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RE: "I rejoice at every moment"

in #life7 years ago

My mother was born in 1944 in Siberia. She worked in the Komsomol, then as an editor of the newspaper. Now she is retired and decided to write a series of articles about her life and her friends. All their youth was connected with the Komsomol, this year it turns 100 years old on October 30. This is her post, she aspires to write as much as possible about the past life.

I write on political, philosophical, economic and social topics. My specialization is dissipative systems in political, economic and social processes, as well as psychological topology. For the rest of my life I have been striving for my dream - to create a world without borders and violence. For this I write about the architecture of systems that allow people to create a new world. I hope that my ideas will grow in people's minds and someday they will be able to create a world without borders and violence.


A world without borders would be a world ripe for global,centralized, totalitarian tyranny.

I do not think so. Modern technologies have already made this world with conditional boundaries. Now that I am writing these lines, Telegram is being blocked in Russia, but it continues to work. The Russian authorities turn off entire IP address grids, business suffers, but Telegram still continues to work. For him, there are no boundaries. Technology companies and individuals are already free to overcome any boundaries in communication. I write these lines in the center of Siberia, today I talked with my sister, she lives in Florida. Steemit in Russia does not work for three days, but we communicate with you, because I installed the program Tor. In my opinion, in the near future there will be a link from three sections. Local self-government with broad powers - national states with very limited functions - supranational organizations with limited powers (the European Union, NATO and so on). Thanks to the widest possible powers of self-government, totalitarianism and violence in society will be avoided.

The overwhelming tendency of humanity is for power and self-aggrandizement. Bigger is never better when it comes to concentrations of power. To take the governments of nations that already have extreme tyrannical, centralizing tendencies and combine them into one world government from which there is no hope of emigration or escape is to open the world up to the ultimate tyranny of all time.

The Bible also shows that God, Himself, is opposed to such a world government. If it were not so, He would not have destroyed The Tower of Babel and dispersed the people, and given each group it's own language to confound their tendency towards globalization.

I wish you the best, but on this you are dead wrong, and your philosophy is DEADLY, and I shall resist it with every fiber of my being.


I am a supporter of conservative liberalism in the spirit of Benjamin Franklin. At the same time, I believe that the state's influence should be reduced, and civil society should increase its participation in making managerial decisions. On this topic, there is a wonderful book Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, 2012.

In it, the authors tell about the expansion of inclusive institutions around the world. The distribution of power over a wide range of actors taking managerial decisions, puts barriers to the seizure of power by dictators and creates the conditions for economic growth. The need for a "strong hand", a "strong leader" and an omnipotent national state falls away as inclusions expand. Reducing government interference in society - this is my dream. This is a libertarian idea. There is no place for violence and diktat over the person.

These are very optimistic notions (and unrealistic, in my opinion) of human nature.

Only a very rare and godly man can escape the diktat: "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

A rationalist will assume that something as Acemoglu and Robinson suggest can actually work in human society. I am not a rationalist. I am a Christian historian/philosophizer. I would argue from history, psychology, and the human experience, that it will never work. Concentrations of power are inevitable. Circumvention of systems designed to prevent them will always be possible.


Maybe you're right. For me, the central symbol is the crucifixion of Christ. His suffering causes two opposite processes in my soul. I want to end his suffering, but I can not give up this central symbol. Many people think that the crucifixion of Christ once happened and ceased. No. It lasts forever in my soul. The inability to stop it and the inability to turn away from crucifixion gives rise to compassion in my soul. It defines all of my subconscious and is the starting point for humanism and non-violence. This pushes me to create the architecture of public system systems where the state minimizes participation in people's lives. This theory directly contradicts totalitarianism.

You are a wise and compassionate man. I salute you for it. Your ability to converse so well in a language not of your birth is impressive enough, but you do so better than most American college graduates!

However, Christ does not need our compassion. He needs our obedience. Not that we should ever cease to reflect on his suffering; WE SHOULD, and certainly not that we should not work for peace. WE MUST. Indeed, we are commanded to work for peace.

However, we know that the only perfect system of government will be a direct theocracy, and we simply are not there yet.

"...To create the architecture of public systems where the state minimizes participation in people's lives," has been the goal of government theoreticians since the time of the Greek city-states. We nearly achieved that here in the USA with our republican (Greek-modeled) system before the monopolists corrupted it, beginning in about the 1880s. The Rockefellers essentially destroyed the greatest experiment in self-government since Athens with their oil-based financial, cum political, powers.

To me, having 200+ different countries is the best fail-safe mechanism we have against total global tyranny. The ones who worship Lucifer and who rule this current world desperately want their foretold world government. They must disarm the American people first, but then they will have it. No amount of "blockchain this" and "anarchical that" is going to stop them.

I want to be on the right side (the resistance) when they succeed, and I hope you will be with me.

So we found common points of view. I, too, are against dictatorship and violence! Thank you very much. I'm with you!

