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RE: It's Been Awhile...

in #lifelast year

Yeah, you're right. And thanks for that. For some reason I've always felt I should be able to fix everything. When in reality I can only fix, like, every third thing. Trying to fix it all is exhausting. And it doesn't leave energy for writing, which makes me more than a little bitter and sour-grapes-y.

I was happy that tree fell in the right direction. Here's the before picture.


The insurance company wanted it down, or they wouldn't renew our policy. I said, "If it goes through the roof while I'm cutting it down today, I'm covered, right?" They said, "You're covered until the end of the month."

It's probably in the top-10 dumbest things I've ever done, but also among the most satisfying.


And it doesn't leave energy for writing, which makes me more than a little bitter and sour-grapes-y.

If writing helps you better understand yourself, and find comfort where you are right now, that's fixing enough ;)

Man, that was a lucky fall indeed! Does seem tremendous fun, though, and hey, the insurance guys kinda goaded you on, so it was justified ;)