Matt 25 vs 43
'' I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.''
This brings to my mind a potentially painful point, which I'll would have loved not to talk about, but I just have to – all those kids’ clothes we are storing in the basement for a potential future child, or the ones in our own closets that are too small but we hope will fit us again one day (if we can finally stick to that diet/exercise plan and lose weight) … maybe we shouldn’t be storing those “just in case.” Maybe we should be giving those away instead.
Obviously they are clothes that we like and think are worthy to be worn again. We wouldn’t keep them if we didn’t. But, they are not clothes that we have a current need for and we’re not even sure we will ever have a future need for them either. And there are people out there who do have current needs.
Let's trust God to handle our future needs, and then walk in faith by giving out these '' just in case'' clothes.