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RE: I've Finally Taken That Last Step I Need to Get On With the Rest of My Life

in #lifestyle4 years ago

Thankyou, @artemislives, means a lot. I'm feeling very brave and very happy. Much has been let go to get to this moment, and I'm proud of myself for working through all that I have to get here. My wings are starting to tremble, ready to flutter, that's for sure!


This "Covid Hothouse" (my current way of thinking about the global crisis) is highlighting so much that ISN'T what we want and empowering so many to let go and give something a shot. Trembling wings is a "thing" for me still 😆 - 31 years since I last worked for a pay cheque from someone else - but the trembles can mean anything from deep fatigue, to total concentration, to complete ecstasy. (I'm sure those commas aren't well placed btw). There IS no going back and that's a good thing. Cos then we become agents of creating a new tomorrow for more than just ourselves. And the world needs so much more of that. Now more than ever.

The path unfolds AFTER you let go.

Yes, we were talking about that in the office this morning - what we all learnt from this. I think a lot of people there would like to leave but they're bound by kids and mortgages and the like. I'm glad you said 'the path unfolds AFTER you let go' - that makes a lot of sense, and I'm hoping that's the case. You are always so brave doing what you do, although I know you'd say it's out of necessity, but still, you are so strong to do what you do.