We take them in and feed clothe and house them and give them medical care. What are we doing wrong?
I give you a hint: Human children are not animals to put in a zoo. And even there those conditions would violate animal protection laws.
There are no laws that require children to be separated from their parents, or that call for criminal prosecutions of all undocumented border crossers. Those practices were established by the Trump administration.
source: Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border
Anyway, it doesn't matter under which president ist started. If it started under Obama, then it has gone on for a whole fucking year in which Trump did nothing to stop it. And since he is so interested in the border he did now about it and didn't give a shit about those children.
It's not a zoo until reporters and politicians insist on going there to stare at the kids and take selfies. Anyhow you didn't say what exactly was wrong with the conditions, you just inaccurately characterized them as zoos.
So let me get this right, there are laws criminalizing illegal border crossing but you think the president should not enforce them?
Where can you go and be arrested with your kids and not be separated from them when they put you in jail?
You are a good student of Trump. Nitpicking instead of defending what you do with arguments and using the point that is ritizised as a reason.
So let me ask you again:
Do you think it is morally okay to put children into cages that are identical to those in zoos with conditions that would be illegal for "normal" prisoners (at least in civilized countries, I don't know about the US) for the reasons that someone else did something that should not be illegal?
I am still waiting on you to tell me exactly what conditions would be illegal, these children, many of whom were set alone atop trains by the people who are supposed to care about them, are being kept in more than adequate and humane conditions. What's the illegal part?