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RE: “Freely ye have received, freely give.”

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

I was just thinking this morning- What does The Spirit of Christmas really mean. THIS is what the Spirit is. It's giving, and doing. Selflessly.

A handful of years ago my now ex was a veterinary student doing his internship at a popular animal hospital chain.

He started bringing home dogs and cats who were on the day's kill list- he could not allow them to be euthanized because of a humans laziness or abuse.

This morphed into what my boys names Rehealth. Reheart. Rehome.

We began taking in the serious cases of extreme burn and abuse. We would care for the medical first, then teach them to trust and love, then find a good forever home for them.

This also morphed into helping the human survivors of abuse. Many of our pets have gone to a human survivor- they understand each other and help each other heal.

I am a single mother of three with no child support or family. I struggle daily, that is a fact. But I can't not help.

Most of the medical supplies and prescriptions are donated by the veterinarians I work with, however I cover all the other expenses.

One of my kittens went to a woman who survived an attempted murder from the hands of her husband. She lost her arm. The kitten had lost his toes, part of his jaw, and ear from a man's abuse. They send me Christmas cards each year- two years ago they moved to Paris and are enjoying their lives, healing and content.

I do this not to get rich- that will not happen in this field. I do this because of the lives I save- both human and animal. There is no word for the feeling in my heart when I watch an untrusting kitten finally come out from hiding after weeks under my couch, then weeks later finally trust enough to curl up on your lap- and that first purr. That first purr after months of growls and claws... There is no word.

Then, watching the loving bond form between the kitten and his new owner, who is suffering as well...

They truly help each other heal and not only survive- but thrive. And they help me know there is hope in this world. There can be goodness after tragedy.

Thank you for starting this, great idea <3