obscurity. Not that I am the sun, but that exposure to ideas native speakers of different languages have that might otherwise never be contrasted with that from other cultures.
I agree.
That is though not what I meant.
In order to categorize an AI's answers and know whether it is giving you a right or wrong answer, you need to understand something about the subject matter you are asking it about. It's similar with language. To really understand a foreign language, translation alone is not enough for very complex topics. Bringing your own existing knowledge and experience to the table can be extremely important and tip the scales.
You've probably heard the expression “lost in translation”. I often find that although my English is good, there are nuances and translation hurdles that are difficult to overcome. But I only see this when I am already advanced. I then help the AI generated translation to be more precise in its translation, since I use AI translators myself.
Our language, for example, has a common Latin origin and is much closer to us in its differences than Arabic or Hebrew or Chinese, because our language roots have more in common.
If I read a book translated from Arabic into German, I will never find out about the translation hurdles and possible errors because I don't have the opportunity to check them.
But of course, as you say, AI overcomes a barrier that was there before.
With "dark side" I meant things like navigation devices in traffic. It's a truly helpful and practical device. While, when I never use my own sense of orientation, I will become dependent on it and may never learn to navigate with my own eyes.
You are a moron.
Widely known and understood, isn't proof. But yeah, let's have a coup by one of the most dangerous departments in government, more dangerous than the CIA or FBI could have ever been, DARPA, who have developed these yet unseen weapons the likes the world has ever seen before, as Trump puts it, that makes him feel guaranteed enough he holds the most dangerous weapons on earth ever produced to walk around threatening the entire global community to get down on their knees to his every command. DARPA, also would be the producers of biological weapons, and the gatekeepers to such. Elon and Thiel, are both privileged entities to the exclusive group within DARPA that hold top security clearance that not even a president has. But yeah, let's play with the real bad boys instead.
There wasn't a single thing surreal in the entire article. No proof at all was stated to align with Musk accusation they were to pay out to know terrorist or fraudsters, that's how gullible you are to take something as a truth that has yet to be proven as a truth. People aren't leaving out of fear of subpoenas, they are leaving because they want no part of illegal access into highly classified information, and personal data of every American being exposed to hackers. You must be more easily amused than I thought you would be. This whole thing reeks of coercion, threats and intimidation tactics to overthrown our government, once it's done and said for, you'll be lucky to get someone on the phone at any entity that you can understand words spoken by them, that's how naivete you are being.
So, you're pro-NED? I did admire his hair...
So, your story is that big 'ol meanie, the Elon, is trying to force St. Lebryk to horribly compromise Americans' PII and he is bravely quitting his job so he won't have to watch the destruction of everything good and decent. The NY Slimes says that Treasury was hemorrhaging $hundreds of Billions every year, which Lebryk was handling from his office as Fiscal Assistant Secretary he has held since 2014, the senior career position in the Treasury Department. DOGE was a campaign promise that got the Donald elected, and is after the source of the bleed in Treasury, and Lebryk couldn't hold DOGE off anymore once Bessent was in office.
Also, you're misstating whom is doing what. The Elon didn't put Lebryk on administrative leave. That would have had to come from Bessent, or Trump hisself. Subpoenas come from courts of law, not from rocket scientists. You are quite concerned that fraudulent claims paid by the US Treasury are going to be detected. Something weighing on your conscience?
Nothing laying on my conscience but compassion for people out here struggling to pay rents way above a thousand a month, and my view of the park not becoming a homeless encampment for the millions of people that will be displaced by a government who crafted the problem to begin with. My biggest problem is that I am as honest as the day is long. I wouldn't even accept a guy at home depot instructing me how to hook up a new washer catch basin in the basement, that if the two dollar something parts he thought would work, didn't, to try these two, he said, "go ahead put them in your pocket and take them along just in case", I steadfastly refused, backing up looking at him like he was nuts. He said, "it's okay, I've been here for seventeen years, you have any problems, have them call me up front." It took me a couple times going back out there to see him, it was because of the angle the pipe was leaning out of the floor drain that was complicating things, and I didn't get the old washer and nut off as easily as he said by letting it soak over night after spraying a ton of WD forty on it. I knew that puppy was going to have to be torched carefully off there after having been on there for as long as I've lived here, thirty plus years. The only thing the WD 40 did was help loosen away rust so I could take a screw driver and hit against the pipe installed down inside the other to push it inwards to break the rust further embedded between the two pipes, then careful heating of the nut to loosen it. I got it off, wrapped it in plastic and put it in my purse. Next time I saw him I went up to him and told him I had something for him. I reached in my purse and told him he could stick it in his pocket, go ahead, it's fine. He got a giggle out of that, and I got a you've got more experience than I thought look out of him. Great guy, recently helped me reconfigure another instance where I had to hook up two pipes that didn't align due to an angle after housing made me take a flex pipe off it. I am as clean as a bell, and am close to having to clean out my filing cabinet of my tax returns for god knows how many years back, I have nothing to hide, they get tossed to make room, not to hide any deceit. I know the same can't be said of you, trying to call the kettle black while yours is scorching red. Shame. shame. Deflection and blame, like always, right.
You come at me with a bunch of anonymous sources willing to speak on sensitive matters they shouldn't be speaking on. Yeah. Right. That's why they have no business getting access to sensitive materials. You know damn well Elon being part of DARPA, if another administration walked into DARPA and laid that game on him, he'd be shaking in his boots. Why don't we take a little looksie into what DARPA's been doing, especially since they are the ones in control of biological weaponry, and, the fact it's probably not a mere coincidence that Trump was playing kissy face with Vivek the Rat, and co-chairing alongside Musk in DOGE before his abrupt departure, and the rat having held the "failed" patent technology to the vaccine LNP used that big pharma sold the rat. Or how about the fact that the rat just happened to be Vance's buddy in college when they ran across Thiel, Thiel, another one involved in DARPA. I mean, really dude, I don't even need anonymous sources to make my connections here, you going to come out rolling with the punches, you are going to have to do a whole lot better job throwing punches at me.
But let's not stop there. How about we investigate USAID being used to finance those oil refineries in Africa Trump put thirty billion into through USAID to build state of the art refineries to convert oil into LNG, and while we are at it, connect the dots back to the Obama admin that granted the money to put in the electrical infrastructure needed, but you won't do that will ya, because it becomes a whole new kill joy they've been working in conjunction with each other all along.
Once we get past that, let's connect some more dots. Like those refineries going to be used to produce the LNG that will be sent up the Red Sea to a whole new port of "prosperity" and rebuilding of Gaza as a major import/export hub, in this new "prosperity" ring of things, planned well in advance through Trump's Abraham so called peace plan that will have prosperity ringing through out his new peaceful paradigm for the region, and how any of the "supposed" CIA operatives were involved in funneling monies into the whole modus operandi of false flags that occurred that eventually led to the total, but convenient destruction of Gaza. While we are at it, let's look at those mandated sanctions against Iran that led to the build up of the supposed billions released, again, conveniently to accuse Iran of financing terror instead of the CIA through USAID financing terror. Trump made it impossible for banks to release any of those billions for transitory aid, but, again, conveniently mandate a date by which that should happen, like just before the time of the false flag Oct 7 would happen. I imagine, we could also look at those weapons the likes the world have never seen before, and what links, if any, could lead to the discover of those top secret DARPA weapons being used to kill the Iranian president, other terrorist leaders, exploding phone technologies, and the ability to keep Syria from advancing toward their enemy invading because, somehow, magically, none of his planes or other military apparatus would start.
So yeah, if we are going to dig into it, let's dig it all up, but that's never going to happen because they are playing a meaner game of golf than the lowly CIA, mediocre, lazy, unproductive fools who chose laziness over hard work and normalcy over excellence. No, they won't expose how they are planning to drive you to want to go fk yourself in your face after they do uncomprehensive-able things to you that you can't possibly comprehend. Just in case your comprehension is failing, that's a direct threat posed toward you by someone who owes no allegiance to the US....but go ahead and keep worrying about the CIA fking around in another country, or that the CIA helped try remove Trump through impeachment, go ahead, be that foolish.
Libel ill becomes you. Worse you could hardly more mischaracterize me. I am 100% disabled, but do not take any payments from SSA. I don't get any stamps. I pack 90# bundles of shingles up ladders and roof houses, fix frozen pipes, and give people floors, for free whenever I can. I don't spend a satoshi of Hive, but work for my neighbors for my supper. You just keep your larcenous practices confined to yourself, where you have experience and reasonable expectations of them coming to fruition.
I cited actual sources, which is more than you do. I cited sources most likely to support your stream of consciousness gibberish about fiendish plots to expose Americans' PII - but what they said was exactly what you claimed wasn't happening, that crooks have their hands in the US Treasury cookie jar that hasn't denied a request for payment in 22 years.
You're floridly insane, completely off your nut, living in a fantasy world and hypersensitive about fraud at Treasury being discovered, so much so you make a post and ramble about hypothetical people that just might have financial need that justifies fraud stealing from hardworking people that pay taxes. So, it's a pretty anxiety ridden subject for you, and that immediately suggests that along with your ethical laxity about stealing from the more hardworking, there's something else that causes you anxiety about Treasury fraud being discovered, and the typical source of such anxiety is fear of getting caught. Asking an obvious question isn't unreasonable at all, and unlike you casting libelous aspersions, without any basis whatsoever besides your own execrable ethical standards, at me, I only asked you, and gently at that, if there was a reason for your anxiety.
I'm all for DOGE having a go at DARPA, BARDA, and all the covert shops. NSA, DIA, Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, State, DHS. Hell, I'll be grievously wounded and terribly disappointed if all of them aren't gone over with a fine tooth comb at least once, and most of the ones I named repeatedly and often, if not permanently. As an American I don't think anyone that works for me should be keeping any secrets from me, and if any Americans can't be trusted with those secrets, well that's why we have a Second Amendment, and America would be better off without them.
Get a grip on your shit. You're flinging it in all directions uncontrollably, and shitting all over me isn't going to fix what's ailing you. Neither of us likes the Elon or the Donald, and blaming me that some people do is about asinine.
They weren't hypothetical people. Every example I've given I've come to learn from people doing such. If not from outright knowing individuals engaging in these practices who were known to me personally, to having owned a hair salon for ten years having people telling me of their situations, or having heard the people telling me of their relatives situations. Giving examples was easier than saying from each instance of how I come to know of the situations, like one of my ex-boyfriends from years ago had a sister who was slow, mentally off a bit, and met a man one of the same, came to live together, both living off SSI because they were incapable of performing the functions of a job. Really Ralph, your claim of working for supper, under a dictatorial tyrannical regime, both a Thiel and Musk dream, working for your supper will be one and the same considered, a derived benefit that must be claimed. You got something of value in exchange for your work. It currently even is considered as such, as I tried to explain the different examples, if someone living with someone who collects SSI and that person is not reporting that they are living with someone else, they get the full SSI. Now, if the person does make note they are living with someone but paying a said amount of rent and contributions toward bills and groceries, depending upon what those expenses amount to, it may or may not affect their SSI income, on the other hand if that person notes that they are living with another person while collecting SSI but are not being charged anything for living with them, their SSI is reduced by what they call a derived value contributed to them. You, in at todays standards compared to tax laws, not SSI, have to furnish the value of those dinners to the IRS, it's called bartering, and as long as that bartering is below $600 a year, your okay, once it goes over $600 a year, you are required to report it. I know. As a landlord if I pay someone under $600 a year to do work for me, I can deduct that on my taxes without having to furnish the IRS with their name and social security number, once I pay that same individual over $600, I have to furnish the IRS their name and social security number. If I barter that work into 365 chicken dinners, and 200 breakfast, I am way over the $600 mark just by adding a value of $5 each onto the chicken dinners. I would have to get your name and social security number and report it. Now, if I was way under that amount but you made half that six hundred off my dinners and half that off any number of dinners, you would have to report it because it's on you to report any earning in a year over $600. You know Ralph, it's usually the ones accusing others of what it is they are doing themselves. Not that I am saying I agree with how they sat things up, it's just I am not going to jail over chicken dinners. Now that would be considered totally asinine, and I'd probably never live it down once my face was splashed across every website in the country trying to do a chicken run around the tax codes. I can just see the headlines now on a slow news day as each website grabs onto that bit of un-news-unworthiness.
Far as your other claims, the Gateway Pundit, like they are a reliable source of news when it's all one sided. Actually, if this conversation happened over there, you could just tell the mods I wasn't being a team player and have me banned. I know that also, because that's exactly what happened to me over there proving things they were saying concerning Trump weren't exactly being played out as written, there was other points they weren't acknowledging or totally ignoring. Some guy over there used a expletives at me, and I bested his comment back without using any foul language, he got mad and reported my comment. I emailed them and asked them why he was allowed to use language like that but I get banned, they said I was banned for not being a team player. So they run the narratives fed to them. What a lot of this "deleting" funding by Musk concerning ESG, DEI, and other assorted woke-nest, is actually the billionaires who got the funding through the government to run this scam up against people, now they've won, they are pulling out the funding. There's no need to fund it anymore, as Alex Jones has even admitted, they've done beaten you, I am sure I've shared that bit of betrayal to you, fully acknowledged we've all been played, if not let me know, I'll share with you, it's so mockingly impressive, I can't share that "I've told you so" enough. But go ahead and keep dreaming they're benefitting anyone from all these deletions when in fact they are burying evidence. Playing everyone like the dogs they really think we all are. Don't think this is going to come out as being the commander of your own personal little village like you think, you'll be on hunger overload unable to feed them all, eventually hunger will overcome those sexual fantasies and bragging rights you so desire, and all those women will become more worried about feeding their kids instead of if they get chosen for another night with you.
Politics has some risk at a certain level. When I was very active in politics in Hawaii I would get death threats or threats of violence weekly, even got swatted once.
Elon is disrupting the flow of billions of dollars that get managed via USAID. Little known secret apparently is that many of the NGOs or Non-Profits that get federal dollars serve as patronage tools, IE someone writes large checks to certain PACs, and their children or friends get jobs at theses entities.
This morning I started casually cross referencing IRS form 990s with FEC contributions and immediately was able to pick out some interesting correspondences in one non profit.
Posted using Political Hive
Such research by independent parties is how humanity advances it's felicity by decreasing the ability of nefarious actors to deceive us by such institutional obfuscation.
I hope you attain to publishable conclusions from that research I look forward to benefiting from.
"institutional obfuscation" is almost always a side effect of someone trying to hide the money.
I'm going to develop this next week, it's not a small task to sift through it. It should ruffle some feathers though at the very least.
There are approximately two dozen entities under the Lutheran Services of the Carolinas banner. LSA Management INC. appears to be the organization used to pay the leaders. This appears to be essentially a very large business structured as a nonprofit.
Exactly so. Either that, or the bodies.
I thought this might be the right place to forward that video. It's one of the best I have so far seen on the channel.
Colonel MacGregor is an experienced analyst and his judgment generally sound and highly respected. I appreciate very much the additional depth you have brought here, where my outrage quickened my fingers on the keyboard, and too soon hit enter.
Edit: overall I should think the West has strategically handed much to Russia by inundating it's people with even worse propaganda than has Russia, as by speaking truthfully and not poking that bear the West would be in much better straits. It is such failures of principle - or proofs of malice - that most causes me dismay at the execrable leadership that billionaires foist off on the West, and none worse than in Germany, sadly, IMHO. Not even the kleptocrats that gain seats in Congress nor mismanage federal agencies in America have been so unbelievably suicidal as to shut off our sources of power as have the Greens of Germany, as I understand it.
It is a phenomenon I find incomprehensible, since we Germans in particular should have learned much more from our Nazi era. This shows once again how little this period has really been dealt with and how much people have left untold by exercising violence on themselves. The sheer superficiality with which my generation has been educated about German history ( today even worse than back then) and the incredible guilt complex that we have instilled in ourselves prevents any intelligence in this respect. It is even a criminal offense in this country to use the swastika in any form, I believe. So because we can be made to feel guilty very quickly and the collective guilt complex is apparently incredibly deep-seated, the Greens were able to pull off their suicide mission.
I can't explain it any other way, because any stupidity from above can only be successful if it is supported from below. .. But, one more thing: we here in Germany, and I believe in the whole of Europe, lack the excellent constitution that you have in the States and which protects your free speech much better (although the means of censorship are huge and have been used - but what comes to light and is torn to shreds on a grand scale in your country does not happen here in that way).
For example, I have never ever in my life heard a character like McGregor speaking in my country. Never.
I don't doubt you regarding the Constitution, but note that America isn't ruled by a document, but men have trespassed and enforced it's provisions. Lysander Spooner advanced the view that the Constitution had failed to secure the rights of Americans, even prior to the Civil War, and it is hard to fault his analysis, because immediately after that war the US became a corporation, and by and large, gradually and all at once, the provisions of the Constitution have increasingly been ignored, transgressed, and overturned.
In truth that freedom humanity enjoyed before that is literally inconceivable, unknown to us today, even in America. The words expressed don't have the same meanings today, the experience potential isn't at all the same. The transcontinental railroad enabled the buffalo hunters to eradicate their abundant herds, the Carolina Parakeet became extinct, as did the Passenger Pigeon. That abundance underlay freedom, something that is incomprehensible to us to day, who cannot walk up to a tree fluttering with an infestation of tasty pigeons, and knock our dinner out of the tree with a stick.
The world has changed, and that has changed the freedom humanity could even understand.
We may still spout off more here, but MacGregor was born after this change in the world, and he and I both lack that fuller sense of freedom that once existed.
You are talking about a freedom before civilization in its modern form? While the pre-modern folks must have experience a for us unknown sense of freedom, they nevertheless were not free in another sense.
For the human race absolute freedom never was the case. Every circumstance you find yourself in, comes with certain limitations and restrictions, without exception, is what I think.
Technology altered our human world big time. In the face of such tech the requirements for our species to get along with each other adapted to the good and bad.
To have a document regulating the very principles was something, your grounding fathers were convinced, was needed. In order to know that the constitution was trespassed, you need to know its original words.
Just imagine for a while, such constitution would never have been written. Would you think that it would have lasted until today? And since you can go back to the source and read it, you can try to understand it on your own.
Mentality and expressions before modernity were given to the next generations orally but that habit shrank very much in comparison.
The lack of a sense of freedom cannot be experienced when it cannot be understood, I guess. All of us may carry something in us, we may call a common inheritance or memory. There is joy to it as much as there is a sense of loss. We nevertheless can be tricked by it.
This is true to date, because of the necessity of centralization to technological advance from the Stone age to the present Space age. During that technological transition all technology has been so crude that manual labor has been necessary to production. The Space age is when that changes. In Space age technological advance, without exception the decentralization of means of production is the mechanism that increases productivity, that advances technology. This is true across all fields of endeavor, across every industry.
The above quote then is becoming untrue, because it is wealth that has underlain power, and centralization centralized wealth and power, while decentralization decentralizes wealth and power, which restores agency to free persons that oligarchs lose by losing the parasitic sources of wealth and power decentralization cuts their access to. Technology will progress. Economic productivity will continue to be desirable. We depend on it.
But economic productivity is not necessarily centralized. It isn't necessary to work for wages as collective labor producing widgets in a factory owned by some oligarch that parasitizes that production. Decentralization creates the ability of a producer to themselves be the entirety of the labor and themselves to own the means of production, severing that flow of their productivity to oligarchs and restricting to themselves the fruits of their productivity. They retain 100% of the wealth they produce. They create no profits, and no taxes, because they own the means of production they produce with, and they do not buy or sell their products to earn income.
This restores freedom by destroying power over sovereign persons. While terrestrial landscapes are the possessions of polities and persons that preclude freedom on almost all lands today, this is the Space age. One of the fastest expanding industries is providing launch services, and manufacturing of launch and spacecraft burgeons almost incomparably. Terran I was only launched in March 2023, and was the first 3D printed spacecraft. Every spacecraft since has been increasingly 3D printed, and 3D printing technology continues to plummet in price and increase in features and productivity available to ever smaller pools of labor. As we have seen in other fields, the ultimate labor pool is one when decentralization is the direction in which technology advances, and while it seems ludicrous today to think of an individual manufacturing their own spacecraft, that is the inevitable future of continued decentralization and automation of the means of production.
At some point, the freedom of sovereigns becomes literally illimitable when personal spacecraft and the ability to own automated means of production mature, because it is impossible to field armies and conquer and control a diaspora in space. So, while history only provides examples of freedom being reduced by increasing centralization, and that has been correlated to civilization, that is because the advance of technology has been serial and proceeds directionally from the Stone age to the Space age, and as the Space age develops and matures, that is the change it brings. That change has not been potential to crude industry heretofore. It is the improvement in productivity that is adventing and developing today. While it is only beginning, it's maturation is inevitable as long as technology advances and productivity increases.
Freedom shrank as the world became private property, and oligarchs attained that property because they parasitized the populations. Freedom will grow when new property becomes available because new means of production become available that will include access to the illimitable resources off Earth. The ability to be free remains a critical aspect of humanity despite the impossibility to actually be free on an increasingly locked down planet. When tech advances it always increases productivity, and this creates irreversible changes in development. We cannot retain our productivity and return to pre-enclosure pastoral landscapes. We cannot increase productivity and avoid attaining to un-enclosable property off Earth. We cannot fail to increase productivity absent a collapse and global catastrophe - and that is the 'great reset' oligarchs seek to impose because it is obvious to them they lose their power when decentralization matures by ending parasitization of production.
Our survival is their eradication as overlords, and they would rather rule over tombs and ashes than become mere peers dependent on their merit for their supper. They are a pathological group, attaining power in centralized hierarchies because of their psychopathic traits that suit inhuman institutional hierarchies. Human society isn't dependent on such institutions. Rather institutions are dependent on society, and on society that does not advance technologically beyond the industrial age to the space age. The laws of physics make no boundary to tech advance however, and institutions are incompetent to reform the laws of physics. The displeasure of oligarchs, as consequential as it is today, is increasingly becoming trifling, and will eventually be inconsequential. Our posterity will probably wonder why we ever put up with any of it, and that incomprehension is the goal I seek to advance with my life. I want people to one day be so free that they will not even understand how we were ever enslaved. I remain convinced I am winning the war with slavers, one crypto token, one 3D printer, one aquaponics system at a time. I remain watchful, seeking ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory that I must avoid, but I observe that I am only a mote surfing the mandate of the laws of physics, and it is their expression that ultimately will prevail.
@valued-customer, I paid out 0.601 HIVE and 0.190 HBD to reward 12 comments in this discussion thread.