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RE: “Freely ye have received, freely give.”

in #lighttheworld7 years ago (edited)

It’s more a holiday message, but once I was at a conference and the food was flowing. I was a pig. I ate two sandwiches and for some reason made myself a third. I was like wtf what is wrong with me. So I took that sandwhich and left the conference. I scowered the streets and looked for any homeless person to give that big fat sandwhich too. I was lucky and found someone to offload the excessive abuse of food. I realized how much we throw out. I always remember what I did, and wish others would follow suit. I love that I did that, because it left a lasting memory of how much we have and take for granted. I don’t have a christmas tree but I do light up the chanukia. Not hijacking anyone’s holiday spirit. Good is good and we can all encourage that. So happy holidays to all. - good luck with you initiative!