Letting go is one of the most powerful things you can do. For me, letting go was the secret to changing the world around me, and dissolving those things that I was putting so much energy into resisting. When you are faced with a challenge or something you feel stops you from moving forward, change your focus, let it be there but don't give it the negative energy that keeps it around.
You will find that by doing this, your awareness shifts and the problem is suddenly nothing serious, fading away by it's own accord. Earlier this year, I was faced with some troubles of my own. I was ruined financially and this of course made me want to change my situation so bad that I felt stuck, trapped and lost. I soon realized the only problem here was myself and my own mindset. Changing this, I discovered that there is far more power in releasing control than trying to hold onto it.
Great post, hope to see more from you Raymond.